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BeeCOM is a lightweight, efficient, and easy-to-use C++ library designed for communication in embedded systems. It provides a comprehensive solution for packet-based communication, including packet serialization/deserialization, CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) validation, and customizable transport mechanisms. This library is particularly suited for applications requiring reliable data exchange over serial interfaces or custom communication protocols.

Build Status

Key Features

  • Packet-Based Communication: Efficiently converts structured data into a serial stream for transmission and vice versa, ensuring data integrity and compatibility across different platforms.
  • CRC Validation: Offers support for CRC data integrity checks.
  • Serialization and Deserialization: Automatically convert between packets and byte arrays for transmission and reception.
  • Customizable Transport Layer: Define your own byte receive and transmit functions to integrate with any physical layer protocol.
  • Observer Pattern for Event Handling Implements the observer design pattern to allow for easy notification and handling of communication events, making the system highly extensible and adaptable to various use cases.

BeeCom Packet

The BeeCom packet is a structured data format designed for efficient and reliable communication between devices, particularly in embedded systems. A BeeCom packet encapsulates the data to be transmitted along with metadata that helps in the processing, routing, and validation of the packet. The structure of a BeeCom packet typically includes several key components:

Packet Structure:

  1. Start of Packet (SOP): A predefined byte sequence that indicates the beginning of a packet. Helps in synchronization and identifying the start of a new packet in a stream of bytes.

  2. Packet Type: Identifies the type or category of the data contained within the packet. Enables the receiving system to process the packet accordingly.

  3. Payload Length: Specifies the size of the payload in bytes. Allows the receiver to determine how many bytes to read as part of the packet's payload.

  4. Payload: The actual data being transmitted. Its structure and content vary depending on the packet type and the application's requirements.

  5. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check): A checksum calculated over the packet's contents (excluding the SOP but typically including the packet type, payload length, and payload). Used by the receiver to detect errors in the packet.

Example Packet:


Getting Started

Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • A compatible C++ compiler (C++11 or later recommended).
  • Basic understanding of C++ and embedded systems communication.
  • Any necessary hardware for testing communication, such as development boards or equivalent microcontrollers.


  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Add BeeCom-Protocol/Src and BeeCom-Protocol/Inc files to your preffered build system (e.g. Makefile)
  3. Check the example below to integrate BeeCom with your application

STM32 Example Usage

This example demonstrates integrating the BeeCOM library with an STM32 microcontroller for UART communication.

  • Ensure you have the HAL library configured for UART communication (huart1 in this example).
  • Place the BeeCOM library files in your project directory.
  • Include the BeeCOM header (#include "BeeCom.h") in your main file.
  • Insert the example code in the appropriate sections of your main function, typically after initializing the system and peripherals.

Observer Pattern Implementation:

class MyPacketObserver : public beecom::IPacketObserver {
    enum class PacketType : uint8_t {
        ping = 0x01U,
        pong = 0x02U,
        invalidPacket = 0xFFU

    void OnPacketReceived(const beecom::Packet &packet, bool crcValid, void *beeComInstance) override {
        beecom::BeeCOM *const beeCom = static_cast<beecom::BeeCOM *>(beeComInstance);

        if (!crcValid) {
            handleInvalidPacket(packet, beeCom);

        switch (static_cast<PacketType>(packet.header.type)) {
        case PacketType::ping:
            handlePing(packet, beeCom);
        case PacketType::pong:
            handlePong(packet, beeCom);
            handleInvalidPacket(packet, beeCom);

    void handlePing(const beecom::Packet &packet, beecom::BeeCOM *beeCom) {
        beeCom->Send(static_cast<uint8_t>(PacketType::pong), nullptr, 0U);

    void handlePong(const beecom::Packet &packet, beecom::BeeCOM *beeCom) {
        beeCom->Send(static_cast<uint8_t>(PacketType::ping), nullptr, 0U);

    void handleInvalidPacket(const beecom::Packet &packet, beecom::BeeCOM *beeCom) {
        beeCom->Send(static_cast<uint8_t>(PacketType::invalidPacket), nullptr, 0U);

Byte Receive and Transmit Functions:

  • receive: A lambda function that wraps the HAL_UART_Receive call to receive a byte from UART
  • transmit: A lambda function for transmitting a buffer of bytes over UART using HAL_UART_Transmit.
auto receive = [](uint8_t *uartRxByte) -> bool {
  return (HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1, uartRxByte, 1, 0) == HAL_OK);

auto transmit = [](const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) {
  HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, const_cast<uint8_t *>(buffer), size, 100);

Receiving data involves setting up buffer and an observer that will handle incoming packets:

MyPacketObserver observer;

constexpr size_t bufferSize = 1024;
uint8_t buffer[bufferSize];
beecom::BeeComBuffer beecomBuffer(buffer, bufferSize);

beecom::BeeCOM beecom(receive, transmit, beecomBuffer);

The while (1) loop continuously calls beecom.Receive() to process incoming bytes and handle them according to the defined packet handler.

while (1) {

To send data using BeeCOM, follow these steps:

uint8_t packetType = 0x00U;
uin8_t payload[1] = {0x01U};
beecom.Send(packetType, payload, sizeof(payload));

BeeCOM Python Script Example

BeeCOM Python script example demonstrates how to send and receive packets over UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) communication in Python. The script is designed to work with microcontrollers and other devices that support UART communication, making it a valuable tool for developers working on embedded systems, IoT devices, and similar projects.

Class diagram
