java.lang.ClassCastException: class scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon cannot be cast to class scala.Tuple3
(MMConstruction.scala:103) - Handle
(at least one element) - Improve tyre map executions - limit them
- Add handling of character classes (\s . \w etc.)
- Allow special character in brackets without escaping (eg. .)
- Allow character classes in brackets (eg. [^\s])
- Write readme
- Stringify - allow easily flatten matched data to string
- Separate API from internals (packages)
- Check if TyRE matching is greedy
- Support for Unicode character values (\uhhhh)
- Allow escaped characters in ranges (eg. [\t-s]) and generally in brackets (eg. [^\s])
- Support for singleton types
- Helper functions for handling digits and numbers
- Unicode mode
- Scaladoc
- Prepare deployment
- Externalize conversions to futher limit map executions