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File metadata and controls

396 lines (371 loc) · 10.4 KB


📍 Table of Contents

🔎 About The Project

This is REST API server for ddat-hmm project.

Built With


  • Save ddat-hmm data of user, friend(following / follower), and message(sent / received)
  • REST API for CRUD in ddat-hmm

💡 Getting Started

This is how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • npm
npm install npm@latest -g
  • Postgres Server

Available to replace another server instead of postgres server. See typeorm documents for connection server.


  1. Run Postgres
psql -U userName
  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Change current directory to the project directory
  2. Install npm packages
npm install
  1. Run server
npm start

Success to installation writes App Listening on PORT [port_number] DB connected ! on your terminal.

✅ Usage


🔹 Login authentication

URI Method Description
/auth/login POST Validate if email and password are correct
  • Request Parameter : Not Required
  • Request Body :
  "email" : "user email",
  "password" : "user password"
  • Response :
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"

🔸 Get all users

URI Method Description
/user GET Get a list of all users private data in the service
  • Request Parameter : Not Required
  • Request Body : Not Required
  • Response :
    "id": "user id in Postgres DB",
    "name": "user name",
    "email": "user email",
    "profileImageUri": "user profile image URI and default image is /images/person.png",
    "backgroundImageUri": "user background image URI",
    "comment": "user comment",
     "createdAt": "creation date (type: timestamp)",
    "updatedAt": "update date (type : timestamp)"

🔸 Get a list of user public data

URI Method Description
/user/name?:name GET Get a list of all users public data by user name
  • Request Parameter : user_name
  • Request Body : Not Required
  • Response :
    "id": "user id in Postgres DB",
    "name" : "user name",
    "email" : "user email",
    "profileImageUri" : "user profile image URI and default image is /images/person.png",
    "backgroundImageUri" : "user background image URI",
    "comment" : "user comment",
    "createdAt": "creation date (type: timestamp)",
    "updatedAt": "update date (type : timestamp)"

🔸 Get a specific user public data

URI Method Description
/user/:id GET Get a specific user public data by user id
  • Request Parameter : id : User primary key in Postgres DB
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body : Not Required
  • Response :
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "name" : "user name",
  "profileImageUri" : "user profile image URI and default image is /images/person.png",
  "backgroundImageUri" : "user background image URI",
  "comment": "user comment"  

🔹 Post a new user

URI Method Description
/user POST Create a new user in the service
  • Request Parameter : Not Required
  • Request Body :
  "name": "user name",
  "email" : "user email",
  "password" : "user password",
  "profileImageUri": "user profile image URI and default image is /images/person.png",
  "backgroundImageUri": "user background image URI",
  "comment": "user comment (optional)"
  • Response :
  "User Created !"

🔹 Patch a user data

URI Method Description
/user/:id PATCH Modify some of specific user data by user id
  • Request Parameter : id : User primary key in Postgres DB
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body : Not Required

Input need_to_be_modified fields.

  • Response :
  "User data modified !"

🔺 Delete a specific user

URI Method Description
/user/:id DELETE Delete a specific user in the service by user id
  • Request Parameter : id : User primary key in Postgres DB
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and published non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body : Not Required

Input need_to_be_modified fields.

  • Response :
  "User deleted !"

🔸 Get a following and follower list

URI Method Description
/follow/:id GET Get a list of following-user and follower-user by user id
  • Request Parameter : id : User primary key in Postgres DB
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and published non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body : Not Required
  • Response :
    "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
    "name" : "user name",
    "profileImageUri" : "user profile image URI and default image is /images/person.png",
    "backgroundImageUri" : "user background image URI",
    "comment": "user comment"
  "follower": [
    "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
    "name" : "user name",
    "profileImageUri" : "user profile image URI and default image is /images/person.png",
    "backgroundImageUri" : "user background image URI",
    "comment": "user comment"

🔹 Post a new following

URI Method Description
/follow/:id POST Add a new following-user into following list
  • Request Parameter : id : User primary key in Postgres DB
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and published non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body :
  "followingName" : "user name who wish to follow"
  • Response :
  "New followed !"

🔺 Delete a specific following

URI Method Description
/follow/:id DELETE Delete a following-user from following list by user id and friend id
  • Request Parameter : id : User primary key in Postgres DB
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and published non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body :
  "followingName" : "user name who wish to follow"
  • Response :

🔸 Get all messages of user

URI Method Description
/message/:id GET GET a list of messages that a user sent or received in the service today by user id and message id
  • Request Parameter : id : User primary key in Postgres DB
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and published non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body : Not Required
  • Response :
  "sent": [
    "sender" : "user name who sent the message",
    "receiver" : "user name who received the message",
    "content" : "message",
    "type" : "true : message sent"
"received": [
    "sender" : "user name who sent the message",
    "receiver" : "user name who received the message",
    "content" : "message",
    "type" : "false : message received"

🔹 Post a new message

URI Method Description
/message/:id POST Send a message to one of following users and the message is stored as a sent message
  • Request Parameter : Not Required
  • Payload : id, token : User primary key and published non-expired token id
  "id" : "user id in Postgres DB",
  "token" : "published Json Web Token to the user which expiration hour is 1 hour and issuer is hmm"
  • Request Body :
  "targetUserId" : "user id who wish to be sent",
  "content" : "message"
  • Response :
  "Message sent!"


See the open issues for a list of proposed features