The demos serve both as demonstrations of the mc-sema's functionality and as regression tests to ensure previous functionality works after changes.
The output of each demo appears after its description.
The demos live in mc-sema\tests
in the source tree. These demos require that a debug version of the mc-sema be built prior to execution.
The output may differ in debug statements from what you see. Demos are usually tested by using IDAPython as the CFG recovery script, but should work with bin_descend
Test translating of a simple NASM generated COFF object
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test1.cfg
getFunc: Starting at 0x1
1: addl $1, %eax
4: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 1
Adding entry point: demo1_entry
0xC -> 0xD
Translates a more complex NASM generated COFF object that includes loops.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test2.cfg
getFunc: Starting at 0x1
1: movl %eax, %ecx
3: xorl %eax, %eax
5: incl %eax
6: xorl %ebx, %ebx
8: cmpl %ecx, %ebx
a: je 5
c: addl %eax, %eax
e: incl %ebx
f: jmp -9
8: cmpl %ecx, %ebx
a: je 5
11: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 1
Adding entry point: demo2_entry
Translate a C compiler generated object file that includes loops, accepts arguments, and includes immediate values.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test3.cfg
getFunc: Starting at 0x90
90: pushl %ebp
91: movl %esp, %ebp
93: subl $12, %esp
96: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
99: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
9c: movl 12(%ebp), %ecx
9f: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
a2: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
a5: movb (%edx), %al
a7: movb %al, -1(%ebp)
aa: movsbl -1(%ebp), %ecx
ae: testl %ecx, %ecx
b0: je 53
b2: movsbl -1(%ebp), %edx
b6: cmpl $47, %edx
b9: jne 8
bb: movl -12(%ebp), %eax
be: movb $92, (%eax)
c1: jmp 8
cb: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
ce: addl $1, %eax
d1: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
d4: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
d7: addl $1, %ecx
da: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
dd: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
e0: movb (%edx), %al
e2: movb %al, -1(%ebp)
e5: jmp -61
aa: movsbl -1(%ebp), %ecx
ae: testl %ecx, %ecx
b0: je 53
e7: movl %ebp, %esp
e9: popl %ebp
ea: ret
c3: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
c6: movb -1(%ebp), %dl
c9: movb %dl, (%ecx)
cb: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
ce: addl $1, %eax
d1: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
d4: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
d7: addl $1, %ecx
da: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
dd: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
e0: movb (%edx), %al
e2: movb %al, -1(%ebp)
e5: jmp -61
getFunc: FunctioprocessDataSection: section range (0, 80)
n recovery complete for func at 90
Adding entry point: demo3_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
/first/test/path -> \first\test\path
Translate a C compiler generated COFF boject that calls external functions to allocate memory and returns pointers to calling code.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test4.obj
getFunc: Starting at 0x90
90: pushl %ebp
91: movl %esp, %ebp
93: subl $16, %esp
96: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
99: pushl %eax
9a: calll 0
External call to: strlen
9f: addl $4, %esp
a2: addl $1, %eax
a5: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
a8: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
ab: pushl %ecx
ac: calll 0
External call to: malloc
b1: addl $4, %esp
b4: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
b7: cmpl $0, -8(%ebp)
bb: je 96
bd: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
c0: movl %edx, -16(%ebp)
c3: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
c6: movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
c9: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
cc: pushl %ecx
cd: pushl $0
cf: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
d2: pushl %edx
d3: calll 0
External call to: memset
d8: addl $12, %esp
db: movl -16(%ebp), %eax
de: movsbl (%eax), %ecx
e1: testl %ecx, %ecx
e3: je 49
e5: movl -16(%ebp), %edx
e8: movsbl (%edx), %eax
eb: cmpl $47, %eax
ee: jne 8
f0: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
f3: movb $92, (%ecx)
f6: jmp 10
102: movl -16(%ebp), %edx
105: addl $1, %edx
108: movl %edx, -16(%ebp)
10b: movl -12(%ebp), %eax
10e: addl $1, %eax
111: movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
114: jmp -59
db: movl -16(%ebp), %eax
de: movsbl (%eax), %processDataSection: section range (0, 80)
e1: testl %ecx, %ecx
e3: je 49
116: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
119: jmp 4
11f: movl %ebp, %esp
121: popl %ebp
122: ret
f8: movl -12(%ebp), %edx
fb: movl -16(%ebp), %eax
fe: movb (%eax), %cl
100: movb %cl, (%edx)
102: movl -16(%ebp), %edx
105: addl $1, %edx
108: movl %edx, -16(%ebp)
10b: movl -12(%ebp), %eax
10e: addl $1, %eax
111: movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
114: jmp -59
11d: xorl %eax, %eax
11f: movl %ebp, %esp
121: popl %ebp
122: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 90
Adding entry point: demo4_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
/first/test/path -> \first\test\path
Translates a C compiler generated COFF object that calls external function calls that have side effects. In this case, it creates and deletes files on the filesystem.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test5.obj
getFunc: Starting at 0x90
90: pushl %ebp
91: movl %esp, %ebp
93: pushl %ecx
94: pushl $0
96: pushl $128
9b: pushl $3
9d: pushl $0
9f: pushl $1
a1: pushl $2147483648
a6: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
a9: pushl %eax
aa: calll *0
Calling symbol: CreateFileA
b0: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
b3: cmpl $-1, -4(%ebp)
b7: je 16
b9: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
bc: pushl %ecx
bd: calll *0
Calling symbol: CloseHandle
c3: xorl %eax, %eax
c5: jmp 5
cc: movl %ebp, %esp
ce: popl %ebp
cf: ret
c9: orl $-1, %eax
cc: movl %ebp, %esp
ce: popl %ebp
cf: retprocessDataSection: section range (0, 80)
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 90
Adding entry point: demo5_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
Translates a C compiler generated COFF object that has several subroutines referenced by the main routine. It also calls external functions and allocates memory via malloc.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test6.obj
getFunc: Starting at 0x90
90: pushl %ebp
91: movl %esp, %ebp
93: subl $12, %esp
96: movl $0, -4(%ebp)
9d: movl 12(%ebp), %eax
a0: pushl %eax
a1: calll 0
External call to: malloc
a6: addl $4, %esp
a9: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
ac: jmp 9
b7: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
ba: cmpl 12(%ebp), %edx
bd: jge 46
bf: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
c2: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
c5: movl (%ecx,%eax,4), %edx
c8: movl %edx, -12(%ebp)
cb: movl -12(%ebp), %eax
ce: pushl %eax
cf: calll 0
Symbol not found, maybe a local call
Found local call to: 100
d4: addl $4, %esp
d7: testl %eax, %eax
d9: jne 16
db: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
de: pushl %ecx
df: movl -12(%ebp), %edx
e2: pushl %edx
e3: calll 0
Symbol not found, maybe a local call
Found local call to: 150
e8: addl $8, %esp
eb: jmp -63
ae: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
b1: addl $1, %ecx
b4: movl %ecx, -4(%ebp)
b7: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
ba: cmpl 12(%ebp), %edx
bd: jge 46
ed: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
f0: movb $2, 1(%eax)
f4: movl %ebp, %esp
f6: popl %ebp
f7: ret
eb: jmp -63
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 90
getFunc: Starting at 0x150
150: pushl %ebp
151: movl %esp, %ebp
153: subl $12, %esp
156: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
159: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
15c: movl 12(%ebp), %ecx
15f: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
162: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
165: movb (%edx), %al
167: movb %al, -1(%ebp)
16a: movsbl -1(%ebp), %ecx
16e: testl %ecx, %ecx
170: je 53
172: movsbl -1(%ebp), %edx
176: cmpl $47, %edx
179: jne 8
17b: movl -12(%ebp), %eax
17e: movb $92, (%eax)
181: jmp 8
18b: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
18e: addl $1, %eax
191: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
194: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
197: addl $1, %ecx
19a: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
19d: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
1a0: movb (%edx), %al
1a2: movb %al, -1(%ebp)
1a5: jmp -61
16a: movsbl -1(%ebp), %ecx
16e: testl %ecx, %ecx
170: je 53
1a7: movl %ebp, %esp
1a9: popl %ebp
1aa: ret
183: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
186: movb -1(%ebp), %dl
189: movb %dl, (%ecx)
18b: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
18e: addl $1, %eax
191: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
194: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
197: addl $1, %ecx
19a: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
19d: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
1a0: movb (%edx), %al
1a2: movb %al, -1(%ebp)
1a5: jmp -61
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 150
getFunc: Starting at 0x100
100: pushl %ebp
101: movl %esp, %ebp
103: subl $12, %esp
106: movl $1, -8(%ebp)
10d: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
110: pushl %eax
111: calll 0
External call to: strlen
116: addl $4, %esp
119: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
11c: cmpl $1, -4(%ebp)
120: jle 39
122: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
125: movb (%ecx), %dl
127: movb %dl, -9(%ebp)
12a: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
12d: addl -4(%ebp), %eax
130: movb -1(%eax), %cl
133: movb %cl, -10(%ebp)
136:processDataSection: section range (0, 80)
movsbl -9(%ebp), %edx
13a: movsbl -10(%ebp), %eax
13e: cmpl %eax, %edx
140: jne 7
142: movl $0, -8(%ebp)
149: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
14c: movl %ebp, %esp
14e: popl %ebp
14f: ret
149: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
14c: movl %ebp, %esp
14e: popl %ebp
14f: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 100
Warning: address 1 is not in a data section.
Warning: address ffffffffffffffff is not in a data section.
Adding entry point: demo6_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
a == foo
b == /stuff/
c == bar
a == foo
b == \stuff\
c == bar
Calls external functions and contains a data reference that must be translated
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test7.obj
processDataSection: section range (0, 80)
processDataSection: section range (80, 84)
getFunc: Starting at 0x94
94: pushl %ebp
95: movl %esp, %ebp
97: pushl $0
9c: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
9f: pushl %eax
a0: calll 0
External call to: strcmp
a5: addl $8, %esp
a8: popl %ebp
a9: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 94
Adding entry point: demo7_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
inserting global data section named data_0x80
i == -1
k == 0
j == 1
References a non-string global variable that is used in computation.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test8.obj
processDataSection: section range (0, 80)
processDataSection: section range (80, 84)
getFunc: Starting at 0x94
94: pushl %ebp
95: movl %esp, %ebp
97: pushl %ecx
98: movl 0, %eax
9d: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
a0: movl 0, %ecx
a6: addl 8(%ebp), %ecx
a9: movl %ecx, 0
af: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
b2: movl %ebp, %esp
b4: popl %ebp
b5: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 94
Adding entry point: demo8_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
inserting global data section named data_0x80
i == 1
k == 3
j == 7
Tests variable argument functions (in this case printf) and references data items that must be translated.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test9.obj
getFunc: Starting at 0xa8
a8: pushl %ebp
a9: movl %esp, %ebp
ab: pushl %ecx
ac: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
af: pushl %eax
b0: pushl $0
b5: calll 0
External call to: printf
ba: addl $8, %esp
bd: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
c0: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
c3: pushl %ecx
c4: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
c7: pushl %edx
c8: pushl $0
cd: calll 0
External call to: printf
d2: addl $12, %esp
d5: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
d8: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
db: pushl %eax
dc: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
df: pushl %ecx
e0: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
e3: pushl %edx
e4: pushl $0
e9: calll processDataSection: section range (0, 80)
processDataSection: section range (80, 98)
External call to: printf
ee: addl $16, %esp
f1: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
f4: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
f7: movl %ebp, %esp
f9: popl %ebp
fa: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at a8
Adding entry point: demo9_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
inserting global data section named data_0x80
abc, abc
abc, abc, abc
Tests data that references other data and calls external functions
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test10.obj
getFunc: Starting at 0xcf
cf: pushl %ebp
d0: movl %esp, %ebp
d2: pushl %ecx
d3: movl $0, -4(%ebp)
da: jmp 9
e5: cmpl $10, -4(%ebp)
e9: jae 56
eb: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
ee: cmpl $0, (,%ecx,4)
f6: je 41
f8: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
fb: movl (,%edx,4), %eax
102: movl (%eax), %ecx
104: pushl %ecx
105: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
108: movl (,%edx,4), %eax
10f: pushl %eax
110: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
113: pushl %ecx
114: pushl $0
119: calll 0
External call to: printf
11e: addl $16, %esp
121: jmp -71
dc: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
df: addlprocessDataSection: section range (0, 80)
processDataSection: section range (80, cf)
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 80 to: 90
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 94 to: 9c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: a0 to: ac
$1, %eax
e2: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
e5: cmpl $10, -4(%ebp)
e9: jae 56
123: xorl %eax, %eax
125: movl %ebp, %esp
127: popl %ebp
128: ret
121: jmp -71
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at cf
Adding entry point: demo10_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
inserting global data section named data_0x80
mydata[1] = 0081D000 => 0xAA0000
mydata[4] = 0081D004 => 0x00BB00
mydata[8] = 0081D008 => 0x0000CC
Tests processing of very large data sections. The only real difference between demo10 and demo11 is the size of the data.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_test11.obj
getFunc: Starting at 0x4e23b1
4e23b1: pushl %ebp
4e23b2: movl %esp, %ebp
4e23b4: pushl %ecx
4e23b5: movl $0, -4(%ebp)
4e23bc: jmp 9
4e23c7: cmpl $1280193, -4(%ebp)
4e23ce: jae 56
4e23d0: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
4e23d3: cmpl $0, (,%ecx,4)
4e23db: je 41
4e23dd: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
4e23e0: movl (,%edx,4), %eax
4e23e7: movl (%eax), %ecx
4e23e9: pushl %ecx
4e23ea: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
4e23ed: movl (,%edx,4), %eax
4e23f4: pushl %eax
4e23f5: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
4e23f8: pushl %ecx
4e23f9: pushl $0
4e23fe: calll 0
ExternprocessDataSection: section range (0, 80)
processDataSection: section range (80, 4e23b1)
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 80 to: 4e2b0
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 4e2b4 to: 4e2bc
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 4e2c0 to: 4e2cc
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 4e2d0 to: ea710
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: ea714 to: ea71c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: ea720 to: ea72c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: ea730 to: 186b70
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 186b74 to: 186b7c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 186b80 to: 186b8c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 186b90 to: 222fd0
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 222fd4 to: 222fdc
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 222fe0 to: 222fec
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 222ff0 to: 2bf430
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 2bf434 to: 2bf43c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 2bf440 to: 2bf44c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 2bf450 to: 35b890
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 35b894 to: 35b89c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 35b8a0 to: 35b8ac
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 35b8b0 to: 3f7cf0
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 3f7cf4 to: 3f7cfc
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 3f7d00 to: 3f7d0c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 3f7d10 to: 494150
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 494154 to: 49415c
processDataSection: Adding data blob from: 494160 to: 49416c
al call to: printf
4e2403: addl $16, %esp
4e2406: jmp -74
4e23be: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
4e23c1: addl $1, %eax
4e23c4: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
4e23c7: cmpl $1280193, -4(%ebp)
4e23ce: jae 56
4e2408: xorl %eax, %eax
4e240a: movl %ebp, %esp
4e240c: popl %ebp
4e240d: ret
4e2406: jmp -74
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 4e23b1
Adding entry point: demo11_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
inserting global data section named data_0x80
readdata[80008] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[80011] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[80015] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
readdata[240032] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[240035] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[240039] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
readdata[400056] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[400059] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[400063] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
readdata[560080] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[560083] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[560087] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
readdata[720104] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[720107] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[720111] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
readdata[880128] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[880131] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[880135] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
readdata[1040152] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[1040155] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[1040159] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
readdata[1200176] = 000FD000 => 0xAA0000
readdata[1200179] = 000FD004 => 0x00BB00
readdata[1200183] = 000FD008 => 0x0000CC
Tests accessing the segment registers and the pushf instruction.
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_test12.cfg
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --entry-symbol start --output demo_test12.cfg', 'demo_test12.obj']
Already have driver for: start
inserting global data section named data_0x2c
Adding entry point: demo12_entry
Tests complex jump tables (generated via switch() statement).
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_test13.obj
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --std-defs ..\\std_defs\\std_defs.txt --entry-symbol _switches --output demo_test13.cfg', 'demo_test13.obj']
Already have driver for: _switches
inserting global data section named data_0x0
inserting global data section named data_0x1e0
Adding entry point: demo13_entry
Input was zero
Input was one
Input was two
Unknown input: 3
Input was four
Unknown input: 5
Input was six
Unknown input: 7
Unknown input: 8
Unknown input: 9
Unknown input: 10
Unknown input: 11
Input was twelve
Input was thirteen
Unknown input: 14
Unknown input: 15
Unknown input: 16
Unknown input: 17
Unknown input: 18
Input was nineteen
Unknown input: 20
Unknown input: 21
Unknown input: 22
Unknown input: 23
Unknown input: 24
Unknown input: 25
Unknown input: 26
Unknown input: 27
Unknown input: 28
Unknown input: 29
Unknown input: 30
Unknown input: 31
Unknown input: 32
Unknown input: 33
Unknown input: 34
Unknown input: 35
Unknown input: 36
Unknown input: 37
Unknown input: 38
Unknown input: 39
Unknown input: 40
Unknown input: 41
Unknown input: 42
Unknown input: 43
Unknown input: 44
Unknown input: 45
Unknown input: 46
Unknown input: 47
Unknown input: 48
Unknown input: 49
Unknown input: 50
Unknown input: 51
Unknown input: 52
Unknown input: 53
Unknown input: 54
Unknown input: 55
Unknown input: 56
Unknown input: 57
Unknown input: 58
Unknown input: 59
Unknown input: 60
Unknown input: 61
Unknown input: 62
Unknown input: 63
Unknown input: 64
Unknown input: 65
Unknown input: 66
Unknown input: 67
Unknown input: 68
Unknown input: 69
Unknown input: 70
Unknown input: 71
Unknown input: 72
Unknown input: 73
Unknown input: 74
Unknown input: 75
Unknown input: 76
Unknown input: 77
Unknown input: 78
Unknown input: 79
Unknown input: 80
Unknown input: 81
Unknown input: 82
Unknown input: 83
Unknown input: 84
Unknown input: 85
Unknown input: 86
Unknown input: 87
Unknown input: 88
Unknown input: 89
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Unknown input: 91
Unknown input: 92
Unknown input: 93
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Unknown input: 95
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Unknown input: 241
Unknown input: 242
Unknown input: 243
Unknown input: 244
Unknown input: 245
Unknown input: 246
Unknown input: 247
Unknown input: 248
Unknown input: 249
Unknown input: 250
Unknown input: 251
Unknown input: 252
Unknown input: 253
Unknown input: 254
Input was two hundred fifty-five
Test translating functions with a fastcall calling convention.
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_test14.obj
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --std-defs demo14_defs.txt --entry-symbol _printMessages --output demo_test14.cfg', 'demo_test14.obj']
Already have driver for: _printMessages
Adding entry point: demo14_entry
Three arg fastcall: 00000100, 00000200, 00000300
Two arg fastcall: 00000400, 00000500
One arg fastcall: 00000600
Test multiple calling conventions: fastcall, stdcall and cdecl in the same translation unit.
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_test15.obj
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --std-defs ..\\std_defs\\std_defs.txt --entry-symbol _imcdecl _imstdcall@8 @imfastcall@8 --output demo_test15.cfg', 'demo_test15.obj']
Already have driver for: _imcdecl
Already have driver for: _imstdcall@8
Already have driver for: @imfastcall@8
inserting global data section named data_0x0
Adding entry point: imcdecl
Adding entry point: imstdcall
Adding entry point: imfastcall
stdcall args are: 00000100, 00000200
fastcall args are: 00000300, 00000200
cdecl args are: 00000200, 00000500
Test Passed
Test support for the _aullshr intrinsic emitted by Visual Studio.
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_test16.obj
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --std-defs demo16_defs.txt ..\\std_defs\\std_defs. txt --entry-symbol _shiftit --output demo_test16.cfg', 'demo_test16.obj']
Already have driver for: _shiftit
Adding entry point: shiftit
We have: 0xffffffffffff0000
Tests floating point instruciton translation; multiplies its input by PI
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_fpu1.obj
processDataSection: section range (0, 7c)
processDataSection: section range (a5, ad)
getFunc: Starting at 0x8c
8c: pushl %ebp
8d: movl %esp, %ebp
8f: subl $8, %esp
92: fldl 0
98: fstpl -8(%ebp)
9b: fldl 8(%ebp)
9e: fmull -8(%ebp)
a1: movl %ebp, %esp
a3: popl %ebp
a4: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 8c
Adding entry point: demo_fpu1_entry
inserting global data section named data_0x0
inserting global data section named data_0xa5
2.0000000000000000 -> 6.2831854820251465
Tests a complex application that does many arithmetic operations and calls back into its parent object.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\sailboat.obj
sailboat.c(84) : warning C4552: '<<' : operator has no effect; expected operator
getFunc: Starting at 0x7c
7c: pushl %ebp
7d: movl %esp, %ebp
7f: subl $56, %esp
82: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
85: pushl %eax
86: calll 0
External call to: strlen
8b: addl $4, %esp
8e: movl %eax, -56(%ebp)
91: cmpl $37, -56(%ebp)
95: je 8
97: movl -56(%ebp), %eax
9a: jmp 831
3de: movl %ebp, %esp
3e0: popl %ebp
3e1: ret
9f: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
a2: addl $4, %ecx
a5: movl %ecx, 8(%ebp)
a8: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
ab: movsbl (%edx), %eax
ae: cmpl $100, %eax
b1: je 10
b3: movl $4294967294, %eax
b8: jmp 801
bd: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
c0: movzbl 1(%ecx), %edx
c4: pushl %edx
c5: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
ca: addl $4, %esp
cd: cmpl $9, %eax
d0: je 10
d2: movl $4294967293, %eax
d7: jmp 770
dc: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
df: movzbl 2(%eax), %ecx
e3: pushl %ecx
e4: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
e9: addl $4, %esp
ec: movl %eax, -40(%ebp)
ef: movl -40(%ebp), %edx
f2: shll %edx
f4: cmpl $26, %edx
f7: je 10
f9: movl $4294967292, %eax
fe: jmp 731
103: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
106: movzbl 3(%eax), %ecx
10a: pushl %ecx
10b: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
110: addl $4, %esp
113: movl %eax, -36(%ebp)
116: movl -36(%ebp), %eax
119: addl $1, %eax
11c: cltd
11d: subl %edx, %eax
11f: sarl %eax
121: cmpl $7, %eax
124: je 10
126: movl $4294967291, %eax
12b: jmp 686
130: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
133: movsbl 4(%edx), %eax
137: andl $15, %eax
13a: cmpl $1, %eax
13d: jne 27
13f: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
142: movsbl 4(%ecx), %edx
146: andl $240, %edx
14c: cmpl $48, %edx
14f: jne 9
151: movl $4294967292, -28(%ebp)
158: jmp 10
164: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
167: movsbl 5(%eax), %ecx
16b: andl $15, %ecx
16e: movb %cl, -29(%ebp)
171: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
174: movsbl 5(%edx), %eax
178: andl $240, %eax
17d: movb %al, -1(%ebp)
180: movzbl -29(%ebp), %ecx
184: cmpl $3, %ecx
187: jne 20
189: movzbl -1(%ebp), %edx
18d: cmpl $96, %edx
190: jne 11
192: movl -28(%ebp), %eax
195: addl $4, %eax
198: movl %eax, -28(%ebp)
19b: jmp 9
1a6: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
1a9: movzbl 6(%edx), %eax
1ad: pushl %eax
1ae: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
1b3: addl $4, %esp
1b6: movb %al, -49(%ebp)
1b9: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
1bc: movzbl 7(%ecx), %edx
1c0: pushl %edx
1c1: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
1c6: addl $4, %esp
1c9: movzbl -49(%ebp), %ecx
1cd: orl %eax, %ecx
1cf: movb %cl, -49(%ebp)
1d2: movzbl -49(%ebp), %edx
1d6: notl %edx
1d8: cmpl $70, %edx
1db: jne 11
1dd: movl -28(%ebp), %eax
1e0: subl $1, %eax
1e3: movl %eax, -28(%ebp)
1e6: jmp 11
1f3: cmpl $0, -28(%ebp)
1f7: je 10
1f9: movl $4294967289, %eax
1fe: jmp 475
203: pushl $4
205: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
208: addl $8, %eax
20b: pushl %eax
20c: pushl $0
20e: calll 0
External call to: read_bytes
213: addl $12, %esp
216: movw %ax, -20(%ebp)
21a: movzwl -20(%ebp), %ecx
21e: orl $21845, %ecx
224: cmpl $56663, %ecx
22a: jne 27
22c: movzwl -20(%ebp), %edx
230: orl $43690, %edx
236: cmpl $65211, %edx
23c: jne 9
23e: movl $43690, -28(%ebp)
245: jmp 7
24e: pushl $8
250: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
253: addl $12, %eax
256: pushl %eax
257: pushl $0
259: calll 0
External call to: read_bytes
25e: addl $12, %esp
261: movl %eax, -24(%ebp)
264: movl -24(%ebp), %ecx
267: xorl $2760406685, %ecx
26d: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
270: movl -12(%ebp), %edx
273: shrl $16, %edx
276: movl %edx, -8(%ebp)
279: movl -12(%ebp), %eax
27c: andl $65535, %eax
281: movl %eax, -16(%ebp)
284: cmpl $20299, -8(%ebp)
28b: jne 17
28d: movl -16(%ebp), %ecx
290: cmpl -28(%ebp), %ecx
293: jne 9
295: movl $0, -28(%ebp)
29c: jmp 7
2a5: pushl $8
2a7: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
2aa: addl $20, %edx
2ad: pushl %edx
2ae: movl -28(%ebp), %eax
2b1: pushl %eax
2b2: calll 0
External call to: read_bytes
2b7: addl $12, %esp
2ba: movl %eax, -48(%ebp)
2bd: movl -48(%ebp), %ecx
2c0: subl $3, %ecx
2c3: movl %ecx, -48(%ebp)
2c6: movl -48(%ebp), %edx
2c9: andl $7, %edx
2cc: je 10
2ce: movl $4294967275, %eax
2d3: jmp 262
2d8: movl -48(%ebp), %eax
2db: subl $2147483648, %eax
2e0: movl %eax, -48(%ebp)
2e3: cmpl $268435455, -48(%ebp)
2ea: jbe 10
2ec: movl $4294967274, %eax
2f1: jmp 232
2f6: movl -48(%ebp), %ecx
2f9: xorl $13631488, %ecx
2ff: movl %ecx, -48(%ebp)
302: movl -48(%ebp), %edx
305: shrl $4, %edx
308: movl %edx, -48(%ebp)
30b: movl -48(%ebp), %eax
30e: subl $226, %eax
313: movl %eax, -48(%ebp)
316: movl -48(%ebp), %eax
319: xorl %edx, %edx
31b: movl $10000, %ecx
320: divl %ecx
322: movl %eax, -48(%ebp)
325: cmpl $3, -48(%ebp)
329: je 8
32b: movl -48(%ebp), %eax
32e: jmp 171
333: pushl $4
335: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
338: addl $28, %edx
33b: pushl %edx
33c: movl -28(%ebp), %eax
33f: pushl %eax
340: calll 0
External call to: read_bytes
345: addl $12, %esp
348: movl %eax, -44(%ebp)
34b: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
34e: movsbl 28(%ecx), %edx
352: cmpl $100, %edx
355: jne 23
357: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
35a: movsbl 29(%eax), %ecx
35e: cmpl $100, %ecx
361: jne 11
363: movl -28(%ebp), %edx
366: xorl -44(%ebp), %edx
369: movl %edx, -28(%ebp)
36c: jmp 109
3db: movl -28(%ebp), %eax
3de: movl %ebp, %esp
3e0: popl %ebp
3e1: ret
36e: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
371: movsbl 28(%eax), %ecx
375: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
378: movsbl 29(%edx), %eax
37c: cmpl %eax, %ecx
37e: jne 85
380: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
383: movsbl 31(%ecx), %edx
387: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
38a: movsbl 30(%eax), %ecx
38e: subl %ecx, %edx
390: movl $15, %eax
395: subl %edx, %eax
397: addl -28(%ebp), %eax
39a: movl %eax, -28(%ebp)
39d: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
3a0: movzbl 28(%ecx), %edx
3a4: pushl %edx
3a5: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
3aa: addl $4, %esp
3ad: movl -28(%ebp), %ecx
3b0: subl %eax, %ecx
3b2: movl %ecx, -28(%ebp)
3b5: jne 28
3b7: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
3ba: movzbl 31(%edx), %eax
3be: pushl %eax
3bf: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
3c4: addl $4, %esp
3c7: cmpl $4, %eax
3ca: je 7
3cc: movl $4294967264, -28(%ebp)
3d3: jmp 6
3d3: jmp 6
3d5: movl -44(%ebp), %ecx
3d8: movl %ecx, -28(%ebp)
3db: movl -28(%ebp), %eax
3de: movl %ebp, %esp
3e0: popl %ebp
3e1: ret
29e: movl $48351, -28(%ebp)
2a5: pushl $8
2a7: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
2aa: addl $20, %edx
2ad: pushl %edx
2ae: movl -28(%ebp), %eax
2b1: pushl %eax
2b2: calll 0
External call to: read_bytes
2b7: addl $12, %esp
2ba: movl %eax, -48(%ebp)
2bd: movl -48(%ebp), %ecx
2c0: subl $3, %ecx
2c3: movl %ecx, -48(%ebp)
2c6: movl -48(%ebp), %edx
2c9: andl $7, %edx
2cc: je 10
247: movl $48059, -28(%ebp)
24e: pushl $8
250: movl 8(%ebp), %eax
253: addl $12, %eax
256: pushl %eax
257: pushl $0
259: calll 0
External call to: read_bytes
25e: addl $12, %esp
261: movl %eax, -24(%ebp)
264: movl -24(%ebp), %ecx
267: xorl $2760406685, %ecx
26d: movl %ecx, -12(%ebp)
270: movl -12(%ebp), %edx
273: shrl $16, %edx
276: movl %edx, -8(%ebp)
279: movl -12(%ebp), %eax
27c: andl $65535, %eax
281: movl %eax, -16(%ebp)
284: cmpl $20299, -8(%ebp)
28b: jne 17
1e8: movl -28(%ebp), %edx
1eb: movl -28(%ebp), %ecx
1ee: shll %cl, %edx
1f0: movl %edx, -28(%ebp)
1f3: cmpl $0, -28(%ebp)
1f7: je 10
19d: movl -28(%ebp), %ecx
1a0: addl $5, %ecx
1a3: movl %ecx, -28(%ebp)
1a6: movl 8(%ebp), %edx
1a9: movzbl 6(%edx), %eax
1ad: pushl %eax
1ae: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
1b3: addl $4, %esp
1b6: movb %al, -49(%ebp)
1b9: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
1bc: movzbl 7(%ecx), %edx
1c0: pushl %edx
1c1: calll 0
External call to: to_byte
1c6: addl $4, %esp
1c9: movzbl -49(%ebp), %ecx
1cd: orl %eax, %ecx
1cf: movb %cl, -49(%ebp)
1d2: movzbl -49(%ebp), %edx
1d6: notl %processDataSection: section range (0, 7c)
1d8: cmpl $70, %edx
1db: jne 11
15a: movl $4294967290, %eax
15f: jmp 634
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 7c
Warning: address 1 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 2 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 3 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 4 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 4 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 5 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 5 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 6 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 7 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 6 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 7 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1c is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1d is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1c is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1d is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1f is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1e is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1c is not in a data section.
Warning: address 1f is not in a data section.
Adding entry point: sailboat
inserting global data section named data_0x0
a winner is you!
Translates a compiled DLL that calls the Windows MessageBox API and displays a message box that says "Simple DLL"
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_dll_1.exp
Creating library demo_dll_1.lib and object demo_dll_1.exp
processDataSection: section range (1000a000, 1000d200)
processDataSection: section range (1000e000, 1000f000)
processDataSection: section range (10010000, 10010a00)
processDataSection: section range (10011000, 10011a00)
getFunc: Starting at 0x10001005
10001005: jmp 38
10001030: pushl %ebp
10001031: movl %esp, %ebp
10001033: pushl $0
10001035: pushl $268492800
1000103a: pushl $268492816
1000103f: pushl $0
10001041: calll *268501772
Calling symbol: MessageBoxA
10001047: movl $1, %eax
1000104c: popl %ebp
1000104d: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 10001005
Adding entry point: demo_dll_1_driver
inserting global data section named data_0x1000a000
inserting global data section named data_0x1000e000
inserting global data section named data_0x10010000
inserting global data section named data_0x10011000
About to do msgbox...
Translates a DLL that creates a new thread that displays a message box. this tests identifying data references to code and creating callbacks that can be used by external APIs, such as CreateThread.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_dll_2.exp
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library demo_dll_2.lib and object demo_dll_2.exp
getFunc: Starting at 0x10001030
10001030: subl $24, %esp
10001033: movl 268447768, %edx
10001039: movl 268447760, %eax
1000103e: movl 268447764, %ecx
10001044: movl %eax, 4(%esp)
10001048: movl 268447772, %eax
1000104d: movl %edx, 12(%esp)
10001051: leal (%esp), %edx
10001054: pushl %edx
10001055: pushl $0
10001057: movl %eax, 24(%esp)
1000105b: leal 12(%esp), %eax
1000105f: pushl %eax
10001060: pushl $268439568
10001065: movl %ecx, 24(%esp)
10001069: movb 268447776, %cl
1000106f: pushl $0
10001071: pushl $processDataSection: section range (10002000, 10002200)
processDataSection: section range (10003000, 10003200)
processDataSection: section range (10004000, 10004200)
10001073: movb %cl, 44(%esp)
10001077: calll *268443648
Calling symbol: CreateThread
1000107d: addl $24, %esp
10001080: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 10001030
getFunc: Starting at 0x10001010
10001010: movl 4(%esp), %eax
10001014: pushl $0
10001016: pushl %eax
10001017: pushl $268447744
1000101c: pushl $0
1000101e: calll *268443656
Calling symbol: MessageBoxA
10001024: ret $4
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 10001010
Adding entry point: demo_dll_2_driver
inserting global data section named data_0x10002000
inserting global data section named data_0x10003000
inserting global data section named data_0x10004000
Generating Code...
About to do msgbox via thread...
Created thead: 00000038
Waiting for 10 sec for msgbox...
Wait succeeded!
This demo translates a DLL that calls several functions and links to many external APIs. This DLL is a working network server that listens on a port and echos its input back out the socket. The server is spawned in its own thread.
Could Not Find C:\dev\llvm-new\mc-sema\tests\demo_dll_3.exp
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library demo_dll_3.lib and object demo_dll_3.exp
getFunc: Starting at 0x100012b0
100012b0: pushl %ebp
100012b1: movl %esp, %ebp
100012b3: subl $416, %esp
100012b9: leal -408(%ebp), %eax
100012bf: pushl %eax
100012c0: pushl $514
100012c5: calll *268443692
Calling symbol: WSAStartup
100012cb: movl %eax, -416(%ebp)
100012d1: cmpl $0, -416(%ebp)
100012d8: je 4
100012da: xorl %eax, %eax
100012dc: jmp 48
1000130e: movl %ebp, %esp
10001310: popl %ebp
10001311: ret
100012de: leal -4(%ebp), %ecx
100012e1: pushl %ecx
100012e2: pushl $0
100012e4: pushl $0
100012e6: pushl $268439568
100012eb: pushl $0
100012ed: pushl $0
100012ef: calll *268443648
Calling symbol: CreateThread
100012f5: movl %eax, -412(%ebp)
100012fb: cmpl $0, -412(%ebp)
10001302: je 8
10001304: movl -412(%ebp), %eax
1000130a: jmp 2
1000130c: xorl %eax, %eax
1000130e: movl %ebp, %esp
10001310: popl %ebp
10001311: ret
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 100012b0
getFunc: Starting at 0x10001010
10001010: pushl %ebp
10001011: movl %esp, %ebp
10001013: subl $572, %esp
10001019: movl $4294967295, -8(%ebp)
10001020: movl $4294967295, -4(%ebp)
10001027: movl $0, -572(%ebp)
10001031: movl $512, -12(%ebp)
10001038: movl $2, -564(%ebp)
10001042: movl $1, -560(%ebp)
1000104c: movl $6, -556(%ebp)
10001056: movl $1, -568(%ebp)
10001060: pushl $268447744
10001065: pushl $268447752
1000106a: calll 675
1000106f: addl $8, %esp
10001072: leal -572(%ebp), %eax
10001078: pushl %eax
10001079: leal -568(%ebp), %ecx
1000107f: pushl %ecx
10001080: pushl $268447776
10001085: pushl $0
10001087: calll *268443688
Calling symbol: getaddrinfo
1000108d: movl %eax, -532(%ebp)
10001093: cmpl $0, -532(%ebp)
1000109a: je 16
1000109c: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
100010a2: movl $1, %eax
100010a7: jmp 507
100012a7: movl %ebp, %esp
100012a9: popl %ebp
100012aa: ret $4
100010ac: movl -572(%ebp), %edx
100010b2: movl 12(%edx), %eax
100010b5: pushl %eax
100010b6: movl -572(%ebp), %ecx
100010bc: movl 8(%ecx), %edx
100010bf: pushl %edx
100010c0: movl -572(%ebp), %eax
100010c6: movl 4(%eax), %ecx
100010c9: pushl %ecx
100010ca: calll *268443704
Calling symbol: socket
100010d0: movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
100010d3: cmpl $-1, -8(%ebp)
100010d7: jne 29
100010d9: movl -572(%ebp), %edx
100010df: pushl %edx
100010e0: calll *268443676
Calling symbol: freeaddrinfo
100010e6: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
100010ec: movl $1, %eax
100010f1: jmp 433
100010f6: movl -572(%ebp), %eax
100010fc: movl 16(%eax), %ecx
100010ff: pushl %ecx
10001100: movl -572(%ebp), %edx
10001106: movl 24(%edx), %eax
10001109: pushl %eax
1000110a: movl -8(%ebp), %ecx
1000110d: pushl %ecx
1000110e: calll *268443672
Calling symbol: bind
10001114: movl %eax, -532(%ebp)
1000111a: cmpl $-1, -532(%ebp)
10001121: jne 39
10001123: movl -572(%ebp), %edx
10001129: pushl %edx
1000112a: calll *268443676
Calling symbol: freeaddrinfo
10001130: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
10001133: pushl %eax
10001134: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
1000113a: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
10001140: movl $1, %eax
10001145: jmp 349
1000114a: movl -572(%ebp), %ecx
10001150: pushl %ecx
10001151: calll *268443676
Calling symbol: freeaddrinfo
10001157: pushl $2147483647
1000115c: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
1000115f: pushl %edx
10001160: calll *268443664
Calling symbol: listen
10001166: movl %eax, -532(%ebp)
1000116c: cmpl $-1, -532(%ebp)
10001173: jne 26
10001175: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
10001178: pushl %eax
10001179: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
1000117f: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
10001185: movl $1, %eax
1000118a: jmp 280
1000118f: pushl $0
10001191: pushl $0
10001193: movl -8(%ebp), %ecx
10001196: pushl %ecx
10001197: calll *268443680
Calling symbol: accept
1000119d: movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
100011a0: cmpl $-1, -4(%ebp)
100011a4: jne 26
100011a6: movl -8(%ebp), %edx
100011a9: pushl %edx
100011aa: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
100011b0: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
100011b6: movl $1, %eax
100011bb: jmp 231
100011c0: movl -8(%ebp), %eax
100011c3: pushl %eax
100011c4: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
100011ca: pushl $0
100011cc: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
100011cf: pushl %ecx
100011d0: leal -528(%ebp), %edx
100011d6: pushl %edx
100011d7: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
100011da: pushl %eax
100011db: calll *268443696
Calling symbol: recv
100011e1: movl %eax, -532(%ebp)
100011e7: cmpl $0, -532(%ebp)
100011ee: jle 66
100011f0: pushl $0
100011f2: movl -532(%ebp), %ecx
100011f8: pushl %ecx
100011f9: leal -528(%ebp), %edx
100011ff: pushl %edx
10001200: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
10001203: pushl %eax
10001204: calll *268443700
Calling symbol: send
1000120a: movl %eax, -536(%ebp)
10001210: cmpl $-1, -536(%ebp)
10001217: jne 23
10001219: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
1000121c: pushl %ecx
1000121d: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
10001223: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
10001229: movl $1, %eax
1000122e: jmp 119
10001230: jmp 36
10001256: cmpl $0, -532(%ebp)
1000125d: jg -153
10001263: pushl $1
10001265: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
10001268: pushl %eax
10001269: calll *268443708
Calling symbol: shutdown
1000126f: movl %eax, -532(%ebp)
10001275: cmpl $-1, -532(%ebp)
1000127c: jne 23
1000127e: movl -4(%ebp), %ecx
10001281: pushl %ecx
10001282: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
10001288: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
1000128e: movl $1, %eax
10001293: jmp 18
10001295: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
10001298: pushl %edx
10001299: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
1000129f: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
100012a5: xorl %eax, %eax
100012a7: movl %ebp, %esp
100012a9: popl %ebp
100012aa: ret $4
100011ca: pushl $0
100011cc: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx
100011cf: pushl %ecx
100011d0: leal -528(%ebp), %edx
100011d6: pushl %edx
100011d7: movl -4(%ebp), %eax
100011da: pushl %eax
100011db: calll *268443696
Calling symbol: recv
100011e1: movl %eax, -532(%ebp)
100011e7: cmpl $0, -532(%ebp)
100011ee: jle 66
10001232: cmpl $0, -532(%ebp)
10001239: jne 4
1000123b: jmp 38
1000123f: movl -4(%ebp), %edx
10001242: pushl %edx
10001243: calll *268443668
Calling symbol: closesocket
10001249: calll *268443684
Calling symbol: WSACleanup
1000124f: movl $1, %eaxprocessDataSection: section range (10002000, 10002200)
processDataSection: section range (10003000, 10003200)
processDataSection: section range (10004000, 10004200)
10001254: jmp 81
getFunc: Function recovery complete for func at 10001010
Warning: address c is not in a data section.
Warning: address 8 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 4 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 10 is not in a data section.
Warning: address 18 is not in a data section.
Adding entry point: demo_dll_3_driver
inserting global data section named data_0x10002000
inserting global data section named data_0x10003000
inserting global data section named data_0x10004000
Generating Code...
About to create server thread...
Created thead: 00000038
Waiting for server thread to terminate...
Listening on port: 1337
Translate a DLL that has multithreading, call by register, and call by memory. The DLL displays two message boxes: "I'm called via memory!" and "I'm called via register!".
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_dll_4.exp
cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Og' has been deprecated and will be removed in a
future release
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library demo_dll_4.lib and object demo_dll_4.exp
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --entry-symbol call_ptrs --std-defs ..\\std_defs\\std_defs.txt --output demo_dll_4.cfg', 'demo_dll_4.dll']
Already have driver for: call_ptrs
inserting global data section named data_0x1000200c
inserting global data section named data_0x10003000
makeCallbackForLocalFunction: Adding Callbacks to Module!
Adding entry point: demo_dll_4_driver
About to call a function pointer...
Function returned: 31337
Create global data in a DLL that is modified and returned outside of the DLL scope.
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_dll_5.exp
cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Og' has been deprecated and will be removed in a
future release
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library demo_dll_5.lib and object demo_dll_5.exp
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --entry-symbol who_is_spartacus who_is_spartacus2get_response --std-defs ..\\std_defs\\std_defs.txt --output demo_dll_5.cfg', 'demo_dll_5.dll']
Already have driver for: who_is_spartacus
Already have driver for: who_is_spartacus2
Already have driver for: get_response
inserting global data section named data_0x10002008
inserting global data section named data_0x10003000
Adding entry point: d_who_spartacus
Adding entry point: d_who_spartacus2
Adding entry point: d_get_response
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAUL
Who is Spartacus?
Answer: I am Spartacus
... wait ...
Another Answer: No, I am Spartacus!
Test data exports from a translated DLL.
Could Not Find C:\git\llvm-lift\mc-sema\tests\demo_dll_6.exp
cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Og' has been deprecated and will be removed in a
future release
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library demo_dll_6_data.lib and object demo_dll_6_data.exp
cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Og' has been deprecated and will be removed in a
future release
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library demo_dll_6.lib and object demo_dll_6.exp
Using IDA to recover CFG
Executing: ['C:\\Program Files\\IDA 6.5\\idaq.exe', '-B', '-S..\\..\\build\\mc-sema\\bin_descend\\Debug\\ --batch --debug --entry-symbol get_value --std-defs ..\\std_defs\\std_defs.txt demo_6_defs.txt --output demo_dll_6.cfg', 'demo_dll_6.dll']
Already have driver for: get_value
inserting global data section named data_0x10002008
Adding entry point: d_get_value
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAUL
This should print 42: 42 [2a]