All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.17.5 (2020-02-21)
- excel: add some extra styling & width options for Excel export (#403) (d87ce2c)
- tests: update to latest Cypress version (dc3afa9)
2.17.4 (2020-02-06)
2.17.3 (2020-02-05)
- pagination: on filter change pagination should reset to 1st page (#397) (af64dd6)
- selection: filter data should work with row selection, closes #295 (#393) (f36a4f7)
2.17.2 (2020-02-03)
2.17.1 (2020-02-03)
- backend: updateOptions can be use with partial options - TS type (80bdaa5)
- footer: custom footer should work anytime pagination is disabled (7d9798a)
- locales: fix some Locales not showing up when not using Translate (#392) (4d5e65b)
2.17.0 (2020-01-31)
- menus: add "onAfterMenuShow" event to all possible menu plugins (#389) (141d01a)
- selection: add flag to disable syncGridSelection w/BackendService (#390) (f29c6f0)
- selection: preserve row selection & add it to Grid State & Presets (#388) (a50d489), closes #295
2.16.5 (2020-01-23)
- state: Clear Sort should trigger only 1 event & fix Pagination (8e4f931)
2.16.4 (2020-01-23)
- backend: fix build warnings (c72ccc9)
- columns: Column Grouping should re-render after cols reordering (bd991f0)
- formatter: refine condition to display a checkmark icon (507b299)
2.16.3 (2020-01-22)
- build: remove extensionUtility DI to fix build (42cc4b4)
2.16.2 (2020-01-22)
- columnGroup: add columnGroupKey property in order to use translate (147470f)
- tests: fix a Cypress E2E flaky test (8fb09e2)
2.16.1 (2020-01-21)
- build: create & use separate excel-builder package to fix security (c114ae0)
- footer: fix Custom Footer styling issues with Bootstrap 4 (658a9fd)
- pagination: should be empty (0) when filtering an empty dataset (7409832)
2.16.0 (2020-01-20)
- backend: add OData & GraphQL Service API interfaces (43d3a00)
- backend: add OData & GraphQL Service API interfaces (11cc71c)
- backend: add option to use local filtering/sorting strategy (73c288b)
- examples: add new GraphQL without Pagination Example (f02ac2d)
- footer: add custom footer to show metrics (2054319)
- pagination: add Pagination to local grid (53aa9dc)
- rowDetail: add few object instances that can be used in child comp (9cc52c3)
- rowDetail: add Parent property to pass ref to parent comp (dd8c1cd)
- tests: add Cypress E2E for Local Pagination and fix new bugs found (b7b1a73)
- backend: cancel prior http calls to avoid inconsistent data shown (f9aaf54)
- build: TS warning on a missing Type (b894ee1)
- cypress: fix failing Cypress E2E test (e78b2d9)
- examples: use spinner only when loading data (d0b4820)
- examples: use valid date format (f66703a)
- filter: creating blank entry should only be entered once (3b769a4)
- filters: remove filter DOM element IDs to avoid duplicate IDs (4b83133)
- header: column header grouping should be re-render after a resize (beda628)
- menu: remove unused code in Context Menu to select cell (a2ae4bb)
- pagination: reload local grid with pagination presests w/same data (80eef1a)
- pagination: should work with page number defined in presets (95428ad)
- resizer: grid size fix for backend service with pagination disabled (6c4bcca)
- styling: add missing SASS variable import (6de44e6)
- styling: fix some styling issues found with menu dividers (6f375c9)
- test: fix failing Cypress E2E test after GraphQL changes (dc50117)
- test: fix Jest failing unit test (761fa4a)
2.15.4 (2020-01-10)
- build: TS warning on a missing Type (97b25f7)
2.15.3 (2020-01-10)
- styling: use latest SlickGrid version and fix some styling issues (dc0a688)
2.15.2 (2020-01-07)
- security: update DOMpurify to fix potential xss vulnerability (63c1ddc)
2.15.1 (2020-01-06)
- styling: add more SASS variables to header menu (373641f)
2.15.0 (2020-01-06)
- cellMenu: starting adding new CellMenu Extension (5ab64a1)
- github: change issue templates and add auto close bot (90271bf)
- menu: add action & override callbacks to all Menu plugins (a7967bb)
- menu: add Context Menu feature POC (8d04406)
- menu: starting adding new ContextMenu Extension (95d3227)
- styling: change Column Picker & Grid Menu styling (b9dc977)
- styling: change Column Picker & Grid Menu styling (d91086b)
- graphql: disable pagination should remove any page info from query (63190c8)
- sort: add sort icons to grouping examples (0bb9844)
- translations: align all Export translations and add missing locales (d3e45bc)
2.14.4 (2019-12-06)
- build: add Build Demo site to CircleCI task (62ed009)
- backend: make sure pagination object exist before using it (07dbbb1)
2.14.3 (2019-11-29)
- filter: Date Filters using Flatpickr throw error w/invalid locale (7c55a26), closes #346
- filter: default operator of input filter should be empty (17c905d)
- filter: number filter condition, parse number before comparing (55f5fc9)
2.14.2 (2019-11-27)
- tests: add missing unit tests to have 100% test coverage (99736fc)
- tests: add more unit tests & cleanup some code (644e1dc)
- editor: Select Editor with option "0" were incorrectly filtered out (e116340)
2.14.1 (2019-11-26)
- filter: updateFilters w/BackendService should call query only once (8228799)
2.14.0 (2019-11-21)
- cypress: add Dynamic Filters feature E2E Cypress tests (043ce89)
- filters: allow to bypass changed events when calling updateFilters (62c807e)
- filters: provide method to apply grid filters dynamically (8c10e5a)
- sorting: allow to bypass changed events when calling updateSorting (35936ad)
- sorting: provide method to apply grid sorting dynamically (9a99ca0)
- tests: add Jest & Cypress tests for Dynamic Sorting feature (d0fa65e)
- odata: no single quote escape required for IN operator for non-string column (6e4a855)
- picker: make sure picker addon is available before translating (e295c26)
2.13.1 (2019-11-12)
- filter: add missing radius (right) on compound input filters (e1aaefd)
- firefox: thousand separator regex lookbehind not allow, fixes #336 (4c3ed76)
- pagination: never display page 0, minimum should be page 1 (a44af9f)
2.13.0 (2019-11-07)
- cypress: upgrade to latest version of Cypress (0f1fd87)
- formatterOptions: add decimal,thousand separator to all Formatters (20345bb)
- tests: add missing unit tests for Excel Export Service (eb0a536)
- tests: add more Angular-Slickgrid component unit tests (01bfd6f)
- tests: Angular-Slickgrid Component add missing unit tests (0094494)
2.12.3 (2019-10-29)
- cypress: add Pagination Service E2E tests (72f6df3)
- styling: improve header menu styling (ba28d2b)
- tests: add Angular-Slickgrid component tests (1e84911)
- tests: add more Angular-Slickgrid unit tests (60192cd)
- tests: starting adding Slick-Pagination Component unit tests (b48ee06)
- editor: use editorOptions only (08b1930)
- graphql: pagination offset should never be below zero (41e321f)
- graphql: translate pagination texts on initial load (3ecd9b9)
- odata: filter with single quote should be escaped, fixes #328 (1cd0b47)
- styling: hidden menu visible in BS4 for Picker/Grid Menu, fix #321 (9d597c4)
2.12.2 (2019-10-21)
2.12.1 (2019-10-21)
- editor: autocommit should not save if value is the same as before (a07d239)
- editor: provide complex object override path for select editor (a93a53d)
- rowDetail: expose public all render/redraw methods of Row Detail (de0b3e9)
2.12.0 (2019-10-17)
- gridService: addItem/updatedItemById must pass an array to setSelectedRows (#308)
- excel: exporting to Excel should also work from Grid Menu (b2f0680)
- filter: should be able to filter even on hidden columns, fixes #310 (47a1ab7)
- bootstrap: add Bootstrap Action Dropdown example (0b96746)
- excel: add Excel Export feature and add full unit test suite (d787131)
- export: add Export to Excel feature (f06977f)
- tests: add more grid service unit tests (a2ddab2)
2.11.3 (2019-10-08)
- example: add Bootstrap Dropdown Action demo, closes #304 (ba6082c)
- export: add delimiter/listSeparator override to use with GraphQL (de52614)
2.11.2 (2019-10-07)
- gridService: upsertItem(s) should trigger onItemAdded/Updated event (df9af21)
- pagination: when item is added it should trigger pagination changed (c953a23)
- pagination: don't reset page 1 after manually adding items to grid (f61285d)
- example: add programmatically Pagination change sample (a150807)
2.11.1 (2019-10-04)
- backend: extract Pagination into its own Service to expose methods (4a4a708)
2.11.0 (2019-10-02)
- build: use latest SlickGrid version which might fix ES2015 build (ff9f9d8)
- editors: complex objects should work with all editors (01f53ed)
- insert: add item to bottom position should highlight correctly (9f9e6eb)
- insert: add option to insert item at bottom of grid (32764fb)
- metrics: deprecated Statistic and renamed to Metrics (aea60a9)
- odata: add "enableCount" flag to add to OData query, closes #287 (1d70037)
- tests: add AutoComplete Filter test suite (8ccea92)
- tests: add AutoComplete missing test (313da78)
- tests: add missing AutoComplete unit tests (24487a4)
- tests: add missing unit tests for all Editors (c275b87)
- tests: add more Single & MultipleSelectEditor unit tests (9dc1abe)
- tests: add some tests for the AutoComplete Editor (360da3e)
- upsert: add option to upsert item at bottom of grid & view scroll (7b25dd7)
2.10.5 (2019-08-29)
2.10.4 (2019-08-29)
2.10.3 (2019-08-29)
- core: dowgrade to previous SlickGrid version to fix issues (1fd11ab)
- tests: add CompoundDate Filter unit tests (45348a0)
- tests: add CompoundSlider Filter unit tests (06abb3d)
- tests: add NativeSelect Filter unit tests & tweak some Filters (4b952c9)
- tests: add slider unit tests (5ae1a85)
2.10.2 (2019-08-26)
- backend: queries should not include pagination option when disabled (d648b80)
- test: fix a Cypress flaky test that was sometime failing (4ed5a29)
- tests: add SelectFilter unit tests (5115e08)
2.10.0 (2019-08-19)
- dom: ColumnPicker & GridMenu were creating multiple DOM elements (8916f90)
- gridMenu: add more type checks to avoid console error, fixes #268 (328c9af)
- odata: use contains with OData version 4 (e936f33)
- presets: Grid State & Presets stopped working for columns (4e0b528)
- styling: fix some Bootstrap 4 styling (ee4931c)
- deps: bump fstream from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 (6813234)
- deps: bump jquery from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 (4175f25)
- deps: bump lodash.mergewith from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 (f538320)
- filter: add a few input/compoundInput filters (190176a)
- filter: add Cypress E2E tests for the Filter by Range grid (7da17f8)
- filter: add DateRange Filter unit test & refactor code (308082f)
- filter: add input search range functionality, ref issue #240 (7273cf8)
- filter: add new rangeDate Filter (0878569)
- filter: add new SliderRange Filter (26dc63c)
- filter: add optional placeholder to multiple select (1b1274b)
- filter: add SliderRange Filter unit tests & fix searchTerms input (be136be)
- locales: add unit tests when using locales with enableTranslate (413ea71)
- locales: add unit tests when using locales with enableTranslate (ae48ddf)
- sorters: consolidate & provide all date sorters (fdc1155)
- tests: add Cypress E2E tests to cover hidden columns, closes #250 (22868f5)
- translate: add optional Locale functionality (8f24d2d)
- translate: make ngx-translate an optional dependency (86b1214)
- translate: make ngx-translate optional in all necessary Editors (5eb1ec1)
- translate: make translate optional in SlickPagination component (0d6b2e2)