- arduino-weather - Arduino sketch that operates DRD11A, BME280 and DS1820 sensors
- ascom-observingconditions - ObservingConditions ASCOM driver
- ascom-roof - ASCOM dome driver for roll-off roof
- ascom-safety - ASCOM SafetyMonitor driver
- aws-relay - Relay for sending metrics data to AWS DynamoDB
- cpu - CPU temperature monitor for Raspberry PI
- rain - Observatory server that provides roof and weather data
- hawkularrelay - Relay for sending metrics data to a Hawkular Metrics endpoint
- influxdbrelay - Relay for sending metrics data to an InfluxDB endpoint
- roof - Multi-user roof server with an REST interface
- ruuvi - Monitor multiple RuuviTag devices
- safety - SafetyMonitor REST interface
- weather - Server for receiving WXT520 weather data