copyright | lastupdated | ||
2018-06-25 |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:tip: .tip}
{: #deploy}
You can deploy your apps with a toolchain or a command line interface. A toolchain is a set of tool integrations. The command line interface is a simple way to deploy your apps and service instances. {: shortdesc}
{: #toolchains_getting_started}
Open toolchains are available in the Public and Dedicated environments on {{}}. You can create a toolchain in two ways: use a template to create a toolchain or create a toolchain from an app. To learn more about toolchains, see Creating toolchains
With a properly configured toolchain, deploying your app is trivial: a build-deploy cycle will automatically start with each merge to the Master branch in your repo.
All toolchains that are created from an {{}} developer dashboard are configured for automatic deployment. {: tip}
{: #cli}
IBM Cloud provides a robust CLI as well as plug-ins and developer tool extensions that integrate with the CLI.
Use {{}} command line interface to deploy your apps and service instances. {:shortdesc}
Before you begin, download and install the {{}} command line interface.
Restriction: The command line tool isn’t supported by Cygwin. Use the tool in a command line window other than the Cygwin command line window. {:prereq}
After you install the command line interface, you can get started:
- {: download} Download the code for your app to a new directory to set up your development environment.
<a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" img class=“image” src=“images/btn_starter-code.svg” alt=“Download application code” title="(Opens in a new tab or window)"></a>
- Change to the directory where your code is located.
cd your_new_directory
- Make changes to your app code. For example, if you're using a {{}} sample application and your app contains the
file, you can modify it and edit "Thanks for creating ..." to say something new. Ensure that the app runs locally before you deploy it back to {{}}.
Take note of the `manifest.yml` file. When deploying your app back to {{}}, this file is used to determine your application’s URL, memory allocation, number of instances, and other crucial parameters.
Also pay attention to the `` file, which contains details such as build instructions if applicable.
Note: If your application is a Liberty app, you must build it before redeploying.
- Connect and log in to {{}}.
ibmcloud api https://api.DomainName
ibmcloud login -u username -o org_name -s space_name
If you use a federated ID, add the -sso
ibmcloud login -o org_name -s space_name -sso
Note: If the value contains a space, you must add single or double quotation marks around username
, org_name
, and space_name
, for example, -o "my org"
- From your_new_directory, redeploy your app to {{}} by using the
ibmcloud app push
command. For more information about theibmcloud app push
command, see Uploading your application.
ibmcloud app push app_name
- Access your app by browsing to https://app_url.AppDomainName.