To simplify front end design, there is now an app for configuring the front end (appearance and navigation) of your site. Behind the scenes, the app is generating template overrides and CSS stylesheets based on your configuration.
The themes app can be accessed at https://[yoursite] There are 3 steps:
Select a theme (/themes/select/)
You can choose from a set of pre-defined layouts. We have adapted the most commonly used site designs and added two new ones geared towards simpler sites. You may need to force-refresh (hold the Shift key while refreshing the page) after loading a new theme in order to retrieve updated stylesheets. If there is a problem loading one of the themes, please contact web support. If you are switching from one theme to another, you should save a copy of your logo and any modifications to the
template overrides before changing to the new theme because the process of switching will overwrite the current versions of these files. (If you don't know what template overrides are, you probably don't have any modifications, but you may certainly contact web support for help.)
See also the list of Available Themes.
Set up the theme (/themes/setup/)
You will be presented with a form for information needed by the theme to display properly. Most themes will require certain text fragments (e.g. page title, group contact information) to be provided. Some also have customizable navigation links.
Customize the theme (/themes/customize/)
This is an opportunity to differentiate your site from the others by altering its appearance without affecting functionality. You will see a multi-section form. Define a set of colors in the first section "Palette" and set color and shape options in the subsequent sections. You can load and save a collection of these customizations (for instance, to change the color scheme with the season or with the next upcoming program). You may have to force-refresh (Shift + refresh) the page to see the updated color scheme.
In addition to the color scheme, each theme has standard slots to include images. (The barebones theme has none, bigpicture has a background picture and a foreground logo, circles and floaty both have a slot for a logo, and fruitsalad has a logo and an optional "bubbles" front page.) To change the logo or other theme-related image, navigate to the Filebrowser by clicking on "Manage Media Files" in the admin toolbar on the left of the screen. Click the "images" folder then the "theme" folder, and find the image that matches the current logo (or other image you want to customize). Most logos are named
. Take note of the dimensions of the current file! Any image you upload should not differ dramatically in size or shape. Click "Change" next to the file you want to replace, and click "Delete" in the bottom left corner. Upload your own image to the same folder, and rename it tologo.png
(or whatever the name of the file you replaced was). To do so, go to the folder to which you uploaded the image, click "Change" next to your image, and change the "name" field. As with the color customization, you may have to force-refresh (Shift + refresh) the page where the image will be displayed to see the change.
You are not required to use the themes app; you may still manually edit template overrides and upload media files to control the appearance of the site. (Please note that loading a theme will delete or overwrite your template overrides, so you should keep copies if you are experimenting.) The themes app provides a simplified alternative and we hope that all of our sites will use it as soon as their designs have been added to our repository as themes.