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lavalibs support server

A simple queue system for Lavalink, backed by Redis. Built as extension of my generic Lavalink wrapper.

How to use

const { Client: Lavaqueue } = require('lavaqueue');
const voice = new Lavaqueue({
  userID: '', // the user that will be sending audio
  password: '', // your lavalink password
  hosts: {
    rest: '', // your lavalink rest endpoint (include port and protocol)
    ws: '', // your lavalink ws endpoint (include port and protocol)
    redis: '', // your redis instance
  send(guildID, packet) {
    // send the packet to the appropriate gateway connection
  advanceBy(queue, { previous, remaining }) { // optional
    // called at the end of a track when the queue is otherwise unaware of how many tracks to
    // advance by; returns a number: 0 to repeat, negative to advance in reverse, positive to
    // advance forward

async function connect() {
  const res = await voice.load('some identifier');
  const queue = voice.queues.get('some guild ID');

  await queue.player.join('channel id'); // join the voice channel
  await queue.add( => t.track)); // add songs to the queue
  await queue.start(); // start the queue

async function skip() {
  await voice.queues.get('some guild ID').next();

async function stop() {
  await voice.queues.get('some guild ID').stop();

Queues are resilient to crashes, meaning it's safe to blindly restart a queue: it will attempt to recover the previous song at the point the crash occurred. You can restart all currently playing queues by calling voice.queues.start(), although it is recommended to do so as infrequently as possible.



  • store: QueueStore
  • guildID: string
  • readonly player - the lavalink player
  • start(): Promise<boolean> - start the queue
  • add(...tracks: string[]): Promise<number> - add tracks to the queue
  • unshift(...tracks: string[]): Promise<number> - add tracks to the front of the queue
  • remove(track: string): PromiseLike<number> - remove a track from the queue
  • next(count: number = 1): Promise<boolean> - skip to the next song; pass negatives to advance in reverse, or 0 to repeat
  • sort(predicate?: (a: string, b: string) => number): Promise<number> - sort the upcoming tracks; resolves with the length of the queue
  • move(from: number, to: number): Promise<string[]> - move a track by index; resolves with the new list
  • shuffle(): Promise<string[]> - shuffle the list; resolves with the new list
  • splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number, ...tracks: string[]): Promise<string[]> - splice the list at the given position; works like Array#splice
  • trim(start: number, end: number): PromiseLike<string> - trim the queue to between the specified positions
  • stop(): Promise<void> - stop playback
  • clear(): PromiseLike<number> - clear the queue
  • current(): Promise<NP | null> - retrieve the current song: returns an object with properties track and position
  • tracks(start: number = 0, end: number = -1): Promise<string[]> - retrieves queued tracks
interface NP {
  position: number;
  track: string;

QueueStore extends Map<string, Queue>

  • client: Client
  • redis: Redis - the ioredis instance this queue store is using
  • start(filter?: (guildID: string) => boolean) - start all currently playing queues, with an optional filter callback
  • get(key: string): Queue - gets the specified queue, or creates one if none is found