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Parflow with SAMRAI Notes

WARNING! The SAMRAI version of Parflow is still beta and there may be issues with it.

The Paflow/SAMRAI version may use significantly less memory for some problems due to a more flexible computation domain. In Parflow the computation domain is specified as a single parallelepiped in the TCL input script. Parflow/SAMRAI will also accept this input but in addition supports specifying the computation domain as a set of parallelepiped subgrids. You may have more than one subgrid per processor. This enables the computation domain to more closely match the active region of the problem.

Note for CLM and WRF runs only a single subgrid is allowed per processor since CLM and WRF only decompose problems in X and Y. Also the subgrids will need to match the decomposition that WRF is using in X and Y.


Building with SAMRAI is an optional specified in the configure process using the '--with-samrai=<SAMRAI_DIR>' option. Where <SAMRAI_DIR> is the installed location of SAMRAI; should match the '--prefix=<SAMRAI_DIR>' specified during the SAMRAI configure.

The same compilers should be used to build Parflow and SAMRAI to avoid compilation issues. The same HDF and other options in both the SAMRAI and Parflow configures should be used to avoid library incompatibility issues.

Parflow should be built with the C++ compiler when building for use with SAMRAI. This can be done by setting the CC variable used to specify the compiler to Parflow.

So a minimal configure which includes SAMRAI would be:

CC=g++ ./configure --with-samrai=<SAMRAI_DIR>

If you fail to use a C++ compiler with the SAMRAI option Parflow will not compile.

Running Parflow with SAMRAI

You can run any existing input script with Parflow/SAMRAI; no changes are necessary. This should produce the same output as the non-SAMRAI version. However this offers no real advantage but is supported to allow for backward compatibility. If you want to run with a SAMRAI grid you need to do two things differently. First the compute domain specification is more complicated. Each subgrid must be specified. Second you must use pfdistondomain instead of pfdist to distribute input files.

File distribution

All of the grid based input files to Parflow must be specified on the SAMRAI grid. The "pfdistondomain" command distributes a file onto a domain in a similar way to pfdist worked for the old code. Indicator fields etc will need to be distributed using this utility. Basically if you used pfdist on something before, you must use pfdistondomain with the SAMRAI version.

Input file changes for running with a SAMRAI grid

This simplest example of specifying a SAMRAI grid is a single subgrid run on a single processor:

	pfset ProcessGrid.NumSubgrids 1
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.P 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.IX 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.IY 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.IZ 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.NX 10
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.NY 10
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.NZ 8

NumSubgrids is the total number of subgrids in the specification (across all processors). For each subgrid you must specify the processor (P) and the starting index and number of grid points along each dimension.

To run the previous problem on 2 processors the input might look like:

	pfset ProcessGrid.NumSubgrids 2
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.P 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.IX 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.IY 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.IZ 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.NX 10
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.NY 5
	pfset ProcessGrid.0.NZ 8
	pfset ProcessGrid.1.P 1
	pfset ProcessGrid.1.IX 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.1.IY 5
	pfset ProcessGrid.1.IZ 0
	pfset ProcessGrid.1.NX 10
	pfset ProcessGrid.1.NY 5
	pfset ProcessGrid.1.NZ 8

Which specifies a split of the domain along the Y axis at Y=5.

See the test script "samrai.tcl" for some examples on different processor topologies and using more than one subgrid per processor.

If you are manually building the grid for a CLM run you need to specify subgrid extents to include overlap for the active region ghost layer. Basically you need to make sure that the IZ and NZ values are such that they cover the active domain for each processor plus the active domain in neighboring processors ghost layers (IX-2 to NX+4). The overland flow calculation needs to have the information about the top of the domain to correctly move water to/from neighboring subgrids and communication is done only along subgrid boundaries so the subgrid extents need to be high enough to communicate the information between neighbors.

Manually building this grid is obviously less than ideal so some automated support is provided to help build a computation grid that follows the terrain. Emphasis on "some"; we realize this is a somewhat annoying procedure to have to do and hopefully we can automate this in the future.

The automated approach first requires running Paflow using the original single large computation domain approach for a single time-step (can be really small). Using the mask file from that is created by this run one can use the "pfcomputedomain" and "pfprintdomain" commands in pftools to write out a grid. This grid will use the processor topology you have specified to build a grid such that each processor's subgrid covers only the extent of the active region (which comes from the mask file).

A sample script compute_domain.tcl which does this is enclosed in test directory. The important parts are shown below.

This assumes the mask file exists and is called "samrai.out.mask.pfb".

First the processor topology is specified. The original large computation domain is specified. The mask file is then loaded. The top and bottom of the domain are computed from the mask. These are NX*NY arrays with values specifying the Z index of the top/bottom. pfcomputedomain computes the subgrids that cover top to bottom on each processor. This grid specification is then saved to the "samrai_grid.tcl" file. You can use the TCL "source" command to include this in your Parflow TCL input script (or cut and paste if you prefer).

Note that if you change the processor topology you need to rerun this script as the subgrids are processor dependent but you do not need to recompute the mask file.

set P  [lindex $argv 0]
set Q  [lindex $argv 1]
set R  [lindex $argv 2]

pfset Process.Topology.P $P
pfset Process.Topology.Q $Q   
pfset Process.Topology.R $R

set NumProcs [expr $P * $Q * $R]

# Computational Grid
pfset ComputationalGrid.Lower.X                -10.0
pfset ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y                 10.0
pfset ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z                  1.0

pfset ComputationalGrid.DX                       8.8888888888888893
pfset ComputationalGrid.DY                      10.666666666666666
pfset ComputationalGrid.DZ                       1.0

pfset ComputationalGrid.NX                      10
pfset ComputationalGrid.NY                      10
pfset ComputationalGrid.NZ                       8

set mask [pfload samrai.out.mask.pfb]

set top [pfcomputetop $mask]
set bottom [pfcomputebottom $mask]

set domain [pfcomputedomain $top $bottom]

set out [pfprintdomain $domain]

set grid_file [open samrai_grid.tcl w]
puts $grid_file $out
close $grid_file