Some devices like the Teensy already come with their own bootloader. However, if you buy an individual chip for a pcb, then it most likely does not come with a bootloader, and must be flashed on by hand.
You'll need to make sure your environment is setup first. Linux or macOS is recommended over Windows (much easier).
Linux is always tested first, so when in doubt try loading up a VM with Ubuntu or Arch Linux.
While not recommended unless you have Arch Linux, there are also full manufacturing instructions, which details cabling and adapter setups:
cd Bootloader/Builds
# Select your MCU
cd *mk20dx256vlh7*
# kiibohd_bootloader.bin
The loading script requires a few additional ruby modules to be installed before it will work correctly.
gem install serialport libusb
Clone loading script.
cd Bootloader/Scripts
git clone
It's recommended to use an SWD-type flasher like a Bus Pirate. There is a convenience script for loading the firmware once the system is setup.
cd Bootloader/Scripts
./swdLoad.bash <path to .bin> 0
./swdLoad.bash ../Builds/*mk20dx256vlh7*/kiibohd_bootloader.bin 0
The above script requires Ruby, Ruby serial port module, git, and a /dev/buspirate
udev rule. If you don't want to create a udev rule, a symlink is also ok.
Most errors indicate problems with either cabling setup or missing ruby modules. Some chips may also become locked. Locked chips can be difficult to unlock without a JLink adapter.
Additional Notes:
- (See Bus-Pirate section)
As usual, Cygwin requires quite a bit more setup than Linux (or Mac). First, install the following Cygwin packages.
- gcc-core
- gcc-g++
- ruby
- ruby-devel
- rubygems
- rubygems
- gmp
- libgmp-devel
- libusb1.0
- libusb1.0-devel
- libffi-devel
- make
- autotools
Next, install the Ruby gems.
gem install serialport libusb
Now, plug in the Bus Pirate. Go to your device manager and locate the COMx port for the Bus Pirate and set the following.
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Not the COMx number. For example, COM6 correlates to /dev/ttyS5 in Cygwin.
Clone the programmer git repository.
Finally, ready to flash. Make sure to replace ttyS5 with your serial port.
git clone
ruby programmer/flash.rb name=buspirate:dev=<serial port> <bootloader binary> <address>
ruby programmer/flash.rb name=buspirate:dev=/dev/ttyS5 kiibohd_bootloader.bin 0