- Create clusters
- Delete clusters
- Add nodes
- Update control plane and worker nodes
- Renew cluster certificates
- Core components
- Kubernetes/K3s
- etcd
- Container runtimes
- Docker
- containerd
- CRI-O (not integrated)
- iSula (not integrated)
- Kata
- Network plugins
- Calico
- Flannel
- Kube-OVN
- Cilium
- Multus CNI
- No plugin
- Storage
- OpenEBS Local PV
- Custom storage (allows users to customize storage service by using addons)
- Container images registries
- Applications
- Node Feature Discovery
- Customize and use the air-gapped installation package
- Create a private image registry
- Customize images available in the private image registry
- Custom system component configurations (kube-apiserver/kube-controller-manager/kube-scheduler/kubelet/kube-proxy)
- Command plugins
- Universal task scheduling framework