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SVG transcoder - the internals of the offline transcoder

The Radiance SVG transcoder uses Apache Batik to transcode SVG source into corresponding Java / Kotlin classes that contain a sequence of Java2D canvas draw calls to render the original content. How does it work?

Parsing the SVG document

We start in SvgTranscoder. It uses Batik's DocumentLoader to load the local file based on the URI, and GVTBuilder to construct an hierarchical representation of the SVG content. The root of that representation is a GraphicsNode.

That is then passed to SvgBaseTranscoder.transcode(). This is the base class where the rest of the transcoding happens. Transcoding has three parts:

  • traversing the Batik tree
  • parsing out the information to create matching Java2D instructions
  • printing those instructions in Java / Kotlin syntax

Let's take a look at each one of these parts.

Traversing the Batik tree

The 'GraphicsNode' that we get from Batik's GVTBuilder is the root of a hierarchical representation of the original SVG content. Here it is important to note that it is not the DOM tree of the original SVG document - some of the SVG elements such as <style> or <defs> might be in a different place in the GraphicsNode hierarchy - "attached" to the specific elements that use them.

The traversal itself looks at two main types of nodes - GraphicsNode and Paint. Each supported sub-class of these two classes is transcoded in its own method. For example, PatternPaint is transcoded by the transcodePatternPaint and TextNode is transcoded by transcodeTextNode.

The traversal is depth-first, visiting every supported node in the tree, querying the information to create Java2D instructions (next section) and traversing children nodes where appropriate.

Important note - there is special handling of raster image, text and pattern content. See addendum sections in this document for more details.

Parsing information for creating Java2D instructions

Every supported node in the GraphicsNode tree is queried for attributes relevant to the rendering. Let's take a look at transcodeFillShapePainter that transcodes a FillShapePainter node.

First, it transcodes FillShapePainter.getShape(). Simple shapes like Rectangle2D, Ellipse2D or Line2D are queried directly for their basic elements (coordinates, width, height, etc). More complex shapes like GeneralPath are converted into a PathIterator, and that iterator is then queried for information on each segment (lineto, moveto, quadto, cubicto, close).

Second, it transcodes the paint itself. Each paint type is queried for its basic elements - Color for red, green, blue and alpha, LinearGradientPaint for start / end point, fractions, etc.

There's special handling for PatternPaint. This paint type is transcoded into double-nested loop that performs tiling of the shape bounds along both axes, X and Y.

Printing instructions in Java / Kotlin

Here is a snippet of how transcoded SVG content looks like in Java:

paint = new Color(136, 138, 133, 255);
stroke = new BasicStroke(1.0000002f,0,0,4.0f,null,0.0f);
shape = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(8.53232192993164, 6.529515743255615,
    30.95155906677246, 35.976688385009766,
    1.1330167055130005, 1.1330167055130005);
g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(3, 1.0f * origAlpha));
AffineTransform defaultTransform__0_0_3 = g.getTransform();
g.transform(new AffineTransform(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

And here is the matching snippet in Kotlin:

paint = Color(136, 138, 133, 255)
stroke = BasicStroke(1.0000002f,0,0,4.0f,null,0.0f)
shape = RoundRectangle2D.Double(8.53232192993164, 6.529515743255615,
      30.95155906677246, 35.976688385009766,
      1.1330167055130005, 1.1330167055130005)
g.paint = paint
g.stroke = stroke
g.transform = defaultTransform__0_0_2
g.composite = AlphaComposite.getInstance(3, 1.0f * origAlpha)
val defaultTransform__0_0_3 = g.transform
g.transform(AffineTransform(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))

As you can see, the instructions are identical. The only difference is respecting the syntax and the conventions of the underlying language.

At the implementation level, this is done with the LanguageRenderer abstraction. Here is how rendering the BasicStroke object creation might look like in one of the transcode methods:

printWriter.println("stroke = " + languageRenderer.getObjectCreation("BasicStroke")
        + "(" + width + "f," + cap + "," + join + "," + miterlimit + "f," + dashRep
        + "," + dash_phase + "f)" + languageRenderer.getStatementEnd());

Wrapping it all together

The src/main/resources folder contains the transcoder templates. These templates contain the general outline that is required for a valid Java / Kotlin class. While these instructions (import statements, class definition, etc) could have been created alongside the Java2D instructions emitted during the GraphicsNode tree traversal, the implementation preference is for SvgBaseTranscoder logic to focus only on the painting / rendering part of the SVG content.

Each template uses a number of "token" strings. A token is a placeholder for a dynamic bit of information, such as the class name (that is generated based on the filename of the original SVG), dimensions of the SVG content bounding box etc.

When the template is loaded in SvgBaseTranscoder.transcode(), the flow is:

  • Replace top-level tokens (package name, classname)
  • Generate the entire sequence of Java2D commands to render the full SVG content (into a local ByteArrayOutputStream)
  • Replace the painting token with that Java2D sequence
  • Replace the rest of the tokens (bounding box)
  • Print the entire transcoded content into the matching PrintWriter (supplied by the code in SvgTranscoder)

Addendum A - handling PatternPaint

As mentioned earlier, PatternPaint is transcoded to a double-nested loop that perform tiling of the matching shape bounds. However, that is not the only "special" treatment done for transcoding this node.

Since the PatternGraphicsNode class does not expose access to its actual content (nodes that represent the content for a single tile of the pattern), transcodePatternPaint() instead uses a custom implementation of Graphics2D class to "capture" that content.

This custom implementation overrides methods such as setStroke(Stroke) or fill(Shape). These methods then parse the basic contents of the relevant objects and create the mirror Java2D instructions for the transcoded tile pattern content.

Addendum B - handling TextPaint

Unlike other Paint nodes that are handled by inspecting their base attributes and converting those attributes into matching Java2D commands, the handling of TextPaint is simplified by another usage of a custom implementation of Graphics2D class to capture the underlying visuals.

Note that, depending on how many glyphs a particular SVG content uses, the resulting transcoded Java / Kotlin class may exceed the supported method length (at compile time). This is a known limitation of the transcoder. In general, the transcoder is best used for simpler vector content that targets smaller-size iconography, and not general-purpose SVG "illustration art".

Addendum C - handling RasterImageNode

To support raster / bitmap content that comes from the <image> SVG element, the transcoder employs the same approach that SVG does to "embed" such content using Base64-encoded URIs.

Batik's RasterImageNode exposes an API to get the underlying RenderedImage (using .getImage().createDefaultRendering()). In addition, we can also ask any node in the GVT tree to render itself into our own custom extension of Graphics2D class. Overriding the drawImage() method then gives access to the decoded content originally embedded as a Base64-encoded URI.

Raster content is transcoded in two passes.

The first pass is in RasterScanner. It traverses the entire GVT tree in a depth-first fashion, "looking" for RasterImageNode nodes. For each such node it:

  • Gets the underlying RenderedImage.
  • Computes MD5 hash-sum of the raster data.
  • Checks whether it has already processed a RasterImageNode with the same MD5 hash-sum. If so, it skips this node.
  • Creates a static function that returns a BufferedImage instance that is built - at runtime with the Base64-encoded raster data.

A few points to note:

  • More than one RasterImageNode in the GVT tree can use the same raster data. This can happen for <pattern> elements using the same bitmaps as their "content", for example.
  • Transcoding is relying on MD5 hash-sum to detect identical raster content.
  • Transcoding essentially takes the decoded RenderedImage raster data that originated in Base64-encoded URI, and encodes it back as a Base64-encoded string. These two are not going to necessarily match if the format of the original image content does not match what Radiance transcoding is using (png).
  • The newly Base64-encoded representation of raster data may exceed Java limitations of how long a string in the source code can be. To work around this limitation, SVG transcoding breaks up the encoded String into smaller chunks of 1,000 characters each at most.
  • The static function that transcoding generates for retrieving the BufferedImage that corresponds to the decoded/encoded/decoded-again image content uses an internal WeakReference based on the MD5 hash-sum of the original encoded string. This is done for performance optimizations. For example, doing Base64-decoding + image parsing on every single loop of a PatternPaint might result in prohibitively expensive runtime performance.

The second pass for RasterImageNode is in SvgBaseTranscoder. Every supported node that may use raster data - such as PatternNode for example - computes the MD5 hash-sum of the underlying RenderedImage, and then calls the matching method to retrieve the corresponding BufferedImage (each such method has been generated in the first pass as detailed above).