- removed --noelasticsearch cli arg option
- removed stocksight web site uploading capability, site has been removed
- Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for running in docker
- added random time delay between fetching tweets to reduce chance of getting Twitter 420 code (throttled/backoff)
- using -k keywords no longer causes twitter user id's to be looked up
- fatal error when looking up and using twitter user ids
- -l --linksentiment cli arg - follow any tweet link urls and run sentiment analysis on those web pages
- requirement for newspaper3k python module to requirements.txt, install with pip
- -w --websentiment cli arg - Get sentiment results from text processing website
- improved nltk token processing - no longed needed to provide multiple case in nltk tokens in config
- requirement for nltk stopwords, install with python -c "import nltk; nltk.download('stopwords')"
- getting web sentiment results from text processing website is no longer default
- improved tweet text cleaning, sentiment algorithm and stocksight sentiment upload values
- check if running Python 3
- -U --upload - uploads sentiment to stocksight website (BETA) https://stocksight.diskoverspace.com/
- stocksight_token in config.py.sample, used for auth to upload to stocksight website, copy to your config
- nltk_min_tokens in config.py.sample, used to set minimum number of tokens required, copy to your config
- tweet/news headline count/filtered/ratio log output
- --noelasticsearch cli arg for not adding new docs to Elasticsearch
- -s stock symbol cli arg (required arg), this is the stock symbol name and also used as the "tag name" on the stocksight webiste when uploading sentiment data
- --overridetokensreq and --overridetokensignore cli args
- -a --addtokens cli arg to add nltk required tokens from config to keywords
- --newsheadlines no longer requires stock symbol, use -s to provide stock symbol
- nltk required tokens from config now do not automatically get added to keywords, use -a or --addtokens to add them
- 'NoneType' object is not iterable Can't get sentiment from url caused by 400 Form Validation Errors text: This field is required traceback error when tweet with no text passed to sentiment_analysis
- "TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found" traceback error when running with -f twitteruserids.txt
- set encoding to utf-8 and checked for bytes when writing to twitteruserids.txt
- TypeError: can't concat str to bytes when writing to twitteruserids.txt
- requirements.txt for installing python requirements with pip
- config.py.sample has new setting for specifying elasticsearch host/ip, port, username and password, copy to your config file
- cli option -n --newsheadlines to fetch and analyze stock symbol headlines from yahoo finance website instead of twitter
- cli option --frequency to control how often news headlines are retrieved
- cli option --followlinks to follow any links in news headlines and scrape any relevant text on landing page
- additional mappings for newsheadline docs in elasticsearch indices
- code cleanup
- first release