##Web development course
Welcome to the test task 6
Create a simple app for pizza orders management. It uses a very short user flow:
authorize ➡️ create pizza ➡️ order it ➡️ view your turn in orders ➡️ complete or delete the order.
One of possible examples: https://pizza-to-go.herokuapp.com/
- Authorization system
- Form Validations
- Orders being stored in DB
- Image saving system (by canvas snapshot or file upload)
- Limited access for not-authorized users (only view all pizzas)
- Deploy your project using any deployment platform, and upload the source code on your Github.
- As a user I can enter pizza app and see pizza-orders queue dashboard ordered by time of creation.
- I can't do anything with any of pizzas if I'm not-authorized user.
- I can signup and login using password, email and, maybe, username.
- As a logged-in user I can cancel MY pizza orders or mark them as completed.
- When pizza-order is marked as completed or deleted it disappears for home dashboard.
- If I'm logged-in, I can go to create pizza page.
- On pizza creation form I can chose pizza size, ingredients I like and add some name/description.
- I also can either upload photo of my pizza or image is being dynamically drawn directly on creation page.
- I can finish my order by saving pizza info, including mentioned image.
- After saving I can see my pizza order on main dashboard along with other orders.
- As a user I can edit my order, by clicking special button. The system should automatically send me to pizza edit form, which is kind of similar to creation form.
- There is a special kind of user - admin. If I'm admin, I can edit/delete/complete any pizzas, created by any user.