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Spring Framework 5.x Tutorial -

This tutorial is purely on Spring and its ecosystem without using Spring Boot.

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Spring Core Tutorial

The following Spring Core Topics are covered in

  1. A high-level introduction to Spring Framework
  2. Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection in Spring
  3. Spring Bean Scopes – @Scope annotation
  4. Use of @Order annotation in Spring framework
  5. Mapping and Injecting Collections in Spring
  6. Spring bean Lifecycle Callbacks
  7. Spring bean definition Inheritance
  8. Spring BeanPostProcessor to customize beans
  9. Dependency Injection: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject
  10. Fine-tune auto wiring using @Primary and @Qualifier
  11. IoC Container, Bean Factory vs Application Context in Spring
  12. Managed beans using @Component, @Repository, @Service
  13. Classpath Scanning using @ComponentScan and Filters
  14. Spring @PropertySource to read property files
  15. Profiles in Spring to register beans conditionally
  16. Custom Events and Generic Events in Spring
  17. Handle Resources in Spring - Resource, ResourceLoader and ResourceLoaderAware interfaces
  18. Spring @Import and @ImportResource annotations

Spring AOP Tutorial

This is a complete Spring AOP tutorial without using Spring Boot. This is designed to give you a solid foundation of Spring-AOP fundamentals.

  1. Spring AOP introduction
  2. The @Before advice in Spring AOP
  3. Pointcut expressions in Spring AOP
  4. Combine and Reuse pointcut expressions in Spring AOP
  5. After returning advice in Spring AOP – @AfterReturning
  6. After Throwing advice in Spring AOP – @AfterThrowing
  7. After (finally) advice in Spring AOP – @After
  8. Around advice in Spring AOP - @Around
  9. Ordering advices in Spring AOP - @Order

Spring WebFlux Tutorial - own repo

Check the Spring WebFlux repo