Renewed NavMesh Generator for Panda3D was taken from run4life repo and modified for Python 3 support.
- Panda3D 1.10.x
- Python 3.x
- Regular and collision meshes in EGG format
Create grid with 64 X and 64 Y subdivisions. Rotate it to 90 degrees by X. Set scale to 70.
Then export it as fullMesh.egg
and collMesh.egg
, using YABEE for Blender 2.8.x.
This script creates a 'navmesh.csv' (which is used by the pathfinder in PandAI)
To run the script, do: (Please use the correct syntax in the command line)
python3 fullMesh.egg collMesh.egg
You can test freshly generated navmesh.csv with Static Obstacles example