Releases: jqwidgets/jQWidgets
Releases · jqwidgets/jQWidgets
jQWidgets v8.3.2 Release, October-17-2019
What's New:
- Angular Ivy support.
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid Grouping regarding to its rendering when built with Angular Ivy.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid Angular Component about Grouping error thrown by setbatchgroupstate function.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about Filtering Dates, when the date format is custom.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about Filtering with custom source.filter callback function.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about autoheight rendering overlap.
- Fixed an issse in jqxGrid about adding new row. The boundindex of the row was not set so editing it was not possible.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about an error when using showfilterrow, groupable and autoloadstate.
- Fixed an issue in about an outdated CSS syntax.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler about rendering of appointments in TimelineView.
- Fixed an issue in jqxDataTable and jqxTreeGrid about dynamically changing the columnGroups.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid about dynamically setting the theme property.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTabs about the enabled "showCloseButtons" option with "reorder" option.
jQWidgets v8.2.0 Release, September-17-2019
What's New:
- Added Smart Web Components to the package.
What's Fixed:
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxGrid grouping.
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxGrid filtering.
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxGrid, jqxDataTable and jqxTreeGrid about data export.
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxListBox about inserting new items.
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxCheckBox about the checked event.
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxGrid about the virtualization.
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxDateTimeInput about the Localization and Formatting.
- Fixed Angular 8 related issue in jqxCalendar about the Localization and Formatting.
jQWidgets v8.1.4 Release, July-17 2019
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the rendering of appointments in timelineDayView when "exactTime" is turned on, the scale is 10 minutes and the appointment's duration is less than 5 minutes.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler resulting in error about globalize.js in Angular 8.
jQWidgets v8.1.3 Release, July-15-2019
What's Improved:
- jqxGrid row details can have variable dynamic height.
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about row details visibility in Firefox when the Grid has many columns.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about incorrect filtering through checkedlist filter, when there is "null" value in the Grid's data.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about scrolling right, then the exported data (xls) shows as a blank column.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler about incorrectly rendered timeline appointment, when the appointment is longer than month, exact-time rendering is enabled and the view is timeline month view.
- Fixed an issue in jqxKanban about the columns rendering, expand and collapse, when trying to add dynamically new columns.
- Fixed an issue in jqxKanban addItem method. The kanban-item-id was incorrectly set.
- Fixed an issue in jqxKanban regarding dynamically setting the source. That may result to duplicated items in some cases.
- Fixed an issue in jqxDropDownList regarding the label rendering when the width is in percentages.
- Fixed an issue regarding Angular 8 production build, Globalize.js and jqxCalendar, jqxDateTimeInput and jqxScheduler.
jQWidgets v8.1.2 Release, June-19-2019
What's Fixed:
- Fixed issues related to ESLint and Angular 8 production builds.
jQWidgets v8.1.0 Release, June-17-2019
What's New:
- Javascript Time Picker component.
- Javascript Heatmap component.
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in several components about Angular 8 production build error.
- Fixed an issue in jqxPivotGrid's setCellValue method behavior.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid. When scrolling to the last right column and using the "showvalidationpopup" method for the second column.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid. Selection rendering was incorrect after deleting a row.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Data Export to Excel of Date Columns exported as Strings. Now, the data is correctly exported.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when grouping aggregates are dynamically turned on/off.
- Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput. When the initial state of the input is empty and the value is null, the editing was not working correctly.
- Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput. Initial value is negative and rendering in "advanced" mode is wrong.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the localization rendering when showWeekends is false.
jQWidgets v8.0.0 Release, May-16-2019
What's New:
- Material ColorPicker Javascript component.
What's Improved:
- Angular 8 components integration.
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the Edit Appointment dialog.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the weekly recurring appointments when localization is applied.
- Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput Vue component.
- Fixed an issue in jqxInput regarding the maxlength property with material themes.
- Fixed an issue in jqxInput regarding its 'close' event.
- Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput regarding the Null value support with material themes.
- Fixed an issue in jqxPasswordInput regarding its placeholder with material themes.
- Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput Angular component regarding the placeholder property.
jQWidgets v7.2.0 Release, Apr-15-2019
What's Improved:
- jqxGrid resizing performance and rendering in responsive layouts.
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in jqxButton regarding the dynamic changing of themes.
- Fixed an issue in jqxButton for removing an event listener after calling 'destroy'.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the dynamic adding of appointments with resources.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when "removesort" is called and the multi column sorting is enabled.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when multi sort is enabled and columns height is changed dynamically.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when multi sort is enabled and "updatebounddata" method is called with parameter "sort".
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when an item in filter row's checked list filter contains "and".
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when filtering currency values with checked list filter.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when tabbing in case with "selectionmode: 'none'" select the first row.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the rendering when filtering and grouping are enabled. The grid is grouped by multiple columns and a filter is applied.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the rendering while resizing. Sometimes horizontal scrollbar was shown.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding keyboard navigation with pageUp and pageDown and scrolling when grouping is applied.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid regarding the "scrollBarSize" property.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid and jqxDataTable regarding the keyboard navigation with arrow keys and ensureRowVisible method.
- Fixed an issue in jqxPanel regarding the scrolling on mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTree when ensureVisible is called for the last item and horizontal scrolling is available.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTree when ensureVisible is called for an item with sub-items.
- Fixed an issue in jqxChart regarding the formatFunction of the labels settings.
- Fixed an issue in jqxSlider regarding the moving of thumb after click on the slider's track. The thumb possition had several pixels offset.
- Fixed an issue with jqxDropDownList dropdown positioning on mobile devices.
jQWidgets v7.1.0 Release, Feb-11-2019
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the ensurerowvisible method when grouping is enabled.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the keyboard navigation and selection when grouping is enabled.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the scrollbarsize property behavior.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the number input editor when the editor is localized.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the columnemenuopening column callback function.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the filter menu with datetimeinput and its popup.
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the filter menu with the "show rows where" and "show rows where date" strings.
- Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput regarding its resize rendering behavior.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the appointmentOpacity.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler - the labels of the resources disappeared on changing of the date in 'timeline view
- Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput with "allowNullDate" and initial 'null'.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTextArea regarding the 'selectAll' method.
jQWidgets v7.0.0 Release, Jan-10-2019
What's New:
- React components with TSX.
What's Improved:
- jqxGrid Columns and Cells custom styling. A 'style' column property has been introduced to make styling of cells and column headers easier.
What's Fixed:
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler recurrenceException thrown error when recurrenceException is not set, but recurrenceRule is.
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler recurrence issue. Reference: #25
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler TimelineMonthView rendering of appointments with exactTime rendering mode. Appointments were not rendered correctly. #16
- Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler Timeline views. Dragging and Resizing of appointments when the Scheduler is with absolute position. #19
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid Time Filtering issue. Reference: #27
- Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the validation popup diisplay for last row.
- Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid regarding the Aggregates rendering. #14
- Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput's getvalue method when the decimalSeparator is ','.