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IaC - Terraform - AWS / ECS

Create the Infrastructure on the AWS using Terraform

Create and Manage AWS Fargate ECS using Terraform

Go to the "iac/terraform-ecs" directory with the following command and after please run the next commands in this directory;

cd iac/terraform-ecs

Enter your own variable values in the "iac/terraform-ecs/terraform.tfvars" file.

Download and Install Terraform

You could download and install the Terraform from the downloads page.

Run Terraform and Create Infrastructure

If you have Terraform installed, create your infrastructure with the following below commands;

  1. Run the below command in a terminal, to initialize the provider plugins:

    terraform init
  2. Run the below command in a terminal, to check your configuration is valid:

    terraform validate
  3. Run the below command in a terminal to create an execution plan;

    terraform plan -out=observer-tfplan
  4. Run the below command in a terminal to show human-readable output from plan file:

    terraform show "observer-tfplan"
  5. Run the below command in a terminal, to Create or Update infrastructure on the AWS:

    terraform apply -auto-approve "observer-tfplan"
  6. Run the below command in a terminal, to Destroy previously-created infrastructure on the AWS:

    terraform destroy

AWS - ECS Cluster Diagram

AWS - ECS Cluster