quickjs-emscripten • @jitl/quickjs-singlefile-cjs-release-sync • Readme | Exports
Variant with the WASM data embedded into a universal (Node and Browser compatible) CommonJS module.
This generated package is part of quickjs-emscripten. It contains a variant of the quickjs WASM library, and can be used with quickjs-emscripten-core.
import variant from "@jitl/quickjs-singlefile-cjs-release-sync"
import { newQuickJSWASMModuleFromVariant } from "quickjs-emscripten-core"
const QuickJS = await newQuickJSWASMModuleFromVariant(variant)
This variant was built with the following settings:
- Library: quickjs
- Release mode: release
- Exports: require
- Extra async magic? No
- Single-file, or separate .wasm file? singlefile
- More details
The original bellard/quickjs library.
Version 2024-02-14+36911f0d vendored to quickjs-emscripten on 2024-06-15.
Optimized for performance; use when building/deploying your application.
Exports the following in package.json for the package entrypoint:
- Exports a NodeJS-compatible CommonJS module, which is faster to load and run compared to an ESModule.
The default, normal build. Note that both variants support regular async functions.
The WASM runtime is included directly in the JS file. Use if you run into issues with missing .wasm files when building or deploying your app.
Full variant JSON description:
"library": "quickjs",
"releaseMode": "release",
"syncMode": "sync",
"description": "Variant with the WASM data embedded into a universal (Node and Browser compatible) CommonJS module.",
"emscriptenInclusion": "singlefile",
"exports": {
"require": {
"emscriptenEnvironment": ["web", "worker", "node"]
Variant-specific Emscripten build flags:
"--closure 1",
"--pre-js $(TEMPLATES)/pre-extension.js",
"--pre-js $(TEMPLATES)/pre-wasmMemory.js",
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