Note: Bolded text (Text) means the item is Important / Critical
1. Work on docs / Wikis
- Work on css for Everything
- Attempt to create html configs
- When WebIDE is stable, create Online, Offline and OnPremise Stable
- Integrate JsTree to WebIDE and Add src to WebIDE-src -
- Work on WebIDE-FileExplorer
- Create stable release for WebIDE-Embeddable
- Try and add modules to webide
- Work on adding features (About 5)
- Work on WebIDE css
- Fix navbars with
- Add loaders from
- Add some things from
- Add to File Explorer
15. Update markdown tables
- Fix Ace
17. Fix all cards in index.html
- Try and create php version of WebIDE for OnPremise
- Integrate jekyll with webide
- add ftp access
- fix VNC viewer (NoVNC)
- Make more themes
- Embed FileExplorer to webide