A very basic internal hack for The Binding of Isaac - Rebirth.
It uses a FTXUI TUI to make different hacks toggleable.
- Freeze Health (Replace the health subtraction instruction with NOPs)
- Freeze Money at 99
- Freeze Bombs at 99
- Freeze Keys at 99
- Reverse PlayerEntity to gain access to the item pool
- Unlock Achievements
- Clone the project
- Cd into the project folder
- Run cmake --build cmake-build-debug --target DLL
- Inject DLL with any cheap injector, you can use guidedhacking's injector or Cheat Engine for this. Isaac is an indy game, so we don't need to manual map here.
- To inspect the GUI without running cheat internals (injecting, accessing and changing memory), run
in `cmake-build-debug/demo