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Adds additional capabilities extending ADO.NET (System.Data.Common) that standardises and simplifies the relational database access for Beef.

Note: As this is extending ADO.NET only the primary interaction is via Stored Procedures, followed by SQL statements (secondary). LINQ-style capabilities are not supported, for this consider Entity Framework Core, and the corresponding Beef.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.

Note: The database access is integrated into the code-generation configuration to simplify the creation of the mappers, arguments and the common data access scenarios.

Note: See Beef.Database.Core for more information, and capabilities, around the management of a SQL Server Database specifically.


To encapsulate the database access the DatabaseBase is inherited to enable.

The following demonstrates the usage:

public class Database : DatabaseBase
    public Database(string connectionString, DbProviderFactory provider = null) : base(connectionString, provider) { }


Also, within Microsoft SQL Server 2016+ there is a Session-Context capability that is leveraged by Beef. This enables variables to be set that are then available for the duration of a database connection to be accessed. The likes of Username, Timestamp and TenantId are great candidates for this capability. These can be set from the corresponding ExecutionContext values using the SetSqlSessionContext method. This then reduces (removes) the need to pass these values to the database each time a Stored Procedure or SQL Statement is executed.

The following demonstrates the usage:

public class Database : Database<Database>
    public Database(string connectionString, DbProviderFactory provider = null) : base(connectionString, provider) { }

    public override void OnConnectionOpen(DbConnection dbConnection)
        // Set the SQL Session Context when the connection is opened.


A key feature is the mapping of a .NET entity to/from the database row and columns-based representation. The intention is to avoid mapping the database structure directly to an entity. The mapping will enable:

  • Property to/from column mapping, including naming differences.
  • Property to/from column data type conversions.
  • Entity to/from one or more columns mappings.

Also, specific mappings can be configured to only be performed when performing a specific operation type; e.g. Create or Update, etc.

The following demonstrates the usage:

// Create a class to enable mapping:
public partial class DbMapper : DatabaseMapper<Person, DbMapper>
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DbMapper"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    public DbMapper()
        Property(s => s.Id, "PersonId").SetUniqueKey(true); // Maps Id <-> PersonId, and indicates is an auto-generated unique key.
        Property(s => s.FirstName); // Maps same name, FirstName <-> FirstName
        Property(s => s.LastName);
        Property(s => s.UniqueCode).SetOperationTypes(OperationTypes.AnyExceptCreate); // Map only when not doing a Create operation.
        Property(s => s.Gender, "GenderId").SetConverter(ReferenceDataNullableGuidIdConverter<RefDataNamespace.Gender>.Default); // Converts Gender RefData entity <-> GenderId.
        Property(s => s.EyeColorSid, "EyeColorCode");
        Property(s => s.Birthday);
        Property(s => s.Address).SetMapper(AddressData.DbMapper.Default); // Maps with another mapper changing shape.
        AddStandardProperties(); // Maps IChangeLog and IETag according to convention.

// Fluent-style method-chaining equivalent:
var mapper = DatabaseMapper<Person>.Create()
    .HasProperty(s => s.Id, "PersonId", property: p => p.SetUniqueKey(true))
    .HasProperty(s => s.FirstName)
    .HasProperty(s => s.LastName)
    .HasProperty(s => s.UniqueCode, "UniqueCode", OperationTypes.AnyExceptCreate)
    .HasProperty(s => s.Gender, "GenderId", property: p => p.SetConverterReferenceDataNullableGuidIdConverter<RefDataNamespace.Gender>.Default))
    .HasProperty(s => s.EyeColor, "EyeColorCode")
    .HasProperty(s => s.Birthday)
    .HasProperty(s => s.Address, property: p => p.SetMapper(AddressData.DbMapper.Default))
    .Additional(m => m.AddStandardProperties());

Operation arguments

The DatabaseArgs provides the required database operation arguments:

Property Description
Mapper The mapper to perform the property to/from column mappings.
StoredProcedure The name of the stored procedure to be executed.
Paging The paging configuration (used by query operation only).
Refresh Indicates whether the data should be refreshed (reselected where applicable) after a save operation (defaults to true).

The following demonstrates the usage:

// Use the mapper to simplify creation.
var args1 = mapper.CreateArgs("[Demo].[spPersonCreate]");
var args2 = mapper.CreateArgs("[Demo].[spPersonGetAll]", paging);

// Create the arguments directly.
var args3 = new DatabaseArgs<Person>(mapper, "[Demo].[spPersonCreate]");
var args4 = new DatabaseArgs<Person>(mapper, "[Demo].[spPersonGetAll]", paging);


The primary data persistence activities are CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) related; the DatabaseBase enables the following capabilities:

Operation Description
Get Executes the StoredProcedure and gets the entity for the specified key where found; otherwise, null. Sets the mapping operation type to Get and uses the Mapper to get the parameters that form the key, and then creates the entity instance mapping from the columns as configured.
Create Executes the StoredProcedure and creates the entity. Sets the mapping operation type to Create and uses the Mapper to create the stored procedure parameters from the entity as configured; and rehydrate the corresponding result (where refreshing).
Update Executes the StoredProcedure and updates the entity. Sets the mapping operation type to Update and uses the Mapper to create the stored procedure parameters from the entity as configured; and rehydrate the corresponding result (where refreshing).
Delete Executes the StoredProcedure and deletes the entity. Sets the mapping operation type to Delete and uses the Mapper to get the parameters that form the key. Given a delete is idempotent it will be successful even where the entity does not exist.
GetRefData Executes the StoredProcedure for a ReferenceData query updating the collection. There is also the DatabaseRefDataColumns that contains the pre-configured reserved names of the standard refernce data columns. These can be changed where required.


Query operations are enabled via the DatabaseBase.Query which will return a DatabaseQuery. This supports an optional Action<DatabaseParameters> to enable further parameters to be added prior to execution.

The DatabaseQuery enables the following LINQ-like operations:

Operation Description
SelectFirst Executes the StoredProcedure and selects the first item.
SelectFirstOrDefault Executes the StoredProcedure and selects the first item or default.
SelectSingle Executes the StoredProcedure and selects a single item.
SelectSingleOrDefault Executes the StoredProcedure and selects a single item or default.
SelectQuery Executes the StoredProcedure and select multiple items and either creates, or updates an existing, collection. Where the corresponding DatabaseArgs.Paging is provided the configured paging, and optional get count, will be enacted.

The following demonstrates the usage:

var item = db.Query(mapper.CreateArgs("[Demo].[spPersonGetAll]"))

var coll = db.Query(mapper.CreateArgs("[Demo].[spPersonGetAll]", paging),
    p => p.ParamWithWildcard(firstName, mapper["FirstName"]))


The DatabaseCommand is provided to encapsulate the logic of creating and interacting with an ADO.NET DbCommand. This simplifies the creation, as well as simplifies the access to the underlying Parameters, and corresponding execution - further integrating with the mapping to simplify .NET entity to/from database row and columns-based representation. This also includes support for fluent-style method chaining.

This enables the following:

Operation Description
Param Adds a named parameter and value.
Params Add one or more parameters by invoking a delegate.
RowVersionParam Adds a named RowVersion parameter.
ReturnValueParam Adds a ReturnValue parameters.
ChangeLogParams Adds the ChangeLog parameters.
PagingParams Adds the PagingArgs parameters.
TableValuedParam Adds a SQL Server TableValuedParameter.
ReselectRecordParam Adds a ReselectRecord parameter.
SelectFirst Selects the first item.
SelectFirstOrDefault Selects the first item or default.
SelectSingle Selects a single item.
SelectSingleOrDefault Selects a single item or default.
SelectQuery Select multiple items and either creates, or updates an existing, collection. Where the corresponding DatabaseArgs.Paging is provided the configured paging, and optional get count, will be enacted.
SelectQueryMultiSet Executes a multi-dataset query command where an array of delegates are passed to process each returned dataset. A null dataset indicates to ignore (skip) the dataset at the specified position. The MultiSetSingleArgs or MultiSetCollArgs enable per dataset configuration to simplify usage and validate dataset expectations.
NonQuery Executes a non-query command.
Scalar Executes the query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.

The following demonstrates the usage:

// Delete a record using a NonQuery.
    .Param(DbMapper.Default.GetParamName(nameof(PersonDetail.Id)), id)

// Select with MultiSet.
    .Param(DbMapper.Default.GetParamName(nameof(PersonDetail.Id)), id)
        new MultiSetSingleArgs<Person>(PersonData.DbMapper.Default, (r) => { pd = new PersonDetail(); pd.CopyFrom(r); }, isMandatory: false),
        new MultiSetCollArgs<WorkHistoryCollection, WorkHistory>(WorkHistoryData.DbMapper.Default, (r) => pd.History = r));

// Update with Reselect containing a MultiSet.
    .Params((p) => PersonData.DbMapper.Default.MapToDb(value, p, Mapper.OperationTypes.Update))
    .TableValuedParam("@WorkHistoryList", WorkHistoryData.DbMapper.Default.CreateTableValuedParameter(value.History))
        new MultiSetSingleArgs<Person>(PersonData.DbMapper.Default, (r) => { pd = new PersonDetail(); pd.CopyFrom(r); }, false, true),
        new MultiSetCollArgs<WorkHistoryCollection, WorkHistory>(WorkHistoryData.DbMapper.Default, (r) => pd.History = r));


The DatabaseParameters is provided to encapsulate the DbParameterCollection logic.

This contains the actual Parameter related operations (implementation) described in the Command section above.

There is also the DatabaseColumns that contains the pre-configured reserved names of the special columns. These can be changed where required.


The DatabaseWildcard is provided to simplify the replacings of the well known wildcards (* and ?) with the SQL-equivalent (% and _). This also includes the escaping of other characters to ensure the SQL LIKE statement will function correctly. This can be re-configured as required.

Additionally, the Parameters contain a ParamWithWildcard operation that will add a Parameter with wildcard text and replace as per the DatabaseWildcard configuration.

Connection management

The Beef framework encapsulates the ADO.NET DbCommand and manages its lifetime. As such a developer need not concern themselves with opening and closing the ADO.NET DbConnection (and disposing).


The ManagerInvoker, DataSvcInvoker, and DataInvoker accept a BusinessInvokerArgs. This also drives the connection management.

These classes are used specifically by the primary domain business logic (see Solution Structure).