Junta Wu, Huiyun Li. Aggregated Multi-deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Self-driving Policy, International Conference on Internet of Vehicles. Springer, Cham, 2018: 179-192.
AMDDPG is a deep reinforcement learning algorithm designed based on multi-DDPG structure. This repository tested AMDDPG on Gym-TORCS and compared it with DDPG.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Python 2.7
- Numpy, Matplotlib, OpenCV
- Gym
- Keras 1.1.0
- Tensorflow 0.12.0 (CPU version or GPU version)
- CUDA (unnecessary if cpu-version tensorflow is installed, no more than CUDA 8.0)
For convenience, environment configuration is done on Anaconda. Terminal commands are shown below.
Follow installation instructions to install Anaconda.
Create Python 2.7 virtual environment on Anaconda
conda create --name python2.7 python=2.7 source activate python2.7
Install Numpy, Matplotlib, OpenCV, h5py in "python2.7" environment
pip install --upgrade setuptools pip install -U --pre numpy Matplotlib pip install -U --pre opencv-python pip install requests h5py
Install Gym
pip install -U --pre gym
Install Kears
pip install -U --pre keras==1.1.0
Install Tensorflow (CPU version)
pip install -U --pre tensorflow==0.12.0
Install Gym-TORCS
Note: We'll call the directory that you cloned Gym-TORCS as
git clone https://github.com/ugo-nama-kun/gym_torcs sudo apt-get install xautomation libglib2.0-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev libplib-dev libopenal-dev libalut-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev libxrender-dev libxrandr-dev libpng12-dev cd $Gym-TORCS-ROOT/vtorcs-RL-colors/ ./configure sudo make sudo make install sudo make datainstall
Test Gym-Torcs
Open a terminal:
Click on TORCS interface: "Race –> Practice –> New Race". You should see a blue interdace which prints "Initializing Driver scr_server1".
Open another terminal:
cd $Gym-TORCS-ROOT/ python3 snakeoil3_gym.py
You should see a car running on the track automatically. Note that there may be “print" function error with "snakeoil3_gym.py" because of python version.
Show the car
The default interface of Gym-TORCS dose not show the racing car. Please follow the following instructions to change the source code so as to show the body of the car.
Open the file
and change the 280th line ofgrscreen.cpp
to befor (i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++) { grDrawCar(cars[i], curCar, dispCam->getDrawCurrent(), dispCam->getDrawDriver(), s->currentTime, dispCam); }
Re-make Gym-TORCS
sudo make sudo make install sudo make datainstall
Select track
sudo torcs
Click "Race –> Quick Race –> Configure Race", select track, accept and quit.
- Clone AMDDPG-TORCS repository
Note: We'll call the directory that you cloned AMDDPG-TORCS as
git clone https://github.com/juntawu/AMDDPG-TORCS
Testing DDPG
cd $AMDDPG-TORCS-ROOT/DDPG/ddpg_2018_03_24 python test_policy.py
You should see the result shown in "resuslt_2018_04_03_episode3450.mp4" after two instable episodes.
Testing AMDDPG
cd $AMDDPG-TORCS-ROOT/AMDDPG/multi_ddpg_2018_05_10 python test_multi_ddpg.py
You should see the result shown in "result_2018_05_16_episode5500.mp4" after two instable episodes.
Training DDPG
cd $AMDDPG-TORCS-ROOT/DDPG/ddpg_2018_03_24 python train_ddpg.py
Training AMDDPG
cd $AMDDPG-TORCS-ROOT/AMDDPG/multi_ddpg_2018_05_10 python train_multi_ddpg.py