All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.6.7 (2018-11-02)
- ngx-select-ex enable() doesn't work (b68aa6f)
- highlighted text calculation (ad2f9a1)
- improve performance (512b87f)
- improve the speed of the subjOptionsSelected calculation (dd574d7)
- keyAction order (35b920a)
- wrong behaviour with the keepSelectedItems option (5eaf544)
- placeholder out of the edges optimistex#87 (8feec36)
- If 'items' contains no data, option-not-found template not showing optimistex#81 (0bfddaa)
- Selection causing page to scroll to top in IE optimistex#75 (08ca700)
- The enter key works wrong when used immediately after filtering optimistex#60 (f219709)
- The text filter does not work in Chrome Mobile (Android Version) optimistex#41 (e2fb6fc)
- When the dropdown item is too long, the textbox breaks - optimistex#29 (d8f7127)
- error on pressing the key Enter when items is empty. (fe79b3a)
- ERROR Error: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'open show: 58'. Current value: 'open show: false'. (32ba202)
- Implement custom template for an option optimistex#20 (0ad0271)
- implemented NgxSelectComponent.navigated - optimistex#21 (comment) (034ae8e), closes /
- implemented templates for "option selected" and "option not found" (633c73c), closes /
- Not working with custom getter optimistex#19 (0710e0e)
- show the message "No results found" only when the items contain some items but all of them are filtered (26af3ab), closes /
- Error on disabled option with an empty array optimistex#13 (7904729)
- $browser: add the
events (93cd4be)
- should be disabled by FormControl.disable() (ff4f42b)