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Packet is designed to further speed up computation.

  • Alignment
  • Packet
  • Packet Operator
  • Saver
  • Packet Plan
  • Packet Check
  • Packet Align Check
  • MapPacketPlan

A general Packet has two modes to choose:

enum PacketArch {
  • kPlain is just a plain version using standard C language in case SSE is not available
  • kSSE2 is a set of instructions allowing to perform computations on packets of 128 bits at once. Since a float is 32 bits, this means that SSE2 instructions can handle 4 floats at once, which also means that, if correctly used, they can make our computation go up to 4x faster.
However, in real applications, e.g. we have chosen `size=50`, so our vectors consist of `50` 
float, and `50` is not a multiple of `4`. This means that we cannot hope to do all 
of that computation using SSE2 instructions. The second best thing, to which we should aim, 
is to handle the `48` first coefficients with SSE2 instructions, since `48` is the biggest 
multiple of `4` below `50`, and then handle separately, without SSE2, the `49th` and `50th` 

As a result, we define a struct containing the required aligned bytes

template<PacketArch Arch>
struct AlignBytes {
  // typedef unsigned index_t;
  static const index_t value = 4;   


Packet is a struct that is designed to handle the evaluation process of expression, in a scalar level, by using SSE2 instructions set for better efficiency.

It has three different basic type <DType, kPlain> for standard C computation, <float, kSSE2> for float SSE2 optimization, and <double, kSSE2> for double SSE2 optimization. All of them will be described in parallel.

Member Variables

  • kSize: number of float can be handled as a vector
  • data_: the internal data that is loaded from a pointer pointing to a built-in scalar type

Definition in <DType, kPlain>:

// since kPlain is only defined as default C computation in case of the absense of SSE2
// it naturally can only handle 1 float a time
static const index_t kSize = 1;
DType data_;

Definition in <float, kSSE2> and <double, kSSE2>:

// since float size is 32, it can handle 4 floats a time
static const index_t kSize = 4;
// __m128 is a special type in SSE2
__m128 data_;
// since double size is 64, it can only handle 2 doubles a time
static const index_t kSize = 2;
__m128d data_;

The vectorization makes 4 floats or 2 doubles looks like a scalar.


Since Packet only has 2 member variables, and one of them is static const type, we only need initiate the data_ in constructor.

Definition in <DType, kPlain>:

Packet(void) {}
explicit Packet(DType data) : data_(data) {}

Definition for <float, kSSE2> and <double, kSSE2> is same:

Packet(void) {}
explicit Packet(__m128d data) : data_(data) {}

Member Functions

The member functions in <DType, kPlain> just use the simple C / C++ code to realize same function in <float/double, kSSE2>.

// create a fill with the target value s
MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, kPlain> Fill(DType s) {
  return Packet<DType, kPlain>(s);

// load from address src, using *src for the value
MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, kPlain> Load(const DType* src) {
  return Packet<DType, kPlain>(*src);

// load from address src, using *src for the value
MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, kPlain> LoadUnAligned(const DType* src) {
  return Packet<DType, kPlain>(*src);

// store data into dst
MSHADOW_CINLINE void Store(DType* dst) const {
  *dst = data_;

Compared to plain implementation, the realization of <float/double, kSSE2> requires the usage of intrinsics, included in file <emmintrin.h>.

  • _mm_set1_ps(w): set all the four floats to the value of w, e.g. r0 := r1 := r2 := r3 := w
  • _mm_load_ps(w): load the first four floats pointed by w, e.g. r0 := p[0], r1 := p[1], r2 := p[2], r3 := p[3]. The address must be 16-byte aligned.
  • _mm_loadu_ps(w): same as _mm_load_ps, but the address does not need to be 16-byte aligned.
  • _mm_store_ps(*p,a): transfer the 4 floats values in a to the address pointed by p. e.g. p[0] := a0, p[1] := a1, p[2] := a2, p[3] := a3
MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<float, kSSE2> Fill(float s) {
  return Packet<float, kSSE2>(_mm_set1_ps(s));

MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<float, kSSE2> Load(const float* src) {
  return Packet<float, kSSE2>(_mm_load_ps(src));

MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<float, kSSE2> LoadUnAligned(const float* src) {
  return Packet<float, kSSE2>(_mm_loadu_ps(src));

MSHADOW_CINLINE void Store(float* dst) const {
  _mm_store_ps(dst, data_);

For <double, kSSE2>, the process and instructions are all similar, instead of the final ps is changed to pd for dealing with double.

MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<double, kSSE2> Fill(double s) {
  return Packet<double, kSSE2>(_mm_set1_pd(s));

MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<double, kSSE2> Load(const double* src) {
  return Packet<double, kSSE2>(_mm_load_pd(src));

MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<double, kSSE2> LoadUnAligned(const double* src) {
  return Packet<double, kSSE2>(_mm_loadu_pd(src));

MSHADOW_CINLINE void Store(double* dst) const {
  _mm_store_pd(dst, data_);
We intentionally leave the discussion of Sum() function, since its application is scarce in 
our context and has heave extra SSE2 instructions.

Overloaded Operators

= operator

The = operator simply change the value of data_ to the value in right hand side, and return itself by *this.

// plain
MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<DType, kPlain>& operator=(DType s) {
  data_ = s;
  return *this;

// <float, kSSE2>
MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<float, kSSE2>& operator=(float s) {
  data_ = _mm_set1_ps(s);
  return *this;

// <double, kSSE2>
MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<double, kSSE2>& operator=(double s) {
  data_ = _mm_set1_pd(s);
  return *this;

+ / - / * / / operators

For Plain version:

template<typename DType>
MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<DType, kPlain> operator+(const Packet<DType, kPlain>& lhs,
                                                const Packet<DType, kPlain>& rhs) {
  return Packet<DType, kPlain>(lhs.data_ + rhs.data_);

template<typename DType>
MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<DType, kPlain> operator-(const Packet<DType, kPlain>& lhs,
                                                const Packet<DType, kPlain>& rhs) {
  return Packet<DType, kPlain>(lhs.data_ - rhs.data_);
template<typename DType>
MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<DType, kPlain> operator*(const Packet<DType, kPlain>& lhs,
                                                    const Packet<DType, kPlain>& rhs) {
  return Packet<DType, kPlain>(lhs.data_ * rhs.data_);

template<typename DType>
MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<DType, kPlain> operator/(const Packet<DType, kPlain>& lhs,
                                                    const Packet<DType, kPlain>& rhs) {
  return Packet<DType, kPlain>(lhs.data_ / rhs.data_);

For SSE2 version:

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<float, kSSE2> operator+(const Packet<float, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                    const Packet<float, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<float, kSSE2>(_mm_add_ps(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<double, kSSE2> operator+(const Packet<double, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                     const Packet<double, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<double, kSSE2>(_mm_add_pd(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<float, kSSE2> operator-(const Packet<float, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                    const Packet<float, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<float, kSSE2>(_mm_sub_ps(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<double, kSSE2> operator-(const Packet<double, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                     const Packet<double, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<double, kSSE2>(_mm_sub_pd(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<float, kSSE2> operator*(const Packet<float, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                    const Packet<float, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<float, kSSE2>(_mm_mul_ps(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<double, kSSE2> operator*(const Packet<double, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                     const Packet<double, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<double, kSSE2>(_mm_mul_pd(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<float, kSSE2> operator/(const Packet<float, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                    const Packet<float, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<float, kSSE2>(_mm_div_ps(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));

MSHADOW_CINLINE Packet<double, kSSE2> operator/(const Packet<double, kSSE2>& lhs,
                                                     const Packet<double, kSSE2>& rhs) {
  return Packet<double, kSSE2>(_mm_div_pd(lhs.data_, rhs.data_));


To make fully use of SSE2 instructions set, Alignment is important in the context.

Aligned and Aligned Free

AlignedMallocPitch() is an analog to cudaMallocPitch(), which allocates a aligned space with num_line * lspace cells.

  • out_pitch: output parameter, the actuall space allocated for each line
  • lspace: number of cells required for each line
  • num_line: number of lines to be allocated

First, according to lspace, out_pitch can be calculated as the smallest number that is larger than lspace and can be divided by 16. Then, the aligned space to be allocated can be calculated by out_pitch * num_line.

inline void* AlignedMallocPitch(size_t *out_pitch,
                                size_t lspace,
                                size_t num_line) {
  const index_t bits = AlignBytes<MSHADOW_DEFAULT_PACKET>::value;   // = 4
  const index_t mask = (1 << bits) - 1;   // = 15

  // e.g. ((25 + 15) >> 4) << 4 = 32;
  size_t pitch = ((lspace + mask) >> bits) << bits; 
  *out_pitch = pitch;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
  void *res = _aligned_malloc(pitch * num_line, 1 << bits);
  void *res;
  int ret = posix_memalign(&res, 1 << bits, pitch * num_line);
  CHECK_EQ(ret, 0) << "AlignedMallocPitch failed";
  if (res == NULL) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "AlignedMallocPitch failed";
  return res;

As usual, since we allocate a space, we should free it after using by

inline void AlignedFree(void *ptr) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER


CheckAlign is designed to make sure a value or the address of a pointer can be divided by 16.

// check whether the value can be divided by 16
template<PacketArch Arch>
inline bool CheckAlign(size_t pitch) {
  const index_t bits = AlignBytes<Arch>::value;
  // the aligned pitch is expected to hold 4 zeros in its lowest 4 bits, or just can be divided by 16.

  // thus, when it is & with 15, the result should be zero
  return !(pitch & ((1 << bits) - 1)); 

// check whether the stored address of a pointer can be divided by 16
template<PacketArch Arch>
inline bool CheckAlign(void *ptr) {
  // reinterpret_cast forces the complier thinking ptr as a size_t type
  return CheckAlign<Arch>(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr)); 

UpperAlign and LowerAlign

UpperAlign and LowerAlign return the required loop times to execute a string with size.

According to the example in the beginning, it is a common strategy to use LowerAlign and then handle remaining separately. If UpperAlign is used, padding is required.

template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
inline index_t UpperAlign(index_t size) {
  const index_t bits = AlignBytes<MSHADOW_DEFAULT_PACKET>::value;   // = 4
  const index_t mask = (1 << bits) - 1;   // = 15
  const index_t fsize = sizeof(DType);    // = e.g. 4 for float or 8 for double
  return (((size * fsize + mask) >> bits) << bits) / fsize;

template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
inline index_t LowerAlign(index_t size) {
  const index_t bits = AlignBytes<MSHADOW_DEFAULT_PACKET>::value;   // = 4
  const index_t fsize = sizeof(DType);    // = e.g. 4 for float or 8 for double
  // e.g. (((50 * 4) >> 4) << 4) / 4 = 48 as claimed in the beginning example.
  return (((size * fsize) >> bits) << bits) / fsize;

Packet Operator

PacketOp is a struct same as the operator defined in the op namespace. The different choice of PacketOp is trigger by the given typename OP.

Its main usage is to deal with the operation between differnt Packet. Each + / - / * / / is defined in the file ./packet/plain-inl.h or ./packet/sse-inl.h.

// specialization of operators
template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketOp<op::plus, DType, Arch> {
  static const bool kEnabled = true;
  MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, Arch> Map(const Packet<DType, Arch>& lhs,
                                                   const Packet<DType, Arch>& rhs) {
    return lhs + rhs;

template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketOp<op::minus, DType, Arch> {
  static const bool kEnabled = true;
  MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, Arch> Map(const Packet<DType, Arch>& lhs,
                                                  const Packet<DType, Arch>& rhs) {
    return lhs - rhs;
template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketOp<op::mul, DType, Arch> {
  static const bool kEnabled = true;
  MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, Arch> Map(const Packet<DType, Arch>& lhs,
                                                  const Packet<DType, Arch>& rhs) {
    return lhs * rhs;

template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketOp<op::div, DType, Arch> {
  static const bool kEnabled = true;
  MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, Arch> Map(const Packet<DType, Arch>& lhs,
                                                  const Packet<DType, Arch>& rhs) {
    return lhs / rhs;

template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketOp<op::identity, DType, Arch> {
  static const bool kEnabled = true;
  MSHADOW_CINLINE static Packet<DType, Arch> Map(const Packet<DType, Arch>& src) {
    return src;

if the operator is out of range of op::plus, op::minus, op::mul, op::div and op:identity, the declaration will in its default setting, which leads it fail to pass the checking and back to original C++ implement.

template<typename OP, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketOp {
  static const bool kEnabled = false;


Saver is the struct that calls its member function Save() to do actual evaluation and saving.

It has two formulations. One for evaluation and saving (e.g. += / -= / *= / /=), and one only for saving (e.g. =) with operator sv::saveto.

For the first Save(), we first change the left hand side *dst to be a Packet, then call PacketOp::Map() to finish evaluation. At last, the result is stored to *dst.

template<typename SV, typename TFloat, PacketArch Arch>
struct Saver{
  MSHADOW_CINLINE static void Save(TFloat *dst, const Packet<TFloat, Arch>& src) {
    Packet<TFloat, Arch> lhs = Packet<TFloat, Arch>::Load(dst);   
    Packet<TFloat, Arch> ans = PacketOp<typename SV::OPType, TFloat, Arch>::Map(lhs, src);

For the second Save(), we simply store the result to *dst.

template<typename TFloat, PacketArch Arch>
struct Saver<sv::saveto, TFloat, Arch> {
  MSHADOW_CINLINE static void Save(TFloat *dst, const Packet<TFloat, Arch>& src) {

Packet Plan

Same as the class Plan defined in expr_engine-inl.h, the class PacketPlan is the class to provide Eval() function for Packet, which is the way to do actual evaluation.


According to the declaration, a PacketPlan contains two member functions EvalPacket() which use SSE optimization, and Eval() to do common computation as in Plan.

typedef packet::PacketArch PacketArch;

// same as plan, but use packet
template<typename ExpType, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
class PacketPlan {
  MSHADOW_CINLINE packet::Packet<DType, Arch> EvalPacket(index_t y, index_t x) const;
  MSHADOW_CINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const;

Tensor PacketPlan

The usage of EvalPacket() is to provide the data according to dptr_[y * stride_ + x]

template <typename Device, int dim, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
class PacketPlan<Tensor<Device, dim, DType>, DType, Arch> {
  explicit PacketPlan(const Tensor<Device, dim, DType> &t)
      :dptr_(t.dptr_), stride_(t.stride_) {}
  MSHADOW_CINLINE packet::Packet<DType, Arch> EvalPacket(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return packet::Packet<DType, Arch>::Load(&dptr_[y * stride_ + x]);
  MSHADOW_CINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return dptr_[y * stride_ + x];

  const DType  *dptr_;
  index_t stride_;

Scalar PacketPlan

The usage of EvalPacket() is to provide scalar_ for every x and y.

template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
class PacketPlan<ScalarExp<DType>, DType, Arch> {
  explicit PacketPlan(DType scalar) : scalar_(scalar) {}
  MSHADOW_CINLINE packet::Packet<DType, Arch> EvalPacket(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return packet::Packet<DType, Arch>::Fill(scalar_);
  MSHADOW_CINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return scalar_;

  DType scalar_;

Binary PacketPlan

The usage of EvalPacket() is to perform EvalPacket() for lhs_ and rhs_ respectively, and use the pre-defined OP to do the combinational evaluation.

template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, int etype, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
class PacketPlan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, DType, Arch> {
  PacketPlan(const PacketPlan<TA, DType, Arch> &lhs, const PacketPlan<TB, DType, Arch> &rhs)
      : lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs) {}
  MSHADOW_CINLINE packet::Packet<DType, Arch> EvalPacket(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return packet::PacketOp<OP, DType, Arch>::Map(lhs_.EvalPacket(y, x), rhs_.EvalPacket(y, x));
  MSHADOW_CINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return OP::Map(lhs_.Eval(y, x), rhs_.Eval(y, x));

  PacketPlan<TA, DType, Arch> lhs_;
  PacketPlan<TB, DType, Arch> rhs_;

Unary PacketPlan

The usage of EvalPacket() is to perform EvalPacket() for src_ first, and use the pre-defined OP to do the compositional evaluation.

template<typename OP, typename TA, int etype, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
class PacketPlan<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, DType, Arch> {
  PacketPlan(const PacketPlan<TA, DType, Arch> &src) : src_(src) {}
  MSHADOW_CINLINE packet::Packet<DType> EvalPacket(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return packet::PacketOp<OP, DType, Arch>::Map(src_.EvalPacket(y, x));
  MSHADOW_CINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return OP::Map(src_.Eval(y, x));

  PacketPlan<TA, DType, Arch> src_;



The MapPacketPlan() for RValueExp is only to return a PacketPlan initiated by the subtype of RValueExp<T, DType>, which is always a Tensor.

template<PacketArch Arch, typename T, typename DType>
inline PacketPlan<T, DType, Arch> MakePacketPlan(const RValueExp<T, DType> &e) {
  return PacketPlan<T, DType, Arch>(e.self());


The MapPacketPlan() for ScalarExp is only to return a PacketPlan initiated by the member variable scalar_:

template<PacketArch Arch, typename DType>
inline PacketPlan<ScalarExp<DType>, DType, Arch> MakePacketPlan(const ScalarExp<DType> &e) {
  return PacketPlan<ScalarExp<DType>, DType, Arch>(e.scalar_);


The MapPacketPlan() for BinaryMapExp is to recursively called MapPacketPlan() for its lhs and rhs at first stage, and then return the PacketPlan initiated by the two results.

template<PacketArch Arch, typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename DType, int etype>
inline PacketPlan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, DType, Arch>
MakePacketPlan(const BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> &e);

template<PacketArch Arch, typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename DType, int etype>
inline PacketPlan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, DType, Arch>
MakePacketPlan(const BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> &e) {
  return PacketPlan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>,
                    DType, Arch>(MakePacketPlan<Arch>(e.lhs_), MakePacketPlan<Arch>(e.rhs_));


The MapPacketPlan() for UnaryMapExp is to call MapPacketPlan() of its input variable src, then construct the PacketPlan for the return

template<PacketArch Arch, typename OP, typename TA, typename DType, int etype>
inline PacketPlan<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, DType, Arch>
MakePacketPlan(const UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype> &e) {
  return PacketPlan<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, DType, Arch>(MakePacketPlan<Arch>(e.src_));

Packet Check

The major usage of PacketCheck is to make sure every related DType is float or double, and every related operator is defined in the context of Packet. Otherwise, the program will back to the original C++ implement.

template<PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketCheck<float, Arch> {
  static const bool kPass = true;

template<PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketCheck<double, Arch> {
  static const bool kPass = true;

template<typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketCheck<ScalarExp<DType>, Arch> {
  static const bool kPass = PacketCheck<DType, Arch>::kPass;

template<int dim, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketCheck<Tensor<cpu, dim, DType>, Arch> {
  static const bool kPass = PacketCheck<DType, Arch>::kPass;

// check both operator implementation and data type in Tensor
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename DType, int etype, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketCheck<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, Arch> {
  static const bool kPass = PacketCheck<TA, Arch>::kPass &&
      packet::PacketOp<OP, DType, Arch>::kEnabled;

// check both operator implementation and data type in Tensor
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename DType, int etype, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketCheck< BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, Arch> {
  static const bool kPass = packet::PacketOp<OP, DType, Arch>::kEnabled &&
      PacketCheck<TA, Arch>::kPass && PacketCheck<TB, Arch>::kPass;

For some expressions, like TransposeExp(), and scalars, like int of built-in type which is not implemented in Packet, the PacketCheck is automatically failed. As a result, commmon C++ code will be used to evaluate such expression.

The following code makes sure the default setting is false.

template<typename E, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketCheck{
  static const bool kPass = false;

Packet Align Check

PacketAlignCheck is to check whether the data is aligned and the expressions has been implemented.


First, for some expressions that is not implemented, like TransposeExp(), the check should automatically fail and return the evaluation of expressions to their original implementations. So following codes guarantee the automatic switch.

template<int dim, typename E, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketAlignCheck {
  inline static bool Check(const E &exp) {
    return false;


In the Check() function, it checks whether the address is 16-byte aligned, and the stride_ is available for packet (can be divided by 4 for float).

For now, I highly wonder the importance of `stride_` checking. Since we can always compute
the parts that can be divided by `4` and calculate the remaining as written by itself in 
function `MapPacketPlan()`. However, the author just ignores it obviously.

The reason is remained to be checking !!!
template<int dim, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketAlignCheck<dim, Tensor<cpu, dim, DType>, Arch> {
  inline static bool Check(const Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> &t) {
    return packet::CheckAlign<Arch>(t.dptr_) &&
        packet::CheckAlign<Arch>(t.stride_ * sizeof(DType));


The ScalarExp is naturally aligned, so we always return true.

template<int dim, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketAlignCheck<dim, ScalarExp<DType>, Arch> {
  inline static bool Check(const ScalarExp<DType> &exp) {
    return true;


It first recursively calls Check() function of its lhs and rhs, and combine them by && in the end.

template<int dim, typename OP, typename TA, typename TB,
         typename DType, int etype, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketAlignCheck<dim, BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, Arch> {
  inline static bool Check(const BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> &t) {
    return PacketAlignCheck<dim, TA, Arch>::Check(t.lhs_) &&
        PacketAlignCheck<dim, TB, Arch>::Check(t.rhs_);


It just does Check() for its variable src

template<int dim, typename OP, typename TA, typename DType, int etype, PacketArch Arch>
struct PacketAlignCheck<dim, UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, Arch> {
  inline static bool Check(const UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype> &t) {
    return PacketAlignCheck<dim, TA, Arch>::Check(t.src_);


MapPacketPlan finishes the evaluation and final assignment.

I wonder why the `Tensor` here is 2-D. One possible explanation is the `MapPlan()` 
function in `./tensor_cpu-inl.h` is 2-D for the usage of transpose. But the transpose
is not written in the context of Packet. So either the transpose can be added or 
just change it to 1-D ???
template<typename SV, typename E, int dim, typename DType, PacketArch Arch>
inline void MapPacketPlan(Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> _dst,
                          const expr::PacketPlan<E, DType, Arch>& plan) {
  Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> dst = _dst.FlatTo2D();
  const index_t xlen = packet::LowerAlign<DType, Arch>(dst.size(1));
  for (index_t y = 0; y < dst.size(0); ++y) {
    for (index_t x = 0; x < xlen; x += packet::Packet<DType, Arch>::kSize) {
      packet::Saver<SV, DType, Arch>::Save(&dst[y][x], plan.EvalPacket(y, x));
    for (index_t x = xlen; x < dst.size(1); ++x) {
      SV::Save(dst[y][x], plan.Eval(y, x));

The code above implement a two-step evaluation strategy, but in current code, the second step can not happen. This is due to the check of stride_. Its necessary is under question and remains to be checking.

Missing Explanations

void* pointer

The type void* is a special pointer type that can hold the address of any object.

Like any other pointer, a void* pointer holds an address, but the type of the object at that address is unknown.

size_t keyword

size_t is a machine-specific unsigned type that is guaranteed to be large enough to hold the size of any object in memory. The size_t type is defined in the cstddef header.

Missing Components


For Plain packet:

MSHADOW_CINLINE DType Sum() const {
  return data_;

For SSE2 packet:

MSHADOW_CINLINE float Sum() const {
  __m128 ans  = _mm_add_ps(data_, _mm_movehl_ps(data_, data_));
  __m128 rst  = _mm_add_ss(ans, _mm_shuffle_ps(ans, ans, 1));
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1500) && defined(_WIN64)
  return rst.m128_f32[0];
  float rr = _mm_cvtss_f32(rst);
  return rr;

inline double Sum(void) const {
  __m128d tmp =  _mm_add_sd(data_, _mm_unpackhi_pd(data_, data_));
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1500) && defined(_WIN64)
  return tmp.m128d_f64[0];
  double ans = _mm_cvtsd_f64(tmp);
  return ans;

MapPacketPlan for MakeTensorExp

this function will never be called, since the MakeTensorExp type will not pass the Check() function. So we tempararily ignore it.

template<PacketArch Arch, typename T, int dim, typename DType>
inline PacketPlan<T, DType, Arch>
MakePacketPlan(const MakeTensorExp<T, cpu, dim, DType> &e) {
  return PacketPlan<T, DType, Arch>(e.real_self());