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Django stomp debug callback

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This functionality helps you comprehend and enhance your callback code used with the Django STOMP library.

As this project uses a view to call your callback function, it's possible to extract quite essential data that you can use to optimize your implementation.

See an example of this approach in action thanks to Django Debug Toolbar:

Django callback view utilization


pip install django-stomp-debug-callback

Django stomp debug callback configuration

Basically the configuration is simple, just insert the django_stomp_debug_callback on INSTALLED_APPS and in your application's urls code include the debug callback view route.

from django.conf import settings
if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += [
        path("debug-callback/", include("django_stomp_debug_callback.urls")), # django stomp callback urls
  • Check if django-stomp stay into INSTALLED_APPS

How to use ?

This route is a simple POST type route that expects to receive some parameters to trigger the callback function.

body parameter:

  • callback_function_path: The path to callback function to be called
  • payload_body: payload body to be sent to de callback function
  • payload_headers: headers to be sent to de callback function

curl example

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --data '{
	"callback_function_path": "",
	"payload_body": {
		"fake": "body"
	"payload_headers": {
		"fake": "headers"

How to use with django-debug-toolbar ?

Configuration for the django-debug-toolbar here.

pip install django-debug-toolbar
  • The second step is to configure the urls (Recommended only insert this rule id DEBUG is True)
from django.conf import settings
if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += [
        path("debug-callback/", include("django_stomp_debug_callback.urls")), # django stomp callback urls
        path("debug-toolbar/", include("debug_toolbar.urls")) # django debug toolbar
  • The third step is to check the settings, these settings will include the middleware and debug apps to main settings

in your .env

DEBUG_APPS = debug_toolbar,django_stomp_debug_callback
DEBUG_MIDDLEWARE = debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware

in your setting

import os
DEBUG = True # only to developer mode never in production app
    DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = {"SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK": (lambda request: True)}
    INTERNAL_IPS = [""]

    DEBUG_APPS = os.getenv("DEBUG_APPS")
    if DEBUG_APPS:
        INSTALLED_APPS += DEBUG_APPS.split(",")


Now you can see the debug panel in your admin url (localhost:8000/admin) and you can choose the route you want to see the requests to the bank in a given view with timing details and explain options and see the most problematic query of your stream.


You can run the tests with docker

docker-compose up tests

Or using tox

pipenv run tox

Lint + code formatter

The use of .pre-commit-config.yaml flake8, black, isort and pylint.

You can run the .pre-commit-config.yaml with docker

docker-compose up lint-formatter

Or using pre-commit

pre-commit run --all-files