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124 lines (104 loc) · 7.17 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (104 loc) · 7.17 KB

UPGRADING from 15.06 to 15.12

When upgrading your instance, you need to choose between the following alternatives:

Generic WARs expect to find their configuration in a folder, typically bootstrapped from the content of the georchestra/datadir repository (branch 15.12 !). This folder will generally be /etc/georchestra and the webapps will be aware of this location through the use of the tomcat additional parameter -Dgeorchestra.datadir=/etc/georchestra.

Packages provide:

  • the WAR files, typically in /usr/share/lib/georchestra-MODULENAME/,
  • their own copy of the /etc/georchestra folder. If using packages, it is your responsibility to symlink WAR files in your tomcat webapps folder, for automatic deployment of the webapps.

Keep in mind that the default configurations (either "template config" or "data dir") consider that geOrchestra runs on a SSL-enabled server. If this is not the case, please check carefully your datadir with #1123 in mind.

  • Mapfishapp has been revamped to allow dynamic customization of addons and contexts. This means that 2 new controllers are now responsible of the JSON blocks that were previously present in the GEOR_custom.js file. As a result, it introduced some stricter conventions that have to be respected so that the controllers can function correctly:

    • Contexts: in "datadir-mode" (ie with the -Dgeorchestra.datadir parameter), contexts should be uploaded to <georchestra.datadir>/mapfishapp/contexts/context.wmc along with a picture (<georchestra.datadir>/mapfishapp/contexts/images/context.jpg or .png). Contexts belonging to the webapp (as a result of compilation, for instance) are also taken into account by the controller (in the contexts/ subdirectory).

Imagine you had one context referenced in your GEOR_custom.js as such:

     CONTEXTS: [{
         label: "My context",
         thumbnail: "app/img/contexts/osm.png",
         wmc: "default.wmc",
         tip: "A unique OSM layer",
         keywords: ["background"]

The label, tip and keywords fields are now dynamically extracted from the context file. As a result, the default.wmc file should be edited to integrate the Title (matches label), Abstract (matches tip) and Keywords (matches keywords) strings, eg:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ViewContext xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.1.0" id="default" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <Window width="1373" height="709"/>
    <BoundingBox minx="455462.822367389977" miny="6838526.51230099984" maxx="875255.821295570000" maxy="7055302.35806940030" SRS="EPSG:2154"/>
    <Title>My context</Title>
    <Abstract>A unique OSM layer</Abstract>
  • Addons: in "datadir-mode", they need to be stored either in <georchestra.datadir>/mapfishapp/addons/ (recommended) or in the app/addons/ subdirectory of the webapp. Without the georchestra.datadir parameter, only the ones belonging to the webapp are taken into account.

  • As a result of #1040, LDAP groups are now groupOfMembers instances rather than groupOfNames instances. In addition, the PENDING_USERS group was renamed to PENDING. You have to migrate your LDAP tree, according to the following procedure (please change the dc=georchestra,dc=org string for your own base DN and provide a suitable password):

    • dump your ldap groups with:
    ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:389 -xLLL -D "cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org" -w your_ldap_password -b "ou=groups,dc=georchestra,dc=org" > /tmp/groups.ldif
    • migration:
sed -i 's/PENDING_USERS/PENDING/' /tmp/groups.ldif
sed -i 's/groupOfNames/groupOfMembers/' /tmp/groups.ldif
sed -i '/fakeuser/d' /tmp/groups.ldif
 sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f groupofmembers.ldif
  • drop your groups organizationalUnit (ou)

  • import the updated groups.ldif file.

  • As a result of #1108 and #556, the ogc-server-statistics model has been changed. To upgrade your database, you should follow this procedure:


In this script, change the values of the following variables according to your configuration: LDAP_URI, BIND_WITH_CREDENTIALS, LDAP_BINDDN, LDAP_PASSWD, GROUPS_DN, GROUP_OBJECT_CLASS.

Create a virtual env for python :

virtualenv migr-ogcstatistics
cd migr-ogcstatistics/
source bin/activate
easy_install ldap3

Then run the script:

python > /tmp/ogc-server-statistics-migration.sql

Check the sql migration file looks good.

Next step is to execute the two migration scripts:

wget -O /tmp/update_to_1512.sql
psql -d georchestra -f /tmp/update_to_1512.sql
psql -d georchestra -f /tmp/ogc-server-statistics-migration.sql

Please note that the ogc-server-statistics-migration.sql script might take a very long time, depending on your database size.

Finally, ensure geOrchestra database user is owner of database. If your database is dedicated to geOrchestra (no other apps are running in same database), you can use following procedure to reset ownership of all objects to selected user, for example www-data :

wget -O /tmp/fix-owner.sql
psql -d georchestra -f /tmp/fix-owner.sql
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('mapfishapp', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('downloadform', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('ldapadmin', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('ogcstatistics', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('public', 'www-data');";
# if you deploy geonetwork :
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('geonetwork', 'geonetwork');";

And if you deploy geofence :

psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('geofence', 'www-data');";

Finally, you can drop maintenance function :

 psql -d georchestra -c "DROP FUNCTION change_owner(text, text);";