- 5369669: fix: apply response transformation before validation
- 579b899: Requires latest typebox version, 0.34.0. Decorators use TransformDecode for schema type inference.
- 659837c: fix: stricter response validation typings
- 0e46d5c: feat: support for request description and example
- 23d5c89: fix: cooercion and defaults of param and query request types
- 4f2fcc8: fix: detect schemas with defaults properly
- 2f56ec8: feat: upgraded to typebox 0.32.0
- ffa676f: feat: upgrading typebox in preparation for v3 releast
- 95c0123: chore: upgrade typebox to latest stable
- 163be99: fix: export types
- ff46411: feat: add some more typebox utilities
- 87181c4: fix: revert prev commit for now
- 09f6e3e: fix: explcitly type DistPick and DistOmit return types
- 56c4916: fix: simplify DistOmit and DistPick typings for better inference
- 03645a5: fix: handle empty responses
- 7a0a776: Add UnionPartialSome typebox helper
- ffa676f: feat: upgrading typebox in preparation for v3 releast
- 03645a5: fix: handle empty responses
- 87181c4: fix: revert prev commit for now
- 09f6e3e: fix: explcitly type DistPick and DistOmit return types
- 95c0123: chore: upgrade typebox to latest stable
- 7a0a776: Add UnionPartialSome typebox helper
- 163be99: fix: export types
- ff46411: feat: add some more typebox utilities
- 56c4916: fix: simplify DistOmit and DistPick typings for better inference
- feat: upgraded to typebox 0.32.0
- fc130b1: fix: support for passing pipe classes without instantiation
- 97e4c28: feat: transform pipe support for request validators
- ba0c38b: update deps
- 50afcd1: updated peer dep range to support nest 10
- 74357c3: chore: updated readme with decorator usage
- 5afcaba: remove useless generic
- 6f85747: Make schema optional for param and query validators
- 4ec4c58: Automatically apply interceptor. New HttpEndpoint decorator
- 87f3ccc: provide a default name for responses and body
- f922327: separate response and request validator configuration
- c128d38: Upgrade typebox
- 4d38b6e: feat: new ValidateResp decorator experiment
- b9c33c2: vite lib mode and esm just arent there yet
- 1af7324: Fix package exports again
- 7e14c0e: include typings
- 6bd610a: use cjs and mjs file extensions on build output
- fe17f29: fix: use file extension when importing absolute nestjs files
- 646a659: Migrate to ESM. Major bump just to be safe
- d6d8b0c: update deps
- 41e2c08: fix: restore typebox dto typecheck in interceptor
- 05b5975: force dto type as any when returning union
- 82ab159: fix: merge union schemas so dto classes can construct them
- 05eed8f: Loosen type restrictions on dtos
- 2f5606f: update deps
- 7f5e932: handle undefined parameter decorator keys
- ce13144: Upgrade vite-dts lib to get proper types emitted
- ac3e770: Support for latest typebox and vitejs versions
- cc7bc57: Ugprade typebox dep
- c2e150f: feat: basic support for object unions
- 5b86b6d: support for integer data type
- 6941dcb: preserve this context when calling dto validate
- f233aa4: fix: response transformer should leave non-arrays as is
- 20dcd69: Remove concept of transform for now and allow beforeValidate to return new data
- 820ac92: fix: swap esbuild for swc to make sure __metadata is emitted
- 6cd9762: Add usage instructions to readme
- 083d296: use apply to call original swagger method to avoid clobbering this
- 65de093: simplify swagger patch now that bug is fixed
- bae856d: Copy zod patch approach to see if that fixes things
- b9c40c4: Stop minifying dist files
- 14f01df: fix publish
- 3008e6f: First release