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Rasa EKS setup

Rasa with AWS EKS and Helm. The main Rasa docs on this are here. Rasa Helm chart git repo is here.

AWS Steps

  • Install aws-iam-authenticator locally first

  • Make sure you are in the right AWS region before creating the EKS Cluster

  • Need an EKS role first. This page has instructions on how to check if the role exists. - Create AWS EKS Cluster

  • Create a kubeconfig for Amazon EKS

  • aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name wa-covid-bot

  • export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/wa-covid


  • Deploy issue:
    • Error from server (BadRequest): container "rasa-x" in pod "rasa-x-1584834511-rasa-x-68f7669879-vrhcn" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image
    • Error from server (BadRequest): container "rasa-x" in pod "prod-rasa-x-5bbdddd665-9nb68" is waiting to start: image can't be pulled
  • Setup channel credentials.yml which go under values.yml for Helm. See docs
  • Update app docker image in values.yml (I presume we will need this for additional libraries - dynamoDB)
  • Figure out how to assign AWS instance types to Rasa node types to reduce resource usage

Rasa k8s Notes

Rasa EKS setup

Rasa with AWS EKS and Helm. The main Rasa docs on this are here. Rasa Helm chart git repo is here.

EKS Deployment Notes

From the directory containing the values.yml do the following:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/wa-covid
kubectl -n <your namespace> \
kubectl get svc
kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-pull-secret \
    --docker-username=_json_key --docker-password="$(cat gcr-auth.json)"
kubectl create ns wa-covid-bot
helm repo add rasa-x
helm install prod -n wa-covid-bot --values values.yml rasa-x/rasa-x
helm install prod --dry-run -n wa-covid-bot --values values.yml rasa-x/rasa-x
kubectl -n wa-covid-bot get pods
kubectl -n wa-covid-bot logs rasa
kubectl -n wa-covid-bot describe pod rasa-x
kubectl -n wa-covid-bot get service -l
    -o jsonpath="{.items..status..loadBalancer..ingress[0].ip}"

Helm Secrets

kubectl create secret docker-registry regsecret --docker-server=$DOCKER_REGISTRY_RUL --docker-username=$USERNAME --docker-password=$PASSWORD --docker-email=$EMAIL
kubectl create secret generic test-secret --from-literal=username=devuser --from-literal=password='S!B\*d$zDsb'
kubectl delete secret test-secret
kubectl get secrets
kubectl describe secrets/greg-pull-secret
kubectl apply -f ./secret.yaml

Helm Cheatsheet

Preface all of these commands with helm. In these examples the release name is prod.

CMD Info
install prod -n wa-covid-bot --values values.yml rasa-x/rasa-x
list -n wa-covid-bot list releases
uninstall -n wa-covid-bot prod uninstall chart
repo list -n wa-covid-bot List repos
status -n wa-covid-bot prod Status
upgrade -n wa-covid-bot prod --values values.yml rasa-x/rasa-x Upgrade
history prod -n wa-covid-bot Release history

Kubectl Cheatsheet

Preface all of these commands with kubectl and you need to have KUBECONFIG set to your config file.

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/wa-covid

CMD Info
-n wa-covid-bot get pods Show running pods
-n wa-covid-bot logs Show pod logs
-n wa-covid-bot logs -l --follow logs
-n wa-covid-bot describe pod Pod config
-n wa-covid-bot describe pod -l Pod config
-n wa-covid-bot get service -l Get ip
-n wa-covid-bot exec -it -- /bin/bash shell
-n wa-covid-bot delete pod -l Delete/restart pod
-n wa-covid-bot describe pvc List claims/storage
-n wa-covid-bot delete pvc -l app=app Delete all

AWS CLI Cheatsheet

I have profiles for my id, wa-covid and the api wa-covid-api, set up ~/.aws/credentials.

CMD Info
