- {item.title}
- {item.content}
+ {item.icon &&
+ React.createElement(item.icon, { className: "text-5xl text-white" })}
+ {item.title}
+ {item.tip}
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTA.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTA.tsx
index 72bb921..1a52401 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTA.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTA.tsx
@@ -1,29 +1,114 @@
/* eslint-disable react/no-unescaped-entities */
import CTAButton from '@/components/home/CTAButton';
-import { RoughNotation } from 'react-rough-notation';
+import { siteConfig } from "@/config/site";
+import Image from "next/image";
+import Link from "next/link";
+import React from 'react';
const CTA = ({ locale, CTALocale, stars }: { locale: any; CTALocale: any; stars: number }) => {
+ const d = new Date();
+ const currentYear = d.getFullYear();
+ const { authors, footerService, footerProducts, footerLinks } = siteConfig;
+ const LogoFC = () => (
return (
- {locale.description1}
- {locale.description2}
- {locale.description3}
- {locale.description4}
- {locale.description5}
- {locale.description6}
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTAButton.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTAButton.tsx
index 5d5786f..a5c110b 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTAButton.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/CTAButton.tsx
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { RocketIcon } from 'lucide-react';
import Link from 'next/link';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-const CTAButton = ({ locale, stars: initialStars }: { locale: any; stars: number }) => {
+const CTAButton = ({ locale, stars: initialStars, showGithub = true }: { locale: any; stars: number, showGithub?: boolean }) => {
const [stars, setStars] = useState(initialStars);
useEffect(() => {
@@ -17,38 +17,40 @@ const CTAButton = ({ locale, stars: initialStars }: { locale: any; stars: number
if (stargazers_count && stargazers_count !== initialStars) {
- } catch (error) {}
+ } catch (error) { }
}, [initialStars]);
return (
+ {
+ showGithub && (
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/FAQ.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/FAQ.tsx
index 1863a74..635ff9d 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/FAQ.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/FAQ.tsx
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import { ALL_FAQS } from "@/config/faqs";
import { Accordion, AccordionItem } from "@nextui-org/react";
import { PlusIcon } from "lucide-react";
-import { RoughNotation } from "react-rough-notation";
// update rough notation highlight
function triggerResizeEvent() {
@@ -24,25 +23,29 @@ const FAQ = ({
return (
- {locale.title}
+ {/* */}
+ {locale.title}
+ {/* */}
+ {locale.description}
- {locale.title}
- {locale.description}
+ {/* */}
+ {locale.title}
+ {/* */}
+ {locale.description}
{FEATURES?.map((feature, index) => (
{feature.icon &&
React.createElement(feature.icon, { className: "text-2xl" })}
+ {locale.doYouLike}
+ {locale.follow}
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Hero.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Hero.tsx
index 6cd1355..ca07eac 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Hero.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Hero.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use client';
-import { LineText } from '@/components/LineText';
import CTAButton from '@/components/home/CTAButton';
import { motion } from 'framer-motion';
+import Image from "next/image";
const Hero = ({ locale, CTALocale, stars }: { locale: any; CTALocale: any; stars: number }) => {
return (
@@ -20,12 +20,26 @@ const Hero = ({ locale, CTALocale, stars }: { locale: any; CTALocale: any; stars
- {locale.title1} {locale.title2} {locale.title3}
+ 9w+
+ {locale.maker}
+ {locale.title1}
+ {/* {locale.title2} */}
+ {locale.title3}
- {/* {siteConfig.description} */}
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Pricing.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Pricing.tsx
index b3bb90f..b50af67 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Pricing.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Pricing.tsx
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import {
import { siteConfig } from "@/config/site";
import { ALL_TIERS } from "@/config/tiers";
import { FaCheck } from "react-icons/fa";
-import { RoughNotation } from "react-rough-notation";
const Pricing = ({
@@ -32,10 +31,10 @@ const Pricing = ({
className="flex flex-col justify-center max-w-4xl items-center pt-16"
- {locale.title}
+ {/* */}
+ {locale.title}
+ {/* */}
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Video.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Video.tsx
index dae490e..02c692c 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Video.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/home/Video.tsx
@@ -57,20 +57,23 @@ const VideoPlayer = ({
return (
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/icons/moon.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/icons/moon.tsx
index f7bbf75..f038b5a 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/icons/moon.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/icons/moon.tsx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default function PhMoonFill(props: any) {
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/components/ui/select.tsx b/projects/fastgpt/components/ui/select.tsx
index cbe5a36..c103ed3 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/components/ui/select.tsx
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/components/ui/select.tsx
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"use client"
-import * as React from "react"
import * as SelectPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-select"
import { Check, ChevronDown, ChevronUp } from "lucide-react"
+import * as React from "react"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const SelectTrigger = React.forwardRef<
+ "flex h-10 w-full items-center justify-between rounded-md px-3 py-2 text-sm ring-offset-background placeholder:text-muted-foreground focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-ring focus:ring-offset-2 disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50 [&>span]:line-clamp-1 gap-1",
@@ -147,14 +147,6 @@ const SelectSeparator = React.forwardRef<
SelectSeparator.displayName = SelectPrimitive.Separator.displayName
export {
- Select,
- SelectGroup,
- SelectValue,
- SelectTrigger,
- SelectContent,
- SelectLabel,
- SelectItem,
- SelectSeparator,
- SelectScrollUpButton,
- SelectScrollDownButton,
+ Select, SelectContent, SelectGroup, SelectItem, SelectLabel, SelectScrollDownButton, SelectScrollUpButton, SelectSeparator, SelectTrigger, SelectValue
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/config/ability.ts b/projects/fastgpt/config/ability.ts
index 6f7d1ac..5dd434d 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/config/ability.ts
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/config/ability.ts
@@ -1,27 +1,45 @@
+import { LucideIcon } from "lucide-react";
+import { IconType } from "react-icons";
+import { AiFillApi } from "react-icons/ai";
+import { FaDatabase, FaLayerGroup, FaRobot } from "react-icons/fa";
export const ABILITYS_EN = [
title: "Domain-Specific AI Assistant",
"Create AI-powered chatbots for specific domains by training models with imported documents or Q&A pairs.",
image: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant_dark.png",
+ tip: "Learn More >",
+ icon: FaRobot,
title: "Automated Data Preprocessing",
"Save time and improve efficiency with automated text preprocessing, vectorization, and QA segmentation.",
image: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import_dark.png",
+ tip: "Learn More >",
+ icon: FaDatabase,
title: "Workflow Orchestration",
"Support AI Workflow orchestration, Design complex workflow using a visual drag-and-drop interface, integrating tasks like database queries and inventory checks.",
image: "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings_dark.png",
+ tip: "Learn More >",
+ icon: FaLayerGroup,
title: "Seamless API Integration",
"Seamlessly connect with existing GPT applications and platforms like Discord, Slack, and Telegram using OpenAI-aligned APIs.",
image: "/images/ability/en/openapi.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/openapi_dark.png",
+ tip: "Learn More >",
+ icon: AiFillApi,
@@ -30,23 +48,35 @@ export const ABILITYS_ZH = [
title: "特定领域 AI 客服",
content: "通过导入文档或问答对来训练 AI 模型,使其能够基于特定领域知识库进行交互式对话,构建特定领域的 AI 智能客服。",
image: "/images/ability/zh/ai_assiatant.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/zh/ai_assiatant_dark.png",
+ tip: "了解更多 >",
+ icon: FaRobot,
title: "自动化数据预处理",
"提供手动输入、直接分段、LLM 自动处理等多种数据导入方式,自动完成文本预处理、向量化和 QA 分割,节省手动训练时间,提高效率。",
image: "/images/ability/zh/dataset_import.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/zh/dataset_import_dark.png",
+ tip: "了解更多 >",
+ icon: FaDatabase,
title: "工作流编排",
"支持工作流(AI Workflow)编排,可以基于可视化的拖拽界面设计更加复杂的问答流程,如查询数据库、查询库存、预约实验室等。",
image: "/images/ability/zh/advanced_settings.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/zh/advanced_settings_dark.png",
+ tip: "了解更多 >",
+ icon: FaLayerGroup,
title: "强大的 API 集成",
content: "提供与 OpenAI 官方接口对齐的 API,直接接入现有 GPT 应用,轻松集成企业微信、公众号、飞书等平台。",
image: "/images/ability/zh/openapi.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/zh/openapi_dark.png",
+ tip: "了解更多 >",
+ icon: AiFillApi,
@@ -55,23 +85,35 @@ export const ABILITYS_JA = [
title: "ドメイン特化型AIアシスタント",
content: "インポートされたドキュメントやQ&Aペアでモデルをトレーニングすることで、特定のドメインに特化したAIチャットボットを作成します。",
image: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant_dark.png",
+ tip: "詳細を見る >",
+ icon: FaRobot,
title: "自動データ前処理",
image: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import_dark.png",
+ tip: "詳細を見る >",
+ icon: FaDatabase,
title: "ワークフローオーケストレーション",
image: "/images/ability/zh/advanced_settings.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/zh/advanced_settings_dark.png",
+ tip: "詳細を見る >",
+ icon: FaLayerGroup,
title: "シームレスなAPI統合",
content: "OpenAI準拠のAPIを使用して、Discord、Slack、Telegramなどの既存のGPTアプリケーションやプラットフォームとシームレスに接続します。",
image: "/images/ability/en/openapi.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/openapi_dark.png",
+ tip: "詳細を見る >",
+ icon: AiFillApi,
@@ -79,22 +121,34 @@ export const ABILITYS_AR = [
"content": "استخدم الدردشات الآلية المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لمجالات محددة من خلال تدريب النماذج باستيراد المستندات أو أزواج الأسئلة والأجوبة.",
"image": "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant.png",
- "title": "مساعد ذكاء اصطناعي خاص بالمجال"
+ "title": "مساعد ذكاء اصطناعي خاص بالمجال",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant_dark.png",
+ tip: "اعرف المزيد >",
+ icon: FaRobot,
"content": "وفر الوقت وحسّن الكفاءة من خلال المعالجة المسبقة الآلية للنصوص، والتحويل إلى متجهات، وتقسيم الأسئلة والأجوبة.",
"image": "/images/ability/en/dataset_import.png",
- "title": "المعالجة المسبقة الآلية للبيانات"
+ "title": "المعالجة المسبقة الآلية للبيانات",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import_dark.png",
+ tip: "اعرف المزيد >",
+ icon: FaDatabase,
"content": "ادعم تنسيق سير عمل الذكاء الاصطناعي، وصمم سير عمل معقدًا باستخدام واجهة سحب وإفلات مرئية، ودمج مهام مثل استعلامات قواعد البيانات وفحوصات المخزون.",
"image": "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings.png",
- "title": "تنسيق سير العمل"
+ "title": "تنسيق سير العمل",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings_dark.png",
+ tip: "اعرف المزيد >",
+ icon: FaLayerGroup,
"content": "اتصل بسلاسة بتطبيقات ومنصات GPT الحالية مثل Discord و Slack و Telegram باستخدام واجهات برمجة التطبيقات المتوافقة مع OpenAI.",
"image": "/images/ability/en/openapi.png",
- "title": "تكامل سلس لواجهة برمجة التطبيقات"
+ "title": "تكامل سلس لواجهة برمجة التطبيقات",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/openapi_dark.png",
+ tip: "اعرف المزيد >",
+ icon: AiFillApi,
@@ -104,24 +158,36 @@ export const ABILITYS_ES = [
"Crea chatbots impulsados por IA para dominios específicos entrenando modelos con documentos importados o pares de preguntas y respuestas.",
image: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant_dark.png",
+ tip: "Saber más >",
+ icon: FaRobot,
title: "Preprocesamiento Automatizado de Datos",
"Ahorra tiempo y mejora la eficiencia con el preprocesamiento automatizado de texto, la vectorización y la segmentación de preguntas y respuestas.",
image: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import_dark.png",
+ tip: "Saber más >",
+ icon: FaDatabase,
title: "Orquestación de Flujos de Trabajo",
"Soporta la orquestación de flujos de trabajo de IA, diseña flujos de trabajo complejos utilizando una interfaz visual de arrastrar y soltar, integrando tareas como consultas a bases de datos y verificaciones de inventario.",
image: "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings_dark.png",
+ tip: "Saber más >",
+ icon: FaLayerGroup,
title: "Integración Perfecta de API",
"Conéctate sin problemas con aplicaciones y plataformas GPT existentes como Discord, Slack y Telegram utilizando APIs alineadas con OpenAI.",
image: "/images/ability/en/openapi.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/openapi_dark.png",
+ tip: "Saber más >",
+ icon: AiFillApi,
@@ -131,24 +197,36 @@ export const ABILITYS_RU = [
"Создавайте чат-боты с ИИ для конкретных областей, обучая модели на импортированных документах или парах вопросов и ответов.",
image: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/ai_assiatant_dark.png",
+ tip: "Узнать больше >",
+ icon: FaRobot,
title: "Автоматизированная предварительная обработка данных",
"Экономьте время и повышайте эффективность с помощью автоматической предварительной обработки текста, векторизации и сегментации вопросов и ответов.",
image: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/dataset_import_dark.png",
+ tip: "Узнать больше >",
+ icon: FaDatabase,
title: "Оркестрация рабочих процессов",
"Поддержка оркестрации рабочих процессов ИИ. Создавайте сложные рабочие процессы с помощью визуального интерфейса drag-and-drop, интегрируя такие задачи, как запросы к базам данных и проверка инвентаря.",
image: "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/advanced_settings_dark.png",
+ tip: "Узнать больше >",
+ icon: FaLayerGroup,
title: "Бесшовная интеграция API",
"Легко подключайтесь к существующим приложениям и платформам GPT, таким как Discord, Slack и Telegram, используя API, совместимые с OpenAI.",
image: "/images/ability/en/openapi.png",
+ imageDark: "/images/ability/en/openapi_dark.png",
+ tip: "Узнать больше >",
+ icon: AiFillApi,
@@ -157,6 +235,9 @@ interface AbilityCollection {
title: string;
content: string;
image: string;
+ imageDark?: string;
+ tip?: string;
+ icon?: IconType | LucideIcon;
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/config/feature.ts b/projects/fastgpt/config/feature.ts
index 0a547c0..711245a 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/config/feature.ts
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/config/feature.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
-import { LucideIcon, MagnetIcon } from "lucide-react";
+import { LucideIcon } from "lucide-react";
import { IconType } from "react-icons";
import { BsGithub } from "react-icons/bs";
-import { FaToolbox } from "react-icons/fa";
-import { FaEarthAsia, FaMobileScreenButton } from "react-icons/fa6";
-import { MdCloudUpload } from "react-icons/md";
-import { RiQuestionAnswerFill } from "react-icons/ri";
-import { FcWorkflow } from "react-icons/fc";
import { GiExpander } from "react-icons/gi";
-import { VscDebugConsole } from "react-icons/vsc";
+import { RiQuestionAnswerFill } from "react-icons/ri";
import { SiOpenai } from "react-icons/si";
+import { TiFlowMerge } from "react-icons/ti";
+import { VscDebugConsole } from "react-icons/vsc";
export const FEATURES_EN = [
@@ -24,7 +21,7 @@ export const FEATURES_EN = [
"title": "Visual Workflow",
"content": "Design complex workflows with ease using the Flow module.",
- "icon": FcWorkflow,
+ "icon": TiFlowMerge,
"title": "Seamless Extensibility",
@@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ export const FEATURES_ZH = [
title: "可视化工作流",
content: "通过 Flow 模块可视化从问题输入到模型输出的完整流程,便于调试和设计复杂流程。",
- icon: FcWorkflow,
+ icon: TiFlowMerge,
title: "无限扩展",
@@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ export const FEATURES_JA = [
"title": "ビジュアルワークフロー",
"content": "Flowモジュールで複雑なワークフローも簡単に設計可能。",
- "icon": FcWorkflow,
+ "icon": TiFlowMerge,
"title": "シームレスな拡張性",
@@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ export const FEATURES_AR = [
"title": "سير عمل مرئي",
"content": "تصميم سير العمل المعقد بسهولة باستخدام وحدة التدفق.",
- "icon": FcWorkflow,
+ "icon": TiFlowMerge,
"title": "قابلية توسع سلسة",
@@ -156,7 +153,7 @@ export const FEATURES_ES = [
"title": "Flujo de trabajo visual",
"content": "Diseñe flujos de trabajo complejos fácilmente con el módulo Flow.",
- "icon": FcWorkflow,
+ "icon": TiFlowMerge,
"title": "Extensibilidad sin problemas",
@@ -189,7 +186,7 @@ export const FEATURES_RU = [
"title": "Визуальный рабочий процесс",
"content": "Легко создавайте сложные рабочие процессы с помощью модуля Flow.",
- "icon": FcWorkflow,
+ "icon": TiFlowMerge,
"title": "Простая расширяемость",
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/config/site.ts b/projects/fastgpt/config/site.ts
index d9be31c..9cd7df7 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/config/site.ts
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/config/site.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { SiteConfig } from '@/types/siteConfig';
-import { BsGithub, BsTwitterX, BsWechat } from 'react-icons/bs';
+import { BsGithub, BsWechat } from 'react-icons/bs';
import { MdEmail } from 'react-icons/md';
-import { SiBuymeacoffee, SiJuejin } from 'react-icons/si';
const OPEN_SOURCE_URL = 'https://github.com/labring/FastGPT';
@@ -73,7 +72,9 @@ const baseSiteConfig = {
{ url: 'https://doc.fastgpt.in', name: 'Docs' },
{ url: 'https://doc.fastgpt.in/docs/community/', name: 'Forum' },
{ url: 'https://uuhyahynnudq.hzh.sealos.run/status/in', name: 'Status' },
- { url: 'https://doc.fastgpt.in/docs/agreement/terms', name: 'Terms of Service' },
+ ],
+ footerService:[
+ { url: 'https://doc.fastgpt.in/docs/agreement/terms', name: 'Terms of Service' },
{ url: 'https://doc.fastgpt.in/docs/agreement/privacy', name: 'Privacy Policy' }
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/locales/ar.json b/projects/fastgpt/locales/ar.json
index 0569977..a78628f 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/locales/ar.json
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/locales/ar.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"label": "الأسعار",
- "href": "#Pricing"
+ "href": "https://cloud.tryfastgpt.ai/price"
"label": "الأسئلة الشائعة",
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Hero": {
+ "maker": "يستخدم المطورون FastGPT لإنشاء قواعد معرفة الذكاء الاصطناعي المتخصصة الخاصة بهم",
"title1": "بمعرفتك",
"title2": "مكّن الذكاء",
"title3": "الاصطناعي",
@@ -32,7 +33,9 @@
"Feature": {
"title": "المزايا الرئيسية لـ FastGPT",
- "description": "لماذا تختار FastGPT لتلبية احتياجات قاعدة معرفة الذكاء الاصطناعي الخاصة بك؟"
+ "description": "لماذا تختار FastGPT لتلبية احتياجات قاعدة معرفة الذكاء الاصطناعي الخاصة بك؟",
+ "doYouLike": "هل تستمتع باستخدام حل قاعدة معرفة الذكاء الاصطناعي مفتوح المصدر هذا؟",
+ "follow": "أظهر تقديرك بمنحنا نجمة 🌟"
"Ability": {
"title": "جاهز للنشر"
diff --git a/projects/fastgpt/locales/en.json b/projects/fastgpt/locales/en.json
index 5edb538..bb6d02a 100644
--- a/projects/fastgpt/locales/en.json
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"label": "Pricing",
- "href": "#Pricing"
+ "href": "https://cloud.tryfastgpt.ai/price"
"label": "FAQ",
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Hero": {
+ "maker": "Users are leveraging FastGPT to create their own specialized AI knowledge bases",
"title1": "Empower",
"title2": "AI",
"title3": "with Your Expertise",
@@ -32,7 +33,9 @@
"Feature": {
"title": "Why Choose FastGPT?",
- "description": "Discover the advantages of FastGPT"
+ "description": "Discover the advantages of FastGPT",
+ "doYouLike": "Do you find this open-source AI knowledge base platform valuable?",
+ "follow": "Show your support by giving us a star 🌟"
"Ability": {
"title": "Features"
@@ -58,6 +61,6 @@
"description6": " your growth today!"
"CTAButton": {
- "title": "Get FastGPT"
+ "title": "Get Started"
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"label": "Precios",
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+ "href": "https://cloud.tryfastgpt.ai/price"
"label": "Preguntas frecuentes",
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
"Hero": {
+ "maker": "Los desarrolladores están aprovechando FastGPT para crear sus propias bases de conocimiento especializadas de IA",
"title1": "Potencia la IA",
"title2": "",
"title3": "con Tu Conocimiento",
@@ -32,7 +34,9 @@
"Feature": {
"title": "Ventajas Clave de FastGPT",
- "description": "¿Por qué elegir FastGPT para tus necesidades de base de conocimiento de IA?"
+ "description": "¿Por qué elegir FastGPT para tus necesidades de base de conocimiento de IA?",
+ "doYouLike": "¿Disfrutas de esta solución de base de conocimiento de IA de código abierto?",
+ "follow": "Muestra tu aprecio con una estrella 🌟"
"Ability": {
"title": "Listo para Implementar"
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"label": "価格",
- "href": "#Pricing"
+ "href": "https://cloud.tryfastgpt.ai/price"
"label": "よくある質問",
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Hero": {
+ "maker": "開発者はFastGPTを活用して、独自の専門AIナレッジベースを作成しています",
"title1": "AIに力を",
"title2": "",
"title3": "あなたの知識で与えよう",
@@ -32,7 +33,9 @@
"Feature": {
"title": "FastGPTの主な利点",
- "description": "AIナレッジベースのニーズに FastGPTを選ぶ理由は何でしょうか?"
+ "description": "AIナレッジベースのニーズに FastGPTを選ぶ理由は何でしょうか?",
+ "doYouLike": "このオープンソースのAIナレッジベースソリューションを気に入っていただけましたか?",
+ "follow": "スター🌟で感謝の気持ちを示しましょう"
"Ability": {
"title": "すぐにデプロイ可能"
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"label": "Цены",
- "href": "#Pricing"
+ "href": "https://cloud.tryfastgpt.ai/price"
"label": "Часто задаваемые вопросы",
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Hero": {
+ "maker": "разработчики создают быстро",
"title1": "",
"title2": "Лендинг",
"title3": "быстро создан"
@@ -30,7 +31,9 @@
"maker": "разработчики создают быстро"
"Feature": {
- "title": "Особенности"
+ "title": "Особенности",
+ "doYouLike": "Вам нравится этот шаблон лендинга?",
+ "follow": "Подписывайтесь на мой Твиттер."
"Ability": {
"title": "Ability"
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"label": "价格",
- "href": "#Pricing"
+ "href": "https://cloud.tryfastgpt.ai/price"
"label": "FAQ",
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"Hero": {
+ "maker": "用户正在使用 FastGPT 构建专属 AI 知识库",
"title1": "让",
"title2": "AI",
"title3": "更懂您的知识",
@@ -36,7 +37,9 @@
"Feature": {
"title": "优势",
- "description": "为什么选择 FastGPT?"
+ "description": "为什么选择 FastGPT?",
+ "doYouLike": "你喜欢这个开源 AI 知识库平台吗?",
+ "follow": "点个 Star 吧🌟"
"Ability": {
"title": "开箱即用"
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@@ -72,14 +85,30 @@
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--- a/projects/fastgpt/tailwind.config.ts
+++ b/projects/fastgpt/tailwind.config.ts
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ const config = {
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ring: "hsl(var(--ring))",
background: "hsl(var(--background))",
- foreground: "hsl(var(--foreground))",
+ foreground: "var(--foreground)",
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// DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--primary))",
// foreground: "hsl(var(--primary-foreground))",
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--- a/projects/fastgpt/types/siteConfig.ts
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@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ export type SiteConfig = {
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footerProducts: ProductLink[];
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themeColors?: string | ThemeColor[];
nextThemeColor?: string;