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Stats (Statistics) - is a service designed to calculate and present statistical information from a Blockscout instance. This service establishes a connection with the Blockscout database and periodically updates a collection of charts, including lines and counters, based on a predefined schedule. The calculated data is then made available through a REST API, allowing users to access and utilize the statistical information.

The service consists of 2 parts, a stats calculation library and a transport layer that serves requests:

  • stats - implements actual chart calculation logic as a library and exposes an interface to be used by the transport layer;
  • A transport layer that implements some APIs over the service (stats-server).


  • Postgresql database for this service
  • Access to Blockscout database


Using docker

  • You can build the provided sources using Dockerfile

  • Alternatively, you can use docker images from our registry

Using docker-compose

Building from source

cargo install --git stats-server



Variable Description Default value
STATS__DB_URL Postgres URL to stats db ''
STATS__BLOCKSCOUT_DB_URL Postgres URL to blockscout db ''
STATS__CREATE_DATABASE Boolean. Creates database on start false
STATS__RUN_MIGRATIONS Boolean. Runs migrations on start false
STATS__CHARTS_CONFIG Path to charts.json config file ./config/charts.json
STATS__LAYOUT_CONFIG Path to layout.json config file ./config/layout.json
STATS__UPDATE_GROUPS_CONFIG Path to update_groups.json config file ./config/update_groups.json
STATS__FORCE_UPDATE_ON_START Boolean. Fully recalculates all charts on start false
STATS__CONCURRENT_START_UPDATES Integer. Amount of concurrent charts update on start 3


Blockscout provides a collection of predefined charts to visualize statistics. You can enable or disable these charts by modifying the charts.json file. Layout of the charts (which is returned by the server) is configurable in layout.json. Schedule of updated charts for each group is set up in update_groups.json.

The default configurations can be found here. You can use these files as a base for customization.

If non-default config files are used, respective environment variables (e.g. STATS__CHARTS_CONFIG) should be set to the new files.

Charts parameters

To disable unnecessary charts, open the charts.json file and set enabled: false for them. Other parameters can also be set/modified there.

Layout configuration

Categories for line charts, category metadata, and chart order within category are set in layout.json.

Update groups config

Charts dependant on each other are combined in update groups. Charts within one update group are updated together according to their dependency relations. Updates are scheduled for each such group in update_groups.json file.

For development

Manual run

just start-postgres
  • Start blockscout instance with varialbe DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/blockscout

  • Start stats server:

export STATS__DB_URL="postgres://postgres:admin@localhost:5432/stats"
export STATS__BLOCKSCOUT_DB_URL="postgres://postgres:admin@localhost:5432/blockscout" 
cargo run --bin stats-server

Docker compose

Alternatively, you can use for simplicity.

  • Set ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL and ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRACE_URL to ethereum node you have access to (in backend (Blockscout) service)
  • Set FIRST_BLOCK to some recent block for less load on the node
  • Update ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_VARIANT if necessary
  • Run docker compose -f up -d