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203 lines (162 loc) · 11.9 KB

🇷🇺 Русским гражданам

Мы, участники Laminas, родились и живем в разных странах. У многих из нас есть друзья, родственники и коллеги как в России, так и в Украине. Некоторые из нас родились в России. Некоторые из нас живут в России. У некоторых бабушки и дедушки сражались с фашистами во Второй мировой войне. Здесь никто не поддерживает фашизм.

У одного из нас есть украинская родственница, которая спаслась из дома вместе с сыном. Поезд задержался из-за бомбежки на дороге впереди. У нас есть друзья, которые прячутся в бомбоубежищах. Мы с тревогой ждем весточки от них после воздушных налетов, которые беспорядочно наносят удары и попадают по больницам, школам, детским садам и домам. Мы не берем это из каких-либо СМИ. Мы наблюдаем это напрямую.

Вы доверяете нам достаточно, чтоб использовать наши программы, и мы просим вас довериться нам вновь. Мы нуждаемся в помощи. Выходите и протестуйте против этой бесполезной войны. Остановите кровопролитие. Скажите "Нет войне!"

🇺🇸 To Citizens of Russia

We at Laminas come from all over the world. Many of us have friends, family and colleagues in both Russia and Ukraine. Some of us were born in Russia. Some of us currently live in Russia. Some have grandparents who fought Nazis in World War II. Nobody here supports fascism.

One team member has a Ukrainian relative who fled her home with her son. The train was delayed due to bombing on the road ahead. We have friends who are hiding in bomb shelters. We anxiously follow up on them after the air raids, which indiscriminately fire at hospitals, schools, kindergartens and houses. We're not taking this from any media. These are our actual experiences.

You trust us enough to use our software. We ask that you trust us to say the truth on this. We need your help. Go out and protest this unnecessary war. Stop the bloodshed. Say "stop the war!"

This repository contains the code for serving, including the Laminas Project Bot.

Laminas Bot

The Laminas Bot acts as:

  • A GitHub webhook handler:

    • Report new issues and pull requests to the Laminas Slack #github channel.
    • Report new issue and pull request commments to the Laminas Slack #github channel.
    • Report repository build status to the Laminas Slack #github channel.
    • Report releases to:
      • The Laminas Slack #github channel.
      • The https://getlaminas API, to allow rebuilding the release RSS feed.
  • A Discourse webhook handler:

    • Report new posts to the category-appropriate channel on the Laminas Slack.
  • A Slack slash command handler for the Technical Steering Committee:

    • /build-docs to trigger a documentation rebuild for a given repository.
    • /register-repo to register the github webhooks for Laminas-BOT with the given repository.
    • /regenerate-tsc-list triggers rebuilding the list of TSC members (the only ones authorized to initiate slash commands).


  • From Slack

    • Create a Bot integration
      • Add the signing secret to the SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET
    • Setup OAuth
      • Add the OAuth token value to SLACK_TOKEN
      • Set the following scopes
        • channels:read
        • chat:write
        • chat:write.public (to allow writing to any public channel)
        • commands
        • groups:read
        • im:read
        • links:read
        • links:write
        • mpim:read
    • Setup Slash commands
    • Setup an incoming webhook
      • Add location to SLACK_WEBHOOK_LOGGING
    • Invite the bot to #technical-steering-committee and #laminasbot-errors
  • From GitHub

    • We need a valid personal access token with "repo" permissions; add to GITHUB_TOKEN
    • We need a signing secret; this can be arbitrary, but once used, must be used for ALL repositories when registering the webhook. Add to GITHUB_SECRET
  • From Discourse

    • We need a signing secret; this can be arbitrary, but once used, must be used when registering ALL webhooks. Add to DISCOURSE_SECRET
  • From Mastodon

    • We need access credentials from a created app as
  • From getlaminas

    • We need the shared web token, as LAMINAS_API_TOKEN.



There are three primary endpoints:

  • /api/discourse/[:channel]/:event is an incoming webhook from Discourse. The :channel is the name of the Slack channel to notify, and the :event currently can only be "post". The webhook takes the payload and creates an App\Discourse\Event\DiscoursePost instance from it, passing that to the event dispatcher to handle before emitting a 202 response.

  • /api/github is an incoming webhook from GitHub. It pulls the event type from the X-GitHub-Event header and from there creates a GitHubPullRequest, GitHubRelease, GitHubStatus, GitHubIssue, or GitHubIssueComment instance before passing it to the event dispatcher to handle. ("ping" events result in an immediate return of a 204 response.)

  • /api/slack is an incoming webhook from Slack, specifically for managing slash commands. The payload is used to create a SlashCommandRequest, which is passed to a SlashCommands instance to match to a SlashCommandInterface implementation and dispatch. Individual implementations marshal appropriate events to dispatch via the event dispatcher.


The repository provides the following event types, with the listed handlers.

Event Type Handler(s) Action taken
App\Discourse\Event\DiscoursePost App\Discourse\Listener\DiscoursePostListener Send a notification to Slack in the appropriate channel of a post creation.
App\GitHub\Event\DocsBuildAction App\GitHub\Listener\DocsBuildActionListener Emit a repository dispatch event on the given repository in order to trigger a documentation rebuild.
App\GitHub\Event\GitHubIssue App\GitHub\Listener\GitHubIssueListener Send a notification to Slack about issue creation or closure.
App\GitHub\Event\GitHubIssueComment App\GitHub\Listener\GitHubIssueCommentListener Send a notification to Slack about comment creation on an issue or pull request.
App\GitHub\Event\GitHubPullRequest App\GitHub\Listener\GitHubPullRequestListener Send a notification to Slack about pull request creation or closure.
App\GitHub\Event\GitHubRelease App\GitHub\Listener\GitHubRelease\SlackListener, App\GitHub\Listener\GitHubReleaseWebsiteUpdateListener Send a notification to Slack about release creation and notify the website of the release so it can update the release RSS feed.
App\GitHub\Event\GitHubStatus App\GitHub\Listener\GitHubStatusListener Send a notification to Slack about a build failure, error, or success.
App\GitHub\Event\RegisterWebhook App\GitHub\Listener\RegisterWebhookListener Use the GitHub API to register the Laminas-BOT webhook with the given repository.
App\Slack\Event\RegenerateAuthorizedUserList App\Slack\Listener\RegenerateAuthorizedUserListListener Use the Slack Web API to rebuild the list of authorized slash command users from the current #technical-steering-committee list.

All listeners are decorated using the DeferredServiceListenerDelegator class from the phly/phly-swoole-taskworker package. This means that they will be executed via Swoole task workers at a later time, allowing the various webhooks to return immediately.

Helper classes

The package provides the following helper classes to allow performing common tasks:

Class Purpose
App\UrlHelper Combines the ServerUrlHelper and UrlHelper into a single class, simplifying generation of absolute URLs.
App\HttpClientInterface Extends the PSR-17 RequestFactoryInterface and adds send(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface; allows us to choose the HTTP client implementation.
App\HttpClient Decorates a GuzzleHttp\Client and PSR-17 RequestFactoryInterface to provide an HTTP client.
App\GitHub\GitHubClient Decorates a HttpClientInterface instance to simplify making API requests to GitHub. Requests generated by the class include the authorization token, and Accept and Content-Type headers.
App\Slack\SlackClient Decorates a HttpClientInterface instance in order to create requests to send to Slack, and marshal the response correctly. Includes methods for sending to a Slack webhook, as well as directly to its Web API.
App\Slack\SlashCommand\AuthorizedUserList Memoizes a list of users authorized to execute slash commands from Slack, based on current membership in the #technical-steering-committee channel.

Slack messages

The project provides an API for creating Slack messages using Slack's Block Kit API, and the classes providing the support are under the App\Slack\Domain namespace. Implementations include:

All of these objects support:

  • Validation to ensure they have correct structure.
  • Casting to the structure required by Slack.


  • GitHub webhooks are expected to have a secret associated that matches the one in the production deployment environment of the bot. The secret is used by GitHub to create a request signature, and then by the bot to verify the signature on receipt of a webhook payload.

  • Discourse webhooks are expected to use a shared secret to verify a request signature provided in each payload.

  • Slack provides a signed secrets verification method that webhooks can use to validate a request originates from Slack. The functionality includes both a request timestamp and the signature. Stale timestamps can indicate a replay attack, so we can reject any older than a set amount of time. The combination of the timestamp and body are used along with a shared secret to determine if the signature is valid.

  • Slack slash commands require that the user initiating them is in the list of technical steering committee members. If not, an error message is returned to the user immediately. The list is generated on application initialization, and again on receipt of a /regenerate-tsc-list command.