This project sorts boarding cards and displays information which steps should be taken to complete the trip
Create .env file from .env.dist and put it in main directory
Docker uses PHP_PORT variable
To run project you need to install docker.
Firstly, install docker and docker-compose.
To run application you need to start docker containers. To do so, please run the following command:
docker-compose up
To run any php file, type:
docker-compose exec php [path_to_file]
Dependencies should be installed automatically.
Application will be available at the following address http://localhost:[PHP_PORT]
To run unit tests, you need to run following command:
docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/phpunit tests
An example file is in /public
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use App\Exception\TripSorterException;
use App\Service\Card\CardFactory;
use App\Service\Sort\CardSorter;
use App\Service\TransportType;
use App\Service\TripSorter;
$data = [];
$data[] = ['type' => TransportType::TRAIN, 'from' => 'Madrid', 'to' => 'Barcelona', 'seat' => '45B'];
$data[] = ['type' => TransportType::BUS, 'from' => 'Barcelona', 'to' => 'Gerona Airport'];
$data[] = ['type' => TransportType::PLANE, 'from' => 'Gerona Airport', 'to' => 'Stockholm', 'gate' => '45B', 'seat' => '3A', 'baggage_drop' => '344'];
$data[] = ['type' => TransportType::PLANE, 'from' => 'Stockholm', 'to' => 'New York JFK', 'gate' => '22', 'seat' => '7B'];
$factory = new CardFactory();
$sorter = new CardSorter();
$tripSorter = new TripSorter($factory, $sorter);
try {
$text = $tripSorter->findWay($data);
echo nl2br($text);
} catch (TripSorterException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();