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'CodeGeneration' object (entity-driven)

The CodeGeneration object defines global properties that are used to drive the underlying entity-driven code generation.


A YAML configuration example is as follows:

refDataNamespace: My.Hr.Common.Entities
refDataText: true
eventSubjectRoot: My
eventActionFormat: PastTense

Property categories

The CodeGeneration object supports a number of properties that control the generated code output. These properties are separated into a series of logical categories.

Category Description
RefData Provides the Reference Data configuration.
Entity Provides the Entity class configuration.
Events Provides the Events configuration.
WebApi Provides the Web API (Controller) configuration.
Manager Provides the Manager-layer configuration.
Data Provides the generic Data-layer configuration.
Database Provides the Database Data-layer configuration.
EntityFramework Provides the Entity Framewotrk (EF) Data-layer configuration.
Cosmos Provides the CosmosDB Data-layer configuration.
OData Provides the OData Data-layer configuration.
HttpAgent Provides the HTTP Agent Data-layer configuration.
gRPC Provides the gRPC configuration.
Path Provides the Path (Directory) configuration for the generated artefacts.
Namespace Provides the .NET Namespace configuration for the generated artefacts.
Collections Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration.

The properties with a bold name are those that are more typically used (considered more important).


Provides the Reference Data configuration.

Property Description
refDataNamespace The namespace for the Reference Data entities (adds as a c# using statement).
† Defaults to Company + . (literal) + AppName + . (literal) + EntityUsing + .Entities (literal).
refDataCommonNamespace The namespace for the Reference Data common entities (adds as a c# using statement).
† Defaults to Company + . (literal) + AppName + .Common.Entities (literal).
refDataText Indicates whether a corresponding Text property is added when generating a Reference Data Property for an Entity.
† This is used where serializing within the Web API Controller and the ExecutionContext.IsRefDataTextSerializationEnabled is set to true (which is automatically set where the url contains $text=true).
refDataWebApiRoute The RouteAtttribute for the Reference Data Web API controller required for named pre-fetching. The WebApiRoutePrefix will be prepended where specified.
refDataCache The cache used for the ReferenceData providers. Valid options are: ReferenceDataCache, ReferenceDataMultiTenantCache.
† Defaults to ReferenceDataCache. A value of ReferenceDataCache specifies a single-tenant cache; otherwise, ReferenceDataMultiTenantCache for a multi-tenant cache leverageing the ExecutionContext.TenantId.
refDataAppendToNamespace The Reference Data entity namespace appended to end of the standard company.appname.Common.Entities.{AppendToNamespace}.
† Defaults to null; being nothing to append.
refDataBusNamespace The namespace for the Reference Data entities (adds as a c# using statement) for additional business-layer inclusion where requried.


Provides the Entity class configuration.

Property Description
entityUsing The namespace for the non Reference Data entities (adds as a c# using statement). Valid options are: Common, Business, All, None.
† Defaults to Common (unless EntityScope is Autonomous and then it will default to Business) which will add .Common.Entities. Additionally, Business to add .Business.Entities, All to add both, and None to exclude any. This can be overridden for each Entity.
jsonSerializer The JSON Serializer to use for JSON property attribution. Valid options are: None, Newtonsoft.
† Defaults to Newtonsoft. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
etagJsonName The default JSON name for the ETag property. Valid options are: etag, eTag, _etag, _eTag, ETag, ETAG.
† Defaults to etag. Note that the JsonName can be set individually per property where required.
usingNamespace1 The additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Entity code.
† Typically used where referening a Type from a Namespace that is not generated by default.
usingNamespace2 The additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Entity code.
† Typically used where referening a Type from a Namespace that is not generated by default.
usingNamespace3 The additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Entity code.
† Typically used where referening a Type from a Namespace that is not generated by default.


Provides the Events configuration.

Property Description
eventPublish The layer to add logic to publish an event for a Create, Update or Delete operation. Valid options are: None, DataSvc, Data.
† Defaults to DataSvc; unless the EventOutbox is not None where it will default to Data. Used to enable the sending of messages to the likes of EventHub, Service Broker, SignalR, etc. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
eventOutbox The the data-tier event outbox persistence technology (where the events will be transactionally persisted in an outbox as part of the data-tier processing). Valid options are: None, Database.
† Defaults to None. A value of Database will result in the DatabaseEventOutboxInvoker being used to orchestrate.
eventSourceRoot The URI root for the event source by prepending to all event source URIs.
† The event source is only updated where an EventSourceKind is not None. This can be extended within the Entity(s).
eventSourceKind The URI kind for the event source URIs. Valid options are: None, Absolute, Relative, RelativeOrAbsolute.
† Defaults to None (being the event source is not updated).
eventSubjectRoot The root for the event Subject name by prepending to all event subject names.
† Used to enable the sending of messages to the likes of EventHub, Service Broker, SignalR, etc. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
eventSubjectFormat The default formatting for the Subject when an Event is published. Valid options are: NameOnly, NameAndKey.
† Defaults to NameAndKey (being the event subject name appended with the corresponding unique key.)`.


Provides the Web API (Controller) configuration.

Property Description
webApiAuthorize The authorize attribute value to be used for the corresponding entity Web API controller; generally either Authorize or AllowAnonymous.
† This can be overridden within the Entity(s) and/or their corresponding Operation(s).
appBasedAgentArgs Indicates whether to create and use a domain-specific WebApi.WebApiAgentArgs to simplify dependency injection usage.
webApiAutoLocation Indicates whether the HTTP Response Location Header route (Operation.WebApiLocation) is automatically inferred.
† This will automatically set the Operation.WebApiLocation for an Operation named Create where there is a corresponding named Get. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
webApiRoutePrefix The RoutePrefixAtttribute for the corresponding entity Web API controller.
† This is the base (prefix) URI prepended to all entity and underlying Operation(s).


Provides the Manager-layer configuration.

Property Description
validatorLayer The namespace for the Reference Data entities (adds as a c# using statement). Valid options are: Business, Common.
† Defaults to Business. A value of Business indicates that the Validators will be defined within the Business namespace/assembly; otherwise, defined within the Common namespace/assembly.


Provides the generic Data-layer configuration.

Property Description
refDataDefaultMapperConverter The default Reference Data property Converter used by the generated Mapper(s) where not specifically defined. Valid options are: ReferenceDataCodeConverter, ReferenceDataCodeConverter{T}, ReferenceDataCodeConverter<T>, ReferenceDataInt32IdConverter, ReferenceDataInt32IdConverter{T}, ReferenceDataInt32IdConverter<T>, ReferenceDataNullableInt32IdConverter, ReferenceDataNullableInt32IdConverter{T}, ReferenceDataNullableInt32IdConverter<T>, ReferenceDataInt64IdConverter, ReferenceDataInt64IdConverter{T}, ReferenceDataInt64IdConverter<T>, ReferenceDataNullableInt64IdConverter, ReferenceDataNullableInt64IdConverter{T}, ReferenceDataNullableInt64IdConverter<T>, ReferenceDataGuidIdConverter, ReferenceDataGuidIdConverter{T}, ReferenceDataGuidIdConverter<T>, ReferenceDataNullableGuidIdConverter, ReferenceDataNullableGuidIdConverter{T}, ReferenceDataNullableGuidIdConverter<T>.
† Defaults to ReferenceDataCodeConverter<T>. Where this value is suffixed by <T> or {T} this will automatically set Property.DataConverterIsGeneric to true.
dataUsingNamespace The additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Data code.


Provides the Database Data-layer configuration.

Property Description
databaseName The .NET database interface name (used where Operation.AutoImplement is Database).
† Defaults to IDatabase. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
databaseSchema The default database schema name.
† Defaults to dbo.
databaseUsingNamespace The additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Data code where Operation.AutoImplement is Database.


Provides the Entity Framewotrk (EF) Data-layer configuration.

Property Description
entityFrameworkName The .NET Entity Framework interface name used where Operation.AutoImplement is EntityFramework.
† Defaults to IEfDb. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
entityFrameworkUsingNamespace The additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Data code where Operation.AutoImplement is EntityFramework.


Provides the CosmosDB Data-layer configuration.

Property Description
cosmosName The .NET Entity Framework interface name used where Operation.AutoImplement is Cosmos.
† Defaults to ICosmosDb. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
cosmosUsingNamespace additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Data code where Operation.AutoImplement is Cosmos.


Provides the OData Data-layer configuration.

Property Description
odataName The .NET OData interface name used where Operation.AutoImplement is OData.
† Defaults to IOData. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).
odataUsingNamespace additional Namespace using statement to be added to the generated Data code where Operation.AutoImplement is OData.


Provides the HTTP Agent Data-layer configuration.

Property Description
httpAgentName The default .NET HTTP Agent interface name used where Operation.AutoImplement is HttpAgent.
† Defaults to IHttpAgent. This can be overridden within the Entity(s).


Provides the gRPC configuration.

Property Description
grpc Indicates whether gRPC support (more specifically service-side) is required.
† gRPC support is an explicit opt-in model. Must be set to true for any of the subordinate gRPC capabilities to be code-generated. Will require each Entity, and corresponding Property and Operation to be opted-in specifically.


Provides the Path (Directory) configuration for the generated artefacts.

Property Description
pathBase The base path (directory) prefix for the artefacts; other Path* properties append to this value when they are not specifically overridden.
† Defaults to Company (runtime parameter) + . + AppName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo.
pathCommon The path (directory) for the Database-related artefacts.
† Defaults to PathBase + .Common (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Common.
pathBusiness The path (directory) for the Business-related (.NET) artefacts.
† Defaults to PathBase + .Business (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Business.
pathApi The path (directory) for the API-related (.NET) artefacts.
† Defaults to PathBase + . + ApiName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo.Api.


Provides the .NET Namespace configuration for the generated artefacts.

Property Description
namespaceBase The base Namespace (root) for the .NET artefacts.
† Defaults to Company (runtime parameter) + . + AppName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo.
namespaceCommon The Namespace (root) for the Common-related .NET artefacts.
† Defaults to NamespaceBase + .Common (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Common.
namespaceBusiness The Namespace (root) for the Business-related .NET artefacts.
† Defaults to NamespaceBase + .Business (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Business.
namespaceApi The Namespace (root) for the Api-related .NET artefacts.
† Defaults to NamespaceBase + . + ApiName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo.Api.


Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration.

Property Description
entities The corresponding Entity collection.

An Entity object provides the primary configuration for an entity, its properties and operations.