If you see calib. error try to calibrate your charger again,
if that doesn't help try the following solutions:
for: I charge "nr"
- "nr" = 1,11 - increase the minimum charge current: "settings"->"min Ic:"
- "nr" = 2,3,5,6,7,12,13,15,16,17 - calibrate "I charge" again
- "nr" = 4,14 - decrease the maximum charge current: "settings"->"max Ic:"
for: I discharge "nr"
- "nr" = 1,11 - increase the minimum discharge current: "settings"->"min Id:"
- "nr" = 2,3,5,6,7,12,13,15,16,17 - calibrate "I discharge" again
- "nr" = 4,14 - decrease the maximum discharge current: "settings"->"max Id:"
The simplest way to find out your minimum (maximum) charge current is
to note down the value and ADC readings during "I charge" calibration:
I charge: 100mA
value: [value1]
I: 100mA [ADC1]
I charge: 1000mA
value: [value2]
I: 1000mA [ADC2]
use wolfram alfa to determine the minimum current:
- script for value1 and value2, replace value1 and value2 with your readings
- script for ADC1 and ADC2, replace ADC1 and ADC2 with your readings
now take the maximum of these two solutions (Substitution:) and set "settings"->"min Ic" according to it.
for maximum current:
- script for value1 and value2, replace value1 and value2 with your readings
- script for ADC1 and ADC2, replace ADC1 and ADC2 with your readings
this time take the minimum of these two solutions (Substitution:) and set "settings"->"max Ic" according to it.
For discharge current use the same method as above, but this time use value and ADC readings from the "I discharge" calibration.
I discharge: 100mA
value: [value1]
I: 100mA [ADC1]
I discharge: 300mA
value: [value2]
I: 300mA [ADC2]
Minimum current scripts:
- script for value1 and value2, replace value1 and value2 with your readings
- script for ADC1 and ADC2, replace ADC1 and ADC2 with your readings
now take the maximum of these two solutions (Substitution:) and set "settings"->"min Id" according to it.
Maximum current:
- script for value1 and value2, replace value1 and value2 with your readings
- script for ADC1 and ADC2, replace ADC1 and ADC2 with your readings
this time take the minimum of these two solutions (Substitution:) and set "settings"->"max Id" according to it.
Note: if your second discharge current is not 300mA please change the number 300 (in all scripts) accordingly.