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kirillsud edited this page Feb 13, 2013 · 4 revisions


Wiki Report - output format for JiraReports. Generates page in MediaWiki with work log report from Jira.


To generate article in MediaWiki You need to create article teamplate file 'wiki-report.txt' with next content:

1st line: <wiki url>
2nd line: <article title>
other lines: <article content>

And put it into working folder for JiraReports.

For <article title> and <article content> you could use next placeholders:

  • <<report>> - place to insert report
  • <<current date>> - current date in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSX
  • <<current day>> - current day in format YYYY-MM-DD
  • <<previous work day>> - previous work day in format YYYY-MM-DD
  • <<next work day>> - next work day in format YYYY-MM-DD


Here is an example of article template:
Daily work report for <<current day>>
Here is daily work report <<current day>>

[Daily work report for <<previous work day>>|Previous report]
[Daily work report for <<next work day>>|Next report]

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