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108 lines (87 loc) · 6.13 KB

"jschol" - JSX eScholarship

This app uses the following technology and features:

  • React front-end framework including use of JSX for mixing HTML in Javascript
  • React Router to implement single-page app
  • Javascript ES2015 for advanced Javascript features (especially 'class')
  • React component library to create the entire UI
  • Sinatra lightweight server framework for Ruby
  • Sequel object-relational mapper for Ruby
  • CSS compilation using SASS
  • Automatic rebuilds using Gulp
  • LiveReload support so changes during development are reflected instantly in the browser
  • Isometric Javascript to provide server-side initial rendering of pages (for fast first load, and for better crawlability)
  • Lando for bootstrapping a Docker-based development environment

Description of files

  • .lando.yml: the configuration file for Lando
  • Gemfile: Lists of Ruby gems the app uses. Used by 'bundler' to download and install them locally.
  • Gemfile.lock: Copy of Gemfile created and managed by 'bundler'. Don't modify directly.
  • This file.
  • LICENSE: Software license.
  • app/: Directory that contains all the JSX, CSS, HTML, etc.
  • app/css: Gets populated with compiled CSS files. Don't modify directly.
  • app/fonts: Special fonts for this app.
  • app/images: JPG, PNG, etc.
  • app/isomorphic.*: A little node app that runs React on the server-side to generate the initial page contents.
  • app/js: Gets populated with Babel-translated and possibily minified code. Don't modify directly.
  • app/jsx: React code for the UI. These get compiled (through Gulp) into app/js.
  • app/scss: CSS styles. Uses SCSS so macros, variables, etc. are available. These get compiled (through Gulp) into app/css/.
  • app/server.rb: Main app driver with code to generate the page outline, supply database data, cache bust, etc.
  • bin/: Gets populated by 'bundler' with driver scripts for gems it installs. Don't modify directly.
  • config: A place to keep environment variables such as database and S3 connection parameters.
  • convert.rb: Script to populate the new eschol5 database with units, item, etc. from the old eScholarship.
  • gems: Gets populated by 'bundler' with driver scripts for gems it installs. Don't modify directly.
  • gulp: Symbolic link to node_modules/.bin/gulp, so you can just run "./gulp" from the top-level directory.
  • gulpfile.js: Controls the build process for CSS and Javascript, and runs the app on the server.
  • migrations: Database schema in Ruby form. We can add new files here to morph the schema over time, and people can automatically upgrade their db.
  • node_modules: Gets populated by 'node' with server-side Javascript packages. Don't modify directly.
  • package.json: List of Javascript packages needed on the server. Includes mainly Gulp and React, and their dependencies.
  • Sequence of commands to run bundler and node to download and install all the Ruby and Javascript modules the app needs.
  • tools/: Conversion and database maintenance tools.
  • defaults.env: default environment variable configuration for Lando
  • local.env.example: example file for customizing your Lando dev workspace's environment variables, copy to local.env and customize as appropriate
  • .lando.local.yml.example: example file for customizing your Lando dev workspace's Lando configuration, copy to .lando.local.yml and customize as appropriate

Steps to get the app running on your local machine, with Lando

  1. Make sure Lando is installed
  • Lando comes bundled with Docker Desktop, if you already have Docker Desktop installed, don't re-install it, just ensure you have the same version as what is bundled with Lando.
  1. Copy local.env.example to local.env and customize as appropriate
  2. lando poweroff (defensively ensure no other Lando environments are running, probably not necessary, but a good habit)
  3. lando rebuild
  4. When you see the big "Boomshakala" message from Lando, you're ready to go
  5. Browse to http://localhost:18880 (or whatever port you've configured for PUMA_PORT in your local.env file)

This Lando dev environment includes a local MySQL server, which can load MySQL dumps from dev, stg or prd. To load a dump file, run

  1. lando db-import name-of-mysql-dump-file.gz

NOTE: if you do not have a dump file, ask Hardy, he can lend you a somewhat recent one. Or, you can rely on the SOCKS connection to use the db on one of our servers. Or you can use the VPN.


Use the lando logs -f command to see the logs from the appserver, or lando logs -s db -f to see the logs from the local database (if you're using it).

Run lando to see what other lando commands are available.


  • lando bundle Runs bundle commands on the Lando Jschol appserver
  • lando npm Runs npm commands on the Lando Jschol appserver
  • lando ruby Runs ruby commands on the Lando Jschol appserver
  • lando socks Sets the socks proxy tunnel back up, if you have been too idle
  • lando ssh Drops into a shell on a service, runs commands
  • lando start Starts the Jschol app
  • lando stop Stops the Jschol app

More tooling can be added easily.

Steps to get the app running on your local machine without Lando

  1. Make sure these are installed:
  • bundler
  • ruby
  • mysql
  • yarn
  1. Install gems and packages: ./ (Note: for neatness they get installed to the local directory, not system-wide)

  2. Configure environment. Get somebody else's config/ and modify to your needs.

  3. source config/

  4. Run ./gulp. Be on the lookout for errors.

  5. Browse to http://localhost:4001/unit/root, or http://localhost:4001/item/08s7w2fd, or http://localhost:4001/search

Migrating to a new database version

  • tools/migrate.rb

Merging everything from master to prd branch

  • git checkout master && git pull origin master && git checkout prd && git pull origin prd && git merge master && git push origin prd && git checkout master