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Releases: kiwicom/orbit-compose


10 Jul 10:29
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Changes in this release:

🚀 Features

  • Design Tokens Update on 2024-05-24 @kiwiprbot (#657)

🧰 Maintenance


26 Apr 12:05
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Changes in this release:

  • Ensure that the height for layouting the topappbar is always at least… @shanio (#650)

🚀 Features

  • Design Tokens Update on 2024-03-13 @kiwiprbot (#641)


08 Mar 11:43
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Changes in this release:

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Add back AndroidSingleVariantLibrary publishing configuration @shanio (#636)
  • Fixes previous misconfigured release (#636)


07 Mar 15:24
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This version does not contain android libraries due to misconfiguration. Use other versions instead.

Changes in this release:

  • Rewrite SystemUiController to edgeToEdge @hrach (#634)

🚀 Features

  • Add DepartureBoard* illustrations @kiwiprbot (#620)
  • Startup profile @gerak-cz (#604)

🧰 Maintenance

  • Update to stable Compose 1.6 @hrach (#618)
  • fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.2.0-beta02 @renovate (#611)
  • fix(deps): update kotlin & dokka & compose compiler @renovate (#605)


18 Dec 10:21
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Changes in this release:

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix Slider's track rendering after migration to M3 1.2 @hrach (#602)

🧰 Maintenance

  • Update Compose to v1.6.0-beta03 @apps/renovate (#599)


15 Dec 09:52
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Changes in this release:

Updates to Compose 1.6 & Compose M3 1.2 brings binary incompatibilities as we rely on experimental APIs.

🚀 Features

  • Add persisted state, photo and action to Toast @gerak-cz (#596)
  • Update to Compose 1.6 (BC break in Text) @hrach (#564)
  • Add PassportUpdate illustration @apps/kiwiprbot (#591)
  • Add IconName and IllustrationName enums @gerak-cz (#580)

🧰 Maintenance

  • Rework catalog's demo to M3's PullToRefresh & fix M3 surface color mappings @hrach (#598)
  • Update to M3 1.2.0-beta01 @apps/renovate (#597)
  • chore(deps): update kotlin & dokka & compose compiler @apps/renovate (#584)
  • fix(deps): update androidx to v1.2.2 @apps/renovate (#589)
  • Use TimeSource's marker for time measuring in Toast (BC break) @hrach (#581)


14 Nov 22:05
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Changes in this release:

🚀 Features

  • Added extraContent slot to TopAppBarLarge @gerak-cz (#570)
  • Segmented switch update @gerak-cz (#571)
  • Add TextField's focus glow @gerak-cz (#566)
  • Add option to define custom switch icons @shanio (#563)
  • Optimize Colors class to be immutable @hrach (#565)
  • Add FlightDisruptions illustration @apps/kiwiprbot (#562)
  • Icon touch-ups for Inbox, Money and PowerPlugOff @apps/kiwiprbot (#574)
  • Update icons (Facebook, OnlineCheckinOff, RouteTwoSteps, Toilets) @apps/kiwiprbot (#553)
  • Add Coupon component @gerak-cz (#544)
  • Add a warning when a button is used inside of AlertDialog's content slot instead of actions slot @shanio (#545)

🐛 Bug Fixes

🧰 Maintenance

  • Rework drawing expanded border @hrach (#575)
  • chore(deps): update kotlin & dokka & compose compiler to 1.9.20 @apps/renovate (#572)
  • chore(deps): update kotlin & dokka & compose compiler to v1.9.10 @apps/renovate (#560)
  • scaffold: be more explicit about alignment line check @hrach (#546)


27 Sep 13:30
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Changes in this release:

Significant changes:

  • BC break: Remove deprecated ChoiceTileCentered @Drekorian (#520)
  • Setup baseline profile for Orbit library and the catalog app @gerak-cz (#525)

🚀 Features

  • Allow usage of material TextButton inside of Material AlertDialog without lint reporting the usage. @shanio (#542)
  • Expose EditableText on ClickableField @hrach (#533)
  • Add lint for Orbit buttons usage within Material's AlertDialog @shanio (#535)
  • Rework Scaffold to avoid Subcompose & fix insets consumption @hrach (#534)
  • Email icon touch-ups @kiwiprbot (#536)
  • Add Damage and Wheelchair illustration, icons touch-ups @kiwiprbot (#532)
  • Introduce LabelLastBaseLine for field vertical alignment @hrach (#522)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Rework Scaffold to avoid Subcompose & fix insets consumption @hrach (#534)
  • Fix ShareAndroidOutline icons and other minor icon tweaks @kiwiprbot (#527)
  • Utilize a darker color for text selection @hrach (#523)

🧰 Maintenance

  • Update Kotlin to 1.9.10, Serialization to 1.6 and Compose Compiler to 1.5.3 @apps/renovate (#510)


29 Aug 13:05
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Changes in this release:

🚀 Features

  • Add PriceChange and ShareAndroidOutline icons + icons touch-ups @kiwiprbot (#508)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Scaffold: Properly handle action's height being larger than available content height @shanio (#505)

🧰 Maintenance

  • fix(deps): update dependency to v0.7.0 @renovate (#516)
  • fix(deps): update android.lint to v31.1.0 @renovate (#495)
  • fix(deps): update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.7.0 @renovate (#503)
  • fix(deps): update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.7 @renovate (#506)
  • chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.3 @renovate (#507)


19 Aug 13:43
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Changes in this release:

🚀 Features

  • Update Play icon @apps/kiwiprbot (#498)
  • Add Ambulance and FlexibleDates illustrations @apps/kiwiprbot (#492)
  • Add ScrollableTabRow component @gerak-cz (#486)

🐛 Bug Fixes

🧰 Maintenance

  • fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose.compiler:compiler to v1.5.1 @apps/renovate (#490)
  • Kotlin 1.9 @hrach (#485)