This is a demo that creates a very simple system of a 1DOF particle, moving at a constant acceleration. All relevant quantities can be set through the command line: its initial position and velocity, as well its acceleration (in SI units). Additionally, simulation time and realtime rate are also exposed as command line arguments.
Follow the instructions in the README for this project.
# Switch to the build directory
cd build/src/particles
# Start the visualiser
/opt/drake/bin/drake_visualizer &
# Run the demo
./uniformly_accelerated_particle [-initial_position 0.0] [-initial_velocity 0.0] [-acceleration 1.0] [-simulation_time +inf] [-realtime_rate 1.0]
Feel free to emulate the system framework part of this demo program, but be aware that this is using the soon-to-be-deprecated rigid body and custom SDF parser which will be replaced by the multi-body API and the officially upgraded SDF parser from OSRC.