- minikube
- helm
- kubectl
more than minimal due to gitlab instance need more than default minikube size.
minikube start \
--cpus 4 \
--memory 8000 \
glasskube recommendation is to have those outside of the original glasskube deployment, and for more production setups probably cert-manager for example is already installed and maintain outside of the glasskube scope.
ref: dependancies
operator for postgres instances!
helm repo add cnpg
helm upgrade --install cnpg \
--namespace cnpg-system \
--create-namespace \
certificate management for k8s.
helm install \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--version v1.14.2 \
--set installCRDs=true
add glasskube helm repo
helm repo add glasskube
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install glasskube glasskube/glasskube-operator -f values-reference.yaml
kubectl apply -f gitlab-glasskube.yaml
vault need selfsigned cert to works!.
apply selfsigned cert
kubectl apply -f cert-signed-vault.yaml
Create vault stack
kubectl apply -f vault.yaml
minikube delete