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使用 js 配置,开发 ant-design 表单


npm / yarn 安装:

$ npm install --save antd-form-render
$ yarn add antd-form-render


  1. 基于 js 配置开发
  2. 支持等分空间排列 / 等间距排列
  3. 支持表单联动
  4. 支持全量渲染 / 局部渲染
  5. 支持动态增 / 删 / 改表单项目
  6. 与react数据驱动视图理念保持一致UI=F(state)
  7. 基于react-hooks
  8. 基于一维数组 / 二维数组, 可实现任意表单布局
  9. 使用 typescript 编写,开发智能提示
  10. 经历了生产十多个大小项目使用


1. 一行一列排列


import React from 'react';
import { Form, Button, Input } from 'antd';
import FormRender from 'antd-form-render';

const Ex = () => {
  const [form] = Form.useForm();

  const layoutData = [
      type: Input,
      name: 'tel',
      label: '手机号',
      elProps: {
        maxLength: 11,
        placeholder: '请输入',
      itemProps: {
        rules: [
          { required: true, message: '请输入' },
          { pattern: /^1\d{10}$/, message: '手机号必须为11位数字' },
      type: Input.Password,
      label: '密码',
      placeholder: '请输入',
      name: 'pwd',
      itemProps: {
        rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入' }],
      render() {
        return (
          <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">

  return (
    <Form form={form}>
      <FormRender layoutData={layoutData}></FormRender>

2. 一行n列排列 (n<=4)


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Input, Radio, Form } from 'antd';
import FormRender from 'antd-form-render';

const Ex = () => {
  const layoutData = [];
  const [cols, setCols] = useState(4);

  for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
      type: Input,
      label: `输入框${i + 1}`,
      placeholder: '请输入',
      name: `name${i}`,

  return (
    <Form layout="vertical">
      <Radio.Group onChange={(e) => setCols(Number(} value={cols}>
        <Radio value={1}>1行1列</Radio>
        <Radio value={2}>1行2列</Radio>
        <Radio value={3}>1行3列</Radio>
        <Radio value={4}>1行4列</Radio>

      <FormRender layoutData={layoutData} cols={cols}></FormRender>

3. 等间距排列


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Input, Radio, Form } from 'antd';
import { FormSpaceRender } from 'antd-form-render';

const Ex = () => {
  const layout = [];
  const [space, setSpace] = useState(8);

  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      type: Input,
      label: `输入框${i + 1}`,
      placeholder: '请输入',
      name: `name${i}`,

  return (
    <Form layout="horizontal">
      <Radio.Group onChange={(e) => setSpace(Number(} value={space}>
        <Radio value={8}>8px</Radio>
        <Radio value={16}>16px</Radio>
        <Radio value={24}>24px</Radio>
        <Radio value={32}>32px</Radio>

      <FormSpaceRender layoutData={layout} size={space}></FormSpaceRender>



import React from 'react';
import { Input, Radio, Form, Space, Button } from 'antd';
import FormRender from 'antd-form-render';

const Ex = () => {
  const layoutData = [
        type: Input,
        label: '姓名',
        name: 'name',
        rules: [{ required: true, message: '请填写' }],
        elProps: {
          placeholder: '请填写姓名',
        type: Radio.Group,
        label: '性别',
        name: 'gender',
        rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择' }],
        elProps: {
          options: [
            { label: '女', value: 0 },
            { label: '男', value: 1 },
        type: Input.TextArea,
        label: '个人简',
        elProps: {
          rows: 6,
        placeholder: '请输入',
        name: 'bio',
        render() {
          return (
              <Button type="default">取消</Button>
              <Button type="primary">保存</Button>

  return (
      <FormRender layoutData={layoutData}></FormRender>


  1. 定义 form onValuesChange 同步状态到外部 state, 触发重新渲染实现表单联动(全量渲染)
  2. 利用 Form.Item dependencies / shouldUpdate 和自定义 render 实现表单联动 (非全量渲染)


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Form, Radio } from 'antd';
import FormRender from 'antd-form-render';

const Ex = () => {
  const [form] = Form.useForm();
  const [form1] = Form.useForm();

  //#region 全量渲染联动

  // 用于同步表单状态
  const [data, setData] = useState<{ gender?: string }>({});

  const layoutData = [
      type: Radio.Group,
      label: '性别',
      name: 'gender',
      elProps: {
        options: [
          { label: '男', value: '男生' },
          { label: '女', value: '女生' },
      type: 'div',
      label: '你是',
      elProps: {
        children: data?.gender || '未选择',

  //#endregion 全量渲染联动

  //#region 局部联动渲染

  // 基于Form.Item dependency/shouldUpdate 实现表单联动,局部渲染
  const layoutData1 = [
      type: Radio.Group,
      label: '性别',
      name: 'gender',
      elProps: {
        options: [
          { label: '男', value: '男生' },
          { label: '女', value: '女生' },
      render() {
        // dependencies
        return (
          <Form.Item label="你是" dependencies={['gender']}>
            {() => {
              const gender = form1.getFieldValue('gender');
              return gender || '未选择';
      render() {
        // shouldUpdate
        return (
          <Form.Item shouldUpdate label="你是">
            {() => {
              return form1.getFieldValue('gender');

  //#endregion 局部联动渲染

  return (
      <p>1.定义onValuesChange 同步状态到state , 触发全量渲染实现表单联动</p>

        onValuesChange={(v) => {
          setData((p) => ({ ...p, ...v }));
        <FormRender layoutData={layoutData}></FormRender>

      <p>2.基于Form.Item dependency/shouldUpdate 实现表单联动,局部渲染</p>

      <Form form={form1}>
        <FormRender layoutData={layoutData1}></FormRender>



import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Input, Radio, Form, Space, Button } from 'antd';
import { MinusCircleOutlined, PlusCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import FormRender from 'antd-form-render';

const Ex = () => {
  const [form] = Form.useForm();
  const [jobExps, setJobExps] = useState([
      id: 0,
      title: '蓝翔技校挖掘机老师',
      id: 1,
      title: '北大青鸟厨师',
      id: 2,
      title: '清华扫地僧',

  const jobExpLayout = jobExps?.map((ex, index) => ({
    name: ['jobs', index],
    type: Input,
    label: '工作经历' + (index + 1),
    elProps: {
      placeholder: '请填写',
      addonAfter: jobExps.length > 1 && (
          onClick={() => {
            const jobs = form.getFieldValue('jobs');
            jobs.splice(index, 1);
    , i) => ({
                id: jobExps[i].id,
                title: e,
    itemProps: {
      initialValue: ex.title,
    rules: [{ required: true }],

  const layout = [
      type: Input,
      label: '姓名',
      name: 'name',
      rules: [{ required: true, message: '请填写' }],
      elProps: {
        placeholder: '请填写姓名',
      type: Radio.Group,
      label: '性别',
      name: 'gender',
      rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择' }],
      elProps: {
        options: [
          { label: '女', value: 0 },
          { label: '男', value: 1 },
    // 动态更新组件
      render() {
        return (
          <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', marginBottom: 24 }}>
              icon={<PlusCircleOutlined />}
              onClick={() => {
                setJobExps([...jobExps, { id:, title: '' }]);
      type: Input.TextArea,
      label: '个人简',
      elProps: {
        rows: 6,
      placeholder: '请输入',
      name: 'bio',

      render() {
        return (
          <Space style={{ justifyContent: 'flex-end', width: '100%' }}>
            <Button type="default">取消</Button>
            <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">

  return (
    <Form onFinish={console.log} form={form}>
      <FormRender layoutData={layout}></FormRender>

export default DynamicForm;


// 配置项定义
export declare type Item = {
  /** 要渲染的组件,比如Input,Button,"input"  */
  type?: React.ComponentType | string;
  /** 字段名,支持数组,透传给Form.Item */
  name?: string | Array<string | number>;
  /** 标签 透传给Form.Item*/
  label?: React.ReactNode;
  /** 自定义渲染 */
  render?: () => React.ReactNode;
  /** 动态返回Item,优先级高于render */
  getJSON?: () => Item | null;
  /** 组件props,会透传给type定义的组件 */
  elProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
  /** Form.Item的props,会透传给Form.Item */
  itemProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
  /** Form.Itemrules,也可在itemProps里定义  */
  rules?: Rule[];

// 默认导出组件
 * 等分空间布局, 每个组件等分一行空间
 * 一维数组:从上往下一行放一个组件 ,设置了cols则一行显示cols(1/2/3/4)个组件
 * 二维数组:子数组配置的所有组件渲染为一行(不定列布局)
 * 数组(或子数组)内组件会等分一行所占空间,内部采用Row,Col布局
 * @export
 * @param {FormRenderProps} {
 *   layoutData: Item[] | Item[][];
 *   cols = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4,
 * }
 * @return {*}  {React.ReactElement}
export default function FormRenderer({
 * 1或2维数组,存储组件配置信息/自定义渲染组件
 * 定义一行渲染几个组件,layoutData为一维数组时生效, 可以是: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4, 默认1,
cols, }: FormRenderProps): React.ReactElement;

// 命名导出组件
 * 等间距排列 (常用于列表页面的搜索等)
 * @export
 * @param {SpaceLayoutProps} {
 *   layoutData,
 *   ...props 参考:antd Space组件的props
 * }
 * @return {*}  {React.ReactElement}
export function FormSpaceRender({
 * 1维数组,存储组件配置信息/自定义渲染组件
layoutData, ...props }: SpaceLayoutProps): React.ReactElement;