- NEW:
- App launch sequence (@BPerlakiH #1019, #1014, #1008)
- Kiwix logo icons (@BPerlakiH #1021, #1017)
- Optimised Catalog fetching (@BPerlakiH #1034)
- Hiding navigation bar for full screen reading on iPad (@BPerlakiH #995)
- Improved book opening and start up time (@BPerlakiH #974, #987, #1000)
- LibKiwix version 14.0.0 (@BPerlakiH #1004)
- URL scheme change from kiwix:// to zim:// (@BPerlakiH #961)
- Translations (#972, #991, #1002, #1024, #1036, #1038)
- Readme (@gsspdev #997)
- FIX:
- Reader support for iFrames with srcdoc attribute (@BPerlakiH #1028)
- Deleting ZIM file should close the opened tab (@BPerlakiH #1005, #999)
- Large downloads do not show completion in UI (@BPerlakiH #998)
- Duplicate entries in search results (@HiroyasuNishiyama @BPerlakiH #980)
- Video continues to play briefly when backgrounding / foregrounding (@BPerlakiH #982)
- Opening external ZIM file (@BPerlakiH #968, #1030)