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File metadata and controls

239 lines (161 loc) · 7.34 KB

EC2 Controller

An AWS serverless web app for starting/stopping EC2 instances.

Build Quality Gate Status


EC2 controller uses the following technologies:

  • Authentication and Authorization: Cognito
  • Static web content: Cloudfront and S3
  • Frontend: React and AWS Amplify
  • Backend: API-Gateway (REST API) and Lambda
  • Storage: DynamoDb
  • Deployment: CloudFormation / CDK
  • Backend framework: Java 21 and Micronaut with SnapStart


Deployment to AWS


To deploy this in your AWS account you will need the following:

  • A region where you want to deploy, e.g. eu-west-1
  • A Route53 hosted zone, e.g. and its ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • A subdomain of you want to use for the web app, e.g.
  • An ACM certificate for or * in us-east-1 and its ARN arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:000000000000:certificate/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

On your local machine you will need the following:

Build backend

cd backend
./gradlew clean build

The backend will be deployed later when we deploy the infrastructure.

To update the backend after making changes, first build it ./gradlew build, then deploy the infrastructure with npm run cdk deploy.

Configure infrastructure

Create file infrastructure/infrastructure-config.ts based on the following template and fill in your configuration:

import { InfrastructureConfig } from "./lib/infrastructure-config-interface";

export const CONFIG: InfrastructureConfig = {
    region: "eu-west-1",
    domain: "",
    hostedZoneName: "",
    hostedZoneId: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    sslCertificateArn: "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:000000000000:certificate/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    stackName: "ec2-controller",
    contactEmailAddress: "[email protected]"

Deploy infrastructure and backend

cd infrastructure
npm run cdk deploy

This command will take up to 30 minutes. At the end it will output information you need for configuring the frontend in the next step.

Configure frontend

Create file frontend/src/frontend-config.ts based on the following template and fill in the values for your deployed stack:

import { FrontendConfig } from "./environment";

export const CONFIG: FrontendConfig = {
    region: "eu-west-1",
    apiGatewayEndpointUrl: "",
    cognitoIdentityPoolId: "eu-west-1:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    cognitoUserPoolId: "eu-west-1_xxxxxxxxx",
    cognitoUserPoolWebClientId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Create file frontend/deploy/deploy-config.js based on the following template and fill in the values for your deployed stack:

exports.CONFIG = {
    staticWebsiteBucket: 'ec2-controller-staticcontentbucketxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    cloudfrontDistributionId: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

Deploy frontend

cd frontend
npm run deploy

Configure backend

Add EC2 instances to whitelist

Add entries to the DynamoDB table for instances that you want to control:

    "id": "i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "controlAllowed": true,
    "domain": "",
    "sortOrder": 1
  • id: AWS EC2 instance ID.
  • controlAllowed: Allow starting/stopping this instance.
  • domain: Domain name for this instance. Used to check if DNS entry is in sync.
  • sortOrder: Specify order in which to display entries in the web app.

Create Cognito users

Go to the AWS Cognito console and create users for your new web app. Don't forget to add them to group Users.



Run local backend server

Configure environment variables for local server: create file backend/ based on the following template and fill in the values for your deployed stack:

TABLENAME_DYNAMODBINSTANCE = ec2-controller-instances-Backend

Then start the local server:

cd backend
./gradlew runServer

Check for dependency updates

./gradlew dependencyUpdates

Configure eclipse project

cd backend
./gradlew eclipse


Run local frontend during development:

cd frontend
npm start

Upgrade dependencies in package.json

npx npm-check-updates -u && npm install

Managing configuration in a private branch

This project requires some configuration files with deployment specific information, e.g. domain names that should not be stored in a public git repository. That's why these files are added to .gitignore. If you want to still keep your configuration under version control you can do so in a private branch (e.g. private-main) that you could push to a private repository only.

When switching from private-main to the public main branch, git will delete the configuration files. To restore them you can use the following command:

git show private-main:frontend/deploy/deploy-config.js > frontend/deploy/deploy-config.js \
  && git show private-main:frontend/src/frontend-config.ts > frontend/src/frontend-config.ts \
  && git show private-main:backend/ > backend/ \
  && git show private-main:infrastructure/infrastructure-config.ts > infrastructure/infrastructure-config.ts


Building frontend fails because ./frontend-config is not found

Cannot find file './frontend-config' in '.\src'.

Create frontend/src/frontend-config.ts as described above.

There is no "Run" button for my EC2 instance in the web app

Add an entry for your instance to the DynamoDB table and set controlAllowed to true.

Local server returns 404 when running in Eclipse

Configure project using gradle and refresh project in Eclipse:

cd backend && ./gradlew eclipse

Unit test fail with a NullPointerException when running in Eclipse

Configure project using gradle and refresh project in Eclipse:

cd backend && ./gradlew eclipse

GET /instances returns error 403 Forbidden

Make sure your Cognito user has role Users.

Creating a new account does not work.

Creating an account on the login page fails with message SignUp is not permitted for this user pool.

Registering of new users is deactivated for the Cognito user pool. You can change this by setting allowAdminCreateUserOnly to false in cognito.ts.

Loading instances sometimes takes up to 10s

The backend uses Java Lambdas which need some time for initialization when inactive for araound 15 minutes (cold start).

Solution: rewrite Lambda code e.g. in TypeScript.