- Linux Kernel Update Package
- Cygwin (be sure to include the gettext package on install)
If you just want a ready to go environment you can just use the following commands, if you're after more detail read the docker setup or non docker setup docs instead
bin/install [project_name] [docker_network_name] [php_version]
# project_name will default to boxuk-wp-skeleton if not provided.
# docker_network_name will default to boxuk-docker
# php_version allows you set which PHP version you wish to run, e.g. 8.2, 8.3.
The docker network is required to ensure the loopback works with the expected IP address.
Note: This will start the containers in detached mode, use
docker-compose stop
if you wish to stop them.
Install details
cp .env.dist .env; cp ./docker/database/.env.dist ./docker/database/.env; cp ./docker/app/.env.dist ./docker/app/.env;
docker network create --subnet= boxuk-docker;
docker-compose stop;
docker-compose build;
docker-compose up -d;
bin/docker/composer install;
cp wp-content/plugins/memcached/object-cache.php wp-content/object-cache.php;
bin/docker/wp core install --url="https://$PROJECT_NAME.local" --title="Box UK WordPress Project" --admin_user=admin [email protected] --skip-email;
bin/docker/wp site empty;
bin/docker/wp dictator impose site-state.yml;
bin/docker/wp package install [email protected]:nlemoine/wp-cli-fixtures.git;
bin/docker/wp fixtures load;
bin/docker/wp cache flush;
echo ' $PROJECT_NAME.local | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts;