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Poisson Probability Discussion

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After example 2.5, 3.31, the program has been refactor a lot, make code reusable.

  • Consider simulation need to be tested with several different input, to accelerate the arguments parsing process, I construct parse_arg class to deal with this problem. See more about parse_arg.

Discuss two network model

Example 2.37 (Merge)

  • It will be implemented in

Mathematic Model

  • Because N1,N2 is independent, so we know N1=> $$N_1 | N=n \sim Binomial(n,p)$$, which N2: $$N_2 | N=n \sim Binomial(n,1-p)$$ , Both N1,N2 is a sum of n independent Bernoulli(p) random variables, with Binomial(N,P), N and P represent Number and Probability.

  • We have:

$\begin{array}{lcl} P_{N_1}(k)&=& \sum_{n=0}^\infty P(N_1=k | N=n)\cdot P_{N1}(n) \ & & \ & = &\sum_{n=k}^\infty C_k^n \cdot p^k (1-p)^{n-k} \cdot e^{-\lambda} \frac{\lambda^n}{n!} \ & & \ & = &\sum_{n=k}^\infty \frac{p^k(1-p)^{n-k}\lambda^n}{k!(n-k)!} & & \ & = & \frac{e^{-\lambda}\cdot (\lambda p)^k}{k!} \sum_{n=k}^\infty \frac{(\lambda (1-p)^{n-k})}{(n-k)!} \ & & \ & = & \frac{e^{-\lambda}\cdot (\lambda p)^k}{k!} \cdot e^{\lambda(1-p)}\ & & \ & = & \frac{e^{-\lambda p}\cdot (\lambda p)^k}{k!} \ , for \ k = 0,1,2, ...\ \end{array}$

  • So that we conclude that

$\begin{aligned} & N_1 \sim Poisson(\lambda\cdot p) \ & N_2 \sim Poisson(\lambda\cdot (1-p)) \ \ \ & which\ N_1\ and\ N_2\ are\ independent,\ \ & so\ P_{N_1+N_2}\ will\ be\ :\ & P_{N_1+N_2}(n,m) = P_{N_1}(n) \cdot P_{N_2}(m) \ \end{aligned}$

  • Consider the formula: $$P(X+Y=n)=\sum_{k=0}^nP(X=k, Y=n-k) $$

$$ = \sum_{k=0}^nP(X=k) \cdot P(Y=n-k)$$

So that Merging Poisson Process can be:

  • Directly calculate the S=X+Y with: $$P(X+Y=n)=\frac{e^{-(\lambda_1+\lambda_2)}}{n!} \cdot (\lambda_1 + \lambda_2)^n$$

  • Separately calculate X and Y with:

$\begin{array}{lcl} P(X=k) &=&\frac{e^{-(\lambda_1)}}{n!} \cdot (\lambda_1)^n, \ & & \ P(Y=n-k) &=&\frac{e^{-(\lambda_2)}}{(n-k)!} \cdot (\lambda_2)^{n-k} \end{array}$ , and need to consider the summation, from k=0~n: $$\sum_{k=0}^n ...$$

Simulation Model

  • We can use exponential distribution: $$f(x)=\lambda \cdot e^{-\lambda\cdot x}$$, which let x be a random number to get a random variable from exponential distribution.

  • In my implementation, I use C++ STL (standard library) - <random> to do this.

Implementation Detail
  • Step 1, I using self-defined class - event_list as my event queue. See more about event_list.

  • Step 2, scheduling 2 individual event: X, Y into event queue for initialization, then we can start our simulation. End condition is the number you can set in arguments before starting program by -s.

  • Step 3, pop out the element from event_list, and depend on its type (e.g. is X or Y?) to schedule next event with exponential random variable as timestamp and push back into event_list. And the old event will be record into this event_list object (treat like a event history, sort by its timestamp.). Do this routine until reaching the number we set by specifying -s.

  • Step 4, after event scheduling process has been done, we now can count the ratio of event arrival in each time scale.

    • For example, between timestamp 0.0~1.0, we get 5 event arrival during this time scale; And 1.0~2.0, we get 4 as event arrival.
    • Now, assume 2.0 is the end point of simulation, we now have 2 result: X=5 and X=4, both have 1 occurance.
    • Then we can say: P(X=5)=1/(1+1)=0.5=50%=P(X=4) !
  • Step 5, and now we have the history record in object of event_list, which record the type of each event, then we can pop it out and get the P(X), P(Y) and P(X+Y), with specified value of time scale: $$time\ scale = 1$$, which $$rate\ parameter = \lambda\ , scale\ parameter = \ 1/\lambda = \beta $$

    • Because rate parameter means in this time scale (which indicate as 1 above), how many event will happen. So we can use 1 to measure this simulation is fitting with poisson distribution or not.
  • Final, Then we can count the arrival rate in this time scale to finish our simulation!


  • So we need to compare simulation and mathematic model:

    • run with command make && make plot to run the program and plot: $$k=20,\ \lambda_X=1,\ \lambda_Y=2$$, also if you want to adjust, please using ./part_a.out -h to see more.

    • Mathematic Model

    • Simulation Model

  • We can see, both mathematic and simulation model all have the same curve in P(X+Y) and P(X)*P(Y)

Different Case

  • After we have finished the and compile it to get the executable file, we now can use it to run multiple testcase -
case simulation times $$\lambda_1$$ $$\lambda_2$$ result
1 10000 1 2
2 10000 1 5
3 10000 1 10
4 10000 10 20
5 100000 10 20
  • Parameters:

    • simulation times represent the number of total event in simulation process.
    • lambda_1 represent the lambda in X.
    • lambda_2 represent the lambda in Y.
  • As the result shown above, we can see P(S=X+Y) is almost perfectly match with P(X)*P(Y); And we can see in case 4, these 2 curves are quite not matching with each other; But after increase the total event number, then we can see these 2 curves are matching again.

Example 3.23 (Split)

  • It will be implemented in

In this part, we can see Part-B is the inverse process of Part-A (e.g. Poisson Process Merge). Part-B is the Poisson Process Split, which separate one arrival queue into 2 different set of queue, with specified probability(p) to transform from original one to these 2 different set.

Mathematic Model

From the formula, we can have the equation: $$P(X+Y)=P(\lambda \cdot p_x) \cdot P(\lambda \cdot (1-p_x))$$, which $$P(X) = P(\lambda \cdot p_x),\ P(Y)=P(\lambda \cdot (1-p_x))$$

So in mathematic part, we can construct this equation by program. See detail in

Simulation Model

As the same concept in Part-A, we use a event queue to represent the entire simulation.

The differences between them are:

  • lambda_1 and lambda_2 become lambda * p and lambda * (1-p)
  • When each arrival event occur, we need to using a random number ( 0.0~1.0 ) to decide this event type (e.g. become "X" or "Y"), and as same as Step 3 in Part-A, assign an exponential random variable as timestamp to this event, and then schedule it into event list.
  • And we can use the same step of Step 4 in Part-A, to get the probability of each number of event occur during specified time scale: 1 (Which represent "in this time slot, how many event will occur")
  • Most important part, in Part B there have need to create three event queue, N, LX, LY respectively.
    • N = N ~ Poisson (λ), is using to generate the X (derive from N) and Y (derive from N) with probability p and 1-p
    • LX represent the independent Poisson (λ*p), compare with X (derive from N).
    • LY represent the independent Poisson (λ*(1-p)), compare with Y (derive from N).
    • The other calculation are similar with above.
  • With all the statistics required, we can count the arrival rate in this time scale to finish our simulation!


  • Run make && make plot with statistics: $$k=20,\ \lambda=3,\ p=0.5$$, also if you want to adjust, please using ./part_b.out -h to see more.

  • Mathematic Model

  • Simulation Model (with 10000 event)

    • X (derive from N) compare with LX (Poisson (λ*p))

    • Y (derive from N) compare with LY (Poisson (λ*(1-p)))

    • Also, you can compare P(X+Y) with P(X)*P(Y), too. But there are lots of bias between them.

    $sim=10000,\lambda=6$ $sim=100000,\lambda=6$

And next part we will adjust the parameter and compare the results.

Different Case

  • After we have finished the and compile it to get the executable file, we now can use it to run multiple testcase -
simulation times $$\lambda$$ $$P$$ X , LX Y, LY
10000 3 0.5
10000 6 0.3
10000 6 0.5
10000 6 0.7
100000 6 0.3
100000 6 0.5
100000 6 0.7
100000 30 0.3
100000 30 0.5
100000 30 0.7
  • Parameters:

    • simulation times represent the number of total event in simulation process.
    • P represent the probability of event from N deriving to X.
    • X,LX: result compare with X (derive from N)(e.g. using $\lambda$ directly) and LX (independent Poisson)(e.g. $\lambda \cdot p$)
    • Y,LY: result compare with Y (derive from N)(e.g. using $\lambda$ directly) and LY (independent Poisson)(e.g. $\lambda \cdot (1-p)$)
  • As the result above, we can see X, LX, Y, LY are almost matching respectively !

    • And you can see case of lambda=6, when we increase the simulation times from 10000 to 100000, the result will be more matching.
    • Otherwise, it will have a large oscillation between 2 curves.

