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{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:tip: .tip}

Deploying apps

{: #deploy}

You can deploy your apps with a toolchain or a command line interface. A toolchain is a set of tool integrations. The command line interface is a simple way to deploy your apps and service instances. {: shortdesc}

Deploying apps with toolchains

{: #toolchains_getting_started}

Open toolchains are available in the Public and Dedicated environments on {{}}. You can create a toolchain in two ways: use a template to create a toolchain or create a toolchain from an app. To learn more about toolchains, see Creating toolchains

With a properly configured toolchain, deploying your app is trivial: a build-deploy cycle will automatically start with each merge to the Master branch in your repo.

All toolchains that are created from an {{}} developer dashboard are configured for automatic deployment. {: tip}

Deploying apps with the command line interface

{: #cli}

IBM Cloud provides a robust CLI as well as plug-ins and developer tool extensions that integrate with the CLI.

Use {{}} command line interface to deploy your apps and service instances. {:shortdesc}

Before you begin, download and install the {{}} command line interface.

Download IBM Cloud Developer Tools

Restriction: The command line tool isn’t supported by Cygwin. Use the tool in a command line window other than the Cygwin command line window. {:prereq}

After you install the command line interface, you can get started:

  1. {: download} Download the code for your app to a new directory to set up your development environment.
<a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" img class=“image” src=“images/btn_starter-code.svg” alt=“Download application code” title="(Opens in a new tab or window)"></a>
  1. Change to the directory where your code is located.
cd your_new_directory
  1. Make changes to your app code. For example, if you're using a {{}} sample application and your app contains the src/main/webapp/index.html file, you can modify it and edit "Thanks for creating ..." to say something new. Ensure that the app runs locally before you deploy it back to {{}}.
Take note of the `manifest.yml` file. When deploying your app back to {{}}, this file is used to determine your application’s URL, memory allocation, number of instances, and other crucial parameters.

Also pay attention to the `` file, which contains details such as build instructions if applicable.

Note: If your application is a Liberty app, you must build it before redeploying.
  1. Connect and log in to {{}}.
ibmcloud api https://api.DomainName
ibmcloud login -u username -o org_name -s space_name

If you use a federated ID, add the -sso option.

ibmcloud login  -o org_name -s space_name -sso

Note: If the value contains a space, you must add single or double quotation marks around username, org_name, and space_name, for example, -o "my org".

  1. From your_new_directory, redeploy your app to {{}} by using the ibmcloud app push command. For more information about the ibmcloud app push command, see Uploading your application.
ibmcloud app push app_name
  1. Access your app by browsing to https://app_url.AppDomainName.