diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 46e128e..07f58ad 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ Notebook cell vim bindings
## Modes
-Like vim, Jupyterlab has a distinction between edit mode and command mode. Jupyterlab Command mode is when the cursor is not in a specific cell, and edit mode when typing in a cell.
+Like vim, Jupyterlab has a distinction between Edit mode and Command mode. Jupyterlab is in Command mode when the cursor is not in a specific cell, and it is in Edit mode when typing in a cell.
-This extension combines the Jupyterlab (Edit and Command) modes with the standard vim modes (Normal, Insert, Visual). So the set of modes now looks like:
+This extension combines the Jupyterlab (Edit and Command) modes with the standard vim modes (Normal, Insert and Visual). So the set of modes now looks like:
-1. Jupyterlab Command Mode
-2. Jupyterlab Edit Mode
- - Insert
+1. Jupyterlab Command mode
+2. Jupyterlab Edit mode
- Normal
+ - Insert
- Visual
See [key bindings for switching between modes](#switching-between-modes).
@@ -44,66 +44,66 @@ mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlab_vim
To learn how to modify key bindings see the [modify-keybinds.md](modify-keybinds.md) file.
-**Please note that all keys are lowercase unless `Shift` is explicitly indicated.**
-For example, `Y, Y` is two lowercase `y`s, `Shift-Y, Y` is one uppercase `Y` followed by a lowercase `y`.
+**Please note that all keys are lowercase unless Shift is explicitly indicated.**
+For example, "Y, Y" means pressing lowercase y twice, while "Shift-Y, Y" means pressing Shift+y followed by a lowercase y.
-Shortcuts this extension introduces:
+Shortcuts that this extension introduces:
### Vim Ex commands
| Command | Action |
| -------- | -------------------------- |
| :w[rite] | Save Notebook |
-| :q[uit] | Enter Jupyter command mode |
-### Vim command bindings
-| Chord | Action |
-| --------------- | ------------------------- |
-| Ctrl-O, U | Undo Cell Action |
-| - | Split Cell at Cursor |
-| Ctrl-O, - | Split Cell at Cursor |
-| Ctrl-O, D | Cut Cell |
-| Ctrl-O, Y | Copy Cell |
-| Ctrl-O, P | Paste Cell |
-| Ctrl-Shift-J | Extend Marked Cells Below |
-| Ctrl-Shift-K | Extend Marked Cells Above |
-| Ctrl-O, O | Insert Cell Below |
-| Ctrl-O, Ctrl-O | Insert Cell Above |
-| Ctrl-J | Select Cell Below |
-| Ctrl-K | Select Cell Above |
-| Ctrl-O, G | Select First Cell |
-| Ctrl-O, Ctrl-G | Select Last Cell |
-| Ctrl-E | Move Cell Down |
-| Ctrl-Y | Move Cell Up |
-| Ctrl-O, Z, Z | Center Cell |
-| Ctrl-G | Show Tooltip |
-| Command/Ctrl-1 | Code Cell Mode |
-| Command/Ctrl-2 | Markdown Cell Mode |
-| Command/Ctrl-3 | Raw Cell Mode |
-| Shift-Escape | Leave Vim Mode |
-| Escape, Ctrl-\[ | Exit Vim Insert Mode |
-### Jupyter command bindings
-| Chord | Action |
-| ------- | ------------------- |
-| G, G | Select First Cell |
-| Shift-G | Select Last Cell |
-| D, D | Delete Cell |
-| Y, Y | Yank (Copy) Cell |
-| P | Paste Cell |
-| Shift-P | Paste Cell Above |
-| O | Insert Cell |
-| Shift-O | Insert Cell Above |
-| U | Undo Cell Action |
-| Ctrl-E | Move Cells Down |
-| Ctrl-Y | Move Cells Up |
-| Z, Z | Center Cell |
-| Z, C | Hide Code Cell |
-| Z, O | Show Code Cell |
-| Z, M | Hide All Code Cells |
-| Z, R | Show All Code Cells |
+| :q[uit] | Enter Jupyter Command Mode |
+### Vim (Jupyter Edit mode) bindings
+| Shortcut | Action |
+| -------------- | ------------------------- |
+| - | Split Cell at Cursor |
+| Ctrl-O, - | Split Cell at Cursor |
+| Ctrl-Shift-J | Extend Marked Cells Below |
+| Ctrl-Shift-K | Extend Marked Cells Above |
+| Ctrl-J | Select Cell Below |
+| Ctrl-K | Select Cell Above |
+| Ctrl-O, G | Select First Cell |
+| Ctrl-O, Ctrl-G | Select Last Cell |
+| Ctrl-O, O | Insert Cell Below |
+| Ctrl-O, Ctrl-O | Insert Cell Above |
+| Ctrl-O, D | Delete (Cut) Cell |
+| Ctrl-O, Y | Yank (Copy) Cell |
+| Ctrl-O, P | Paste Cell Below |
+| Ctrl-E | Move Cell Down |
+| Ctrl-Y | Move Cell Up |
+| Ctrl-O, U | Undo Cell Action |
+| Ctrl-O, Z, Z | Center Cell |
+| Ctrl-G | Show Tooltip |
+| Cmd/Ctrl-1 | Change to Code Cell |
+| Cmd/Ctrl-2 | Change to Markdown Cell |
+| Cmd/Ctrl-3 | Change to Raw Cell |
+| Shift-Esc | Exit to Command Mode |
+| Esc or Ctrl-\[ | Exit Current Mode |
+### Jupyter Command mode bindings
+| Shortcut | Action |
+| -------- | ------------------- |
+| G, G | Select First Cell |
+| Shift-G | Select Last Cell |
+| O | Insert Cell Below |
+| Shift-O | Insert Cell Above |
+| D, D | Delete (Cut) Cell |
+| Y, Y | Yank (Copy) Cell |
+| P | Paste Cell Below |
+| Shift-P | Paste Cell Above |
+| Ctrl-E | Move Cells Down |
+| Ctrl-Y | Move Cells Up |
+| U | Undo Cell Action |
+| Z, Z | Center Cell |
+| Z, C | Hide Code Cell |
+| Z, O | Show Code Cell |
+| Z, M | Hide All Code Cells |
+| Z, R | Show All Code Cells |
### Switching between modes
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ Shortcuts this extension introduces:
- To leave Normal mode to Command mode, several options are available:
- Shift+Esc
- Esc or Ctrl+[, if the "Enable `Esc` and `Ctrl-[` leaving vim Normal mode to Jupyter Command mode" option is enabled (on by default). To disable the option, go to Settings menu → Settings Editor → Notebook Vim.
- - To enter Insert mode from Normal mode, use one of the insert commmands, such as i, I, a, A, o, O, c, C, s or S.
- - To enter Visual Mode from Normal mode, use one of the visual commands, such as v, V or Ctrl+V.
-- From Insert or Visual modes:
- - To leave Insert or Visual modes to Normal Mode, press Esc or Ctrl+[.
- - To leave Insert or Visual modes to Command Mode, press Shift+Esc.
+ - To enter Insert mode from Normal mode, use one of the insert commmands, such as i, Shift+i, a, Shift+a, o, Shift+o, c, Shift+c, s or Shift+s.
+ - To enter Visual mode from Normal mode, use one of the visual commands, such as v, Shift+v or Ctrl+v.
+- From Insert or Visual mode:
+ - To leave Insert or Visual mode to Normal mode, press Esc or Ctrl+[.
+ - To leave Insert or Visual mode to Command mode, press Shift+Esc.
## Special Thanks