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File metadata and controls

119 lines (91 loc) · 6.59 KB


Bundle configuration

The bundle can be configured using a YAML file in the Symfony project configuration ( ex: config/packages/lephare_import.yaml).

            <preset_name>: ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

Import report recipients presets can be defined globally. Replace <preset_name> with the name of the setting, followed by a list of emails. Each import configuration will then be able to use a preset.

Configuring an import

An import is described in a YAML file.

# config/import/my_import.yaml

name: my_import

log_dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/var/log/import"
source_dir: "var/exchange/input"

    enabled: true
    dir: "var/exchange/input/archives/my_import"

    enabled: true
    dir: "var/exchange/input/quarantine/my_import"
    # ...
    # ...

# Unused
label: my_import
Name Mandatory (default) Type
name string Import name
log_dir ➖ (null) ?string Path to the folder where the logs are stored
source_dir string Path to the folder containing the files to be imported
archive see archive Archiving options
quarantine see quarantine Quarantine options
email_report see email_report Email sending options
resources see resources List of resources

Deprecated options

Name Mandatory (default) Type Replacement
archive_rotation integer archive.rotation Number of archiving files to be kept
quarantine_rotation integer quarantine.rotation Number of quarantine files to be kept

Unused options

Name Mandatory (default) Type
label ➖ (null) ?string


Name Mandatory (default) Type
dir ➖ (null) ?string Path to the folder where import files are stored in the event of quarantine
enabled ➖ (true) boolean Activate/deactivate archiving
rotation ➖ (30) integer Number of archiving files to be kept


Name Mandatory (default) Type
dir ➖ (null) ?string Path to the folder where import files are stored in the event of quarantine
enabled ➖ (true) boolean Activate/deactivate quarantine
rotation ➖ (30) integer Number of quarantine files to be kept


    email_from: [email protected]
    recipients: <preset_name>
    subject_pattern: "[%status%] Import report : %name%"
    email_template: null
Name Mandatory (default) Type
email_from ?string Sender's email address
recipients ➖ ([]) string[] | string Email(s) of recipient(s) or preset name defined in bundle configuration
subject_pattern ➖ ([%status%] Import report : %name%) string Email subject. Placeholders %name% and %status% are replaced automatically
email_template ➖ (null) ?string Path to a Twig email template file


A resource can load and/or copy data. An import can define one or more resources to be imported sequentially.

    tablename: user
        # ...
        # ...
Name Mandatory (default) Type
<name> string Replace <name> with a resource name
tablename string Name of the temporary table created for the import
load Describes how to load data into the temporary table, see Load data
copy Describes how to copy data from the temporary table to the target table, see Copy data