Contributors: Dominic Cicilio
Controlling a lego car via a webpage controller ####Demo:
##High Level Design
Will not work with Node Version > 6.x
Go to a file directory and type the following
git clone
If git is not recognized download git here or download it as a zip file.
Note this only works if your computer has a public url. If it does not, the server will still run but will throw errors when trying to make the REST calls.
Find the project folder.
cd C:/users/you/folder/path/web-lego-car/
Go into config.js
nano C:/users/you/folder/path/web-lego-car/src/webapp/js/config.js
Change the url to be your public url or public domain
url: "http://URL_HERE:3000"
url: "http://DOMAIN_NAME_HERE:3000"
Now go into serverConfig.js
nano C:/users/you/folder/path/web-lego-car/src/server/services/serverConfig.js
Change the socket url to your public url or public domain
SOCKET_URL: "http://URL_HERE:8080/servo",
SOCKET_URL: "http://DOMAIN_NAME_HERE:8080/servo",
Go into the project folder.
cd C:/users/you/folder/path/web-lego-car/
Download node dependencies.
npm install
Build and Run the server
npm start
If this is not running on the RPI an error "Connot find module 'rpio' will appear.
This is totally fine. It just indicates it will not send data to the GPIOs.
In the console development tools in the browser. You are now able to see if the REST call are being sent. If a {"complete": true} is returned, it went through successfully.
In the terminal npm start was entered into you should see output logs of what the webapp is telling the server to do (the data it is receiving).
Fixes wrong keyboard symbols
sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard
Change the XKBLAYOUT property to us:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-POST install -y nodejs
Note: Install version 6 not 7. GPIO library only works with versions < 7
sudo apt-get install python-dev
Not Complete, forgot specifics for Python & RPI dependencies starts both the NodeJS and Python webservers
bash ./start will stop both webservers.
bash ./kill
POST /vehicle/forward
Start moving the vehicle forward
request data: {
speed: Number 0-1
POST /vehicle/backward
Start moving the vehicle backward
request data: {
speed: Number 0-1
POST /vehicle/stop
Stops the vehicle
POST /vehicle/dir
Sets the direction of the wheels (Servo direction)
request data: {
dir: Number 0-180
POST /vehicle/diroffset
Sets the direction offset (Servo offset)
request data: {
offset: Num 0-180
Problem node gyp error TRACKER : error TRK0005 Solution:
Edit rc.local
nano /etc/rc.local
Add commands under comments, before exit 0
cd /home/my/mode/project/folder && npm start