The Karlsruhe and Potsdam Cluster Editing framework is a software for solving the cluster editing problem. The cluster editing problem is to transform an input graph into a cluster graph (a disjoint union of complete graphs) by performing a minimum number of edge editing operations. An edit operation can be either adding a new edge or removing an existing edge. This repository provides an exact and heuristic solver for the cluster editing problem. For a detailed overview of techniques used in our solvers, we refer to the following resources:
- A 64-bit Linux operating system.
- A modern,
-ready compiler
- The cmake build system (>= 3.16).
- The Boost - Program Options library and the boost header files (>= 1.48).
Clone the repository including submodules:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:kittobi1992/cluster_editing.git
Create a build directory:
mkdir build && cd build
Run cmake:
for debug build) -
Run make:
make -j 8
There are two applications: heuristic
and exact
Both read a cluster editing instance from stdin and print the edits to stdout.
For the input and output format, please refer to the PACE challenge web page.
A usage example from the build
folder of the exact solver would be:
cat ../instances/exact/ | ./exact > edits.txt
and of the heuristic solver (also from the build
cat ../instances/heur/ | ./heuristic > edits.txt
Per default, the heuristic solver runs for 10 minutes and the exact solver until an optimal solution is found.
The time limit of the solvers can be adjusted via the --time-limit
flag (in seconds):
cat ../instances/heur/ | ./heuristic --time-limit=100 > edits.txt
Detailed output can be enabled via the --enable-logging
cat ../instances/heur/ | ./heuristic --enable-logging=true > edits.txt
To run the tests, use the following command (from build
./ClusterEditingTests --gtest_filter=<test-regex>
to run a specific test.
Prepare CMake submission for with
tar -czvf exact.tgz cluster_editing/ cmake/ CMakeLists.txt config/ googletest/ tests/
tar -czvf heuristic.tgz cluster_editing/ cmake/ CMakeLists.txt config/ googletest/ tests/